Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Uganda Dating 2012

In 2012 Uganda signed a contract with the stamp agency Stamperija. Little did they know apparently that this company would mass produce numerous
sets of topical issues unrelated to the country using the same topics as the illegal stamp producers have, were and are using.
The sales on eBay jump from 25 offerings for 2011 Uganda issues to over 200 offerings for 2012 Uganda issues. On Delcampe they jump from 24 offerings
to a whopping 984 offerings! This again is yet another example of the abusive stamps problem. This problem with this company continued through 2014
when apparently Uganda said enough is enough and forced the company to stop the abuse.
I and others have several "beefs" with Stamperija. The first is the fact that even though they no longer have any official contracts with Uganda,
they continue to run their webpages stating they are the "official" stamp agent for Uganda. Here is a link taken on August 8, 2020 from a Google
search for "Uganda Post Stamps".
Stamperija Uganda Postage Stamps webpage
You will hit this page in searches for "Uganda Official Stamps" and other search terms as well. This page is designed to basically "hijack" unknowing
collectors and visitors into thinking this is the official Uganda post website. THIS is the official website.
Uganda Official Post webpage
The statement "You have entered the official website of Uganda postage stamps" can throw many people off on what it really is. Just a place for
the company to promote ONLY its own abusive stamps.
The second and most important (at least to me) problem with this company is its linked "Illegal Stamps" page which denies the existence of any Uganda
illegal stamps existing. Here is a snapshot taken on August 8, 2020.

You can see it states:
"Currently we have received no information about Uganda illegal postage stamps."
This is a complete understatement and is stated on every country page like this that this agency runs contracts with. The owner knows fully about them.
The explanation of what the illegal stamps are is also fully worded to divert what illegal stamps are. They are counterfeit stamps and nothing
this stamp dealer owned company or any other stamp dealer states to the contrary is to be believed as you can see they all want the term counterfeit
to be avoided at all costs because the selling of counterfeit goods is a crime in any country and thus a punishable offense that can be
used to stop the production and sale of them permanently.
Moving on!
The following images are of illegal stamps produced for Uganda. Please remember that the producers of these illegal stamps are not only greedy,
they are crude and sometimes disgusting which is the nature of these people.
You should therefore use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you the following
displayed stamps are something other than counterfeit illegal stamps.
To find out what stamps are real and legitimate for Uganda visit the UPU WNS website and look at the Uganda section. Uganda has posted every official
stamp they have issued since the WNS system was created in 2002.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be very helpful as well.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Uganda
Some of the illegal stamps are shown in their Cinderella section and noted as Cinderella. This is a major error as they are not Cinderella
stamps by any circumstance. The only counterfeits they show are for some of the illegal stamps dating 2016. There are many more as you will see.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Uganda
I have found the Catalog to be very helpful as well.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Uganda
Here we go!
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates. Some exist on fake First Day Covers too.
Most times now (2020) the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. Many times the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions.
Sellers that call these "private", "locals", "Cinderella's", "unauthorized" are deceiving you. They are illegal stamps produced by a stamp dealer
that is bent on ripping you off! Some sellers state "we offer them because they are on the market". Well how about you use a different dealer
because that seller is "on the market"? If the stamp societies, auction sites and all other venues kicked these sellers off of their sites
then they would have to comply or lose their ability to sell anything.
The following images are free for the use of all to use to alert the public to them. If anyone wants to make a public list of users on eBay, Delcampe
and elsewhere who are selling these issues....fine by me since the UPU, PWMO and others appear to have given up or have not been updated in years.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
In 2012 more illegal stamps were produced in the name of Uganda. The producer(s) are in Eastern Europe. The diversity of their connected distributors becomes
apparent in the sales of them by different bad stamp dealers. I will list these dealers by their user names past and present with the sets that are presented.
Because these dealers sell counterfeit illegal stamps like these and in the name of other countries the advise is to avoid buying anything from them. Some
are "big" stamp dealers with supposed "impeccable" reputations. It does not matter who they are, if they sell illegal stamps knowingly or unknowingly they are
are not dealers to be trusted because they sell them. Therefore avoid them and if you like....let them know why you are avoiding them.
2012 Dinosaurs Souvenir Sheets of 6
I found the user nachtvlinder100 on Delcampe "exclusively" selling this set on the topic of Dinosaurs. The user of course is located in the Netherlands.
The set was sold on Delcampe for over $55.00!

2012 Dinosaurs Souvenir Sheets of 3

2012 Flora Floriade in the Netherlands Souvenir Sheet of 6
I found the user collect4all on Delcampe "exclusively" selling this set on the topic of Flora. The user of course is located in the Netherlands.
This user kicked off Delcampe for selling counterfeit illegal stamps.

2012 Flora Floriade in the Netherlands Souvenir Sheet of 3

2012 Olympic Games Marathon Winner Stephen Kiprotich Souvenir Sheet of 6
I found three users on Delcampe selling this set on the topic of Stephen Kiprotich. Our upstanding nachtvlinder100 in the Netherlands.
sensieboyke located in Belgium. sensieboyke sells many counterfeit illegal stamps and needs to be removed. A fairly new user by the name of
Stamps_and_More who was a previous user long ago by the name of ebab. ebab kicked off long ago. Just like ebab did this user
does not use year of issue to avoid detection. Stamps_and_More who is also located in the Netherlands needs the boot as well.

2012 Olympic Games Marathon Winner Stephen Kiprotich Souvenir Sheet of 3

2012 Painting by Rembrandt Palamedes Before Agamemnon Souvenir Sheet of 6
I found the user Stamps_and_More on Delcampe "exclusively" selling this set on the topic of Paintings. The user of course is located in the Netherlands.

2012 Painting by Rembrandt Palamedes Before Agamemnon Souvenir Sheet of 3

2012 Painting by Rembrandt The Rape of Europa Souvenir Sheet of 6
I found the user Stamps_and_More on Delcampe "exclusively" selling this set on the topic of Paintings. The user of course is located in the Netherlands.

2012 Painting by Rembrandt The Rape of Europa Souvenir Sheet of 3

2012 Paintings by Vincent Van Gogh Souvenir Sheets of 6
I found the user collect4all on Delcampe extensively selling this set on the topic of Paintings by Vincent Van Gogh. The user of course is located in the Netherlands.
I also found the user gazmito located in Poland selling it. gazmito is a major counterfeit illegal stamp seller as well and needs to be removed.

2012 Paintings by Vincent Van Gogh Souvenir Sheets of 3

2012 Queen Maxima of the Netherlands Souvenir Sheet of 6
I found the user collect4all on Delcampe "exclusively" selling this souvenir sheet on the topic of Queen Maxima.

Finally this last set which is and has been extensively sold. The topic is on Old Sailing Ships. The culprits selling it or pieces
from it are:
collect4all located in the Netherlands
marp located in the Netherlands
Stamps_and_More located in the Netherlands is currently pushing them on Delcampe
europol-stamps on eBay located in the Netherlands and currently pushing them
We can thus see the heart of these criminally produced and sold counterfeit illegal stamps is....the Netherlands. This is just a taste
of these criminal dealers activities.
2012 Sailing Ships Souvenir Sheets of 6

2012 Sailing Ships Souvenir Sheets of 3

Here is a Fake First Day Presentation Card created by them using a false instrument to create a fake cancel.
2012 Sailing Ships Fake Presentation Card Example

Between 2013 and 2015 a number of counterfeit illegal stamp set were made but most were made by Topnimarka in 2016
and back dated for those years. I will present them on the next page which I will call the 2015 page. It shows once again
how Stamperija had control over these criminal producers in stopping them from producing illegal stamps in the name of countries
that Stamperija obtained contracts with during the time those contracts ran.
View Next Page here!
Return to Uganda Illegal Stamps Introduction Page here
References taken from:
WNS Stamp System
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2020 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 09-Aug-2020 11:27 AM