São Tomé e Príncipe Illegal Stamps
Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Saint Thomas and Prince Islands dating 2005

In 2005 Stamperija did not issue any stamps for Saint Thomas and Prince Islands. The reasons are unclear. Possibly the contract
lapsed for a year or they had already fulfilled the number of sets allowed for a two year contract. All I can see is that they
not offer any stamps in the 2005 section for this country on their website. I have seen First Day covers made by Stamperija
with 2006 inscriptions with a 2005 cancel. so what gives with that? Both the online catalogs list nothing for the year 2005 nor
does any major catalog. Therefore it is verified that any stamp with the country name Sao Tome e Principe is a
counterfeit illegal stamp.
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be very helpful.
The Colnect Online Catalog for São Tomé e Príncipe
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It is upgraded as of 2024 and shows many counterfeits that are missing here.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for São Tomé e Príncipe
I have found the Catalog to be very helpful as well.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Sao Tome and Principe
In 2005 Juan Montero continued to have illegal stamps in the name of Saint Thomas and Prince Islands produced. In complete denial of the fact
that his stamps were not valid nor authorized to be made he churns out another glut of garbage. This time infesting the market with counterfeit
EUROPA CEPT stamps as well! To this day this clown and his buddies are plaguing the market with these illegal stamps. In a search on Hipstamps
for "sao 2005", he is running 584 listings on Hipstamps as of May 29, 2021 as user artstamps. His buddy Bentley1Stamp is running 253 listings.
In a general search on Hipstamps using the same term there are 839 listings. Yes, these two accounts dominate it. I am not even counting
searches for "Thomas 2005" and so forth, so you can see a huge problem there.
Let us see who is and has been selling these 2005 illegal stamps in the name of St. Thomas and Prince Islands. As of May 29, 2021.
I am only using the two terms "sao 2005" and Thomas 2005" for searches thus we are not even counting the deceptive users that don't use
country names or years in their titles. Yes, this is only a partial list of users selling these counterfeits.
On eBay.
bestphila01 located in the Netherlands. Selling full pane sets of EUROPA counterfeits.
pinchito94 located in Spain
coyotte118 located in France
imperialmintny located in the USA. Deceptively using Scott numbers that are not real.
segells located in Spain
polmar48 located in Spain
ercolegloriauk located in Italy
antverpiastamps located in Belgium
paintingboy2010 located in China
primus-gladiator located in Germany
div_style located in the USA
On Delcampe past and present.
carlo2576 located in Italy
stampshome located in the Netherlands
filateliadelahabana1 located in Spain
posty located in France
outletstamps located in Spain
ariegafni located in Israel
mayotte_dom located in France
phildom_domfil located in Spain
bernat19 located in Spain
yeled134 located in Canada
patpatounet located in France
vietnamcollectibles located in Vietnam
konvert29 located in Russia
Paper-Heritage located in the UK
cmmj located in Italy
collect4all located in the Netherlands. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
14ajj27 located in France. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
hanmart located in Poland
giervalk located in the Netherlands
delight96 located in Turkey
schaken located in the Netherlands
billypool located in Russia
boschuyl located in the Netherlands
vink1946 located in the Netherlands
wwfstamps located in Belgium. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
wwfst located in Russia. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
animskog located in Germany
sabirstamps located in India. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
concepcion located in Spain
jberoycarrillo1412 located in Spain
stampgroup located in Switzerland. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
agrome located in Italy
cactuskeeper located in the Netherlands. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
isabeldelatour1949 located in the UK. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps. This is Juan Montero.
beertijger located in the Netherlands. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
peludet located in Spain
bentley1stamp located in the UK. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
senyean located in Taiwan. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
primus-gladiator located in Germany
gwerid located in France
thematics4u located in the UK
marsoca located in Italy
robling located in the Netherlands
mailbyrail located in the UK
nino located in the USA
4stampsales located in the USA. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
madloose located in the USA
jrstamps50 located in the USA. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
bullterrier located in the UK
bigbird1011golf located in China
wakko15 located in the USA. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
rogerpo99 located in the UK. Kicked off for selling counterfeit stamps
On Hipstamps.
artstamps located in the UK. This is Isabeldelatour-Artstamps aka Juan Montero who dominates sales of these illegal stamps on Hipstamps.
Bentley1Stamp located in the UK. Associate of artstamps. Tries to look like a competitor not.
rogerpo99 located in the UK
kiliu located in Taiwan
We can see the pattern of dealers forming again. Same user names keep coming up over and over again. These same dealers appear on the lists
for many victimized countries. Removal of the main criminal dealers would eliminate 90% of the illegal stamp sales for this country worldwide.
This list and many others can be easily followed up on by authorities capable of prosecuting the main culprits. Most certainly they evade taxes,
launder money and are involved in other crimes related to counterfeiting of stamps.
Here we go!
The following are probably not all the counterfeit illegal stamps that are out there. There are many varieties of them including deluxe souvenir
sheets, imperforates, "errors", fake proofs, fake color proof sets, fake First Day covers and so forth. Sadly, one must be extremely wary in all regards
to modern stamps of Saint Thomas and Prince Islands. All caused by the greed of a small group of individuals bent on
ripping you off!
2005 Animals of the World Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Barrack Obama International Personalities Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Barrack Obama International Personalities Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Deluxe Souvenir Sheet of 1 (example)
As stated many of these souvenir sheets of 9 have these "deluxe" souvenir sheets created to increase profits for the criminals that produce and sell them.
Imperforate or not they are all of no value and have no rarity factor whatsoever. Do you think for a minute that if a criminal that produces illegal stamps
runs out of say the imperforate version, that criminal would not make more? Avoid!

2005 Birds WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9
The Groth catalog of Special Issues WWF is the only catalog that lists these. Namely because they gave Montero permission to use the WWF logo.
Sadly, the catalog does not define that these stamps are illegal as well as certain other sets mainly produced by this guy. I must note that at
least in the catalog number column they are listed with a "U". Because this catalog
lists them as "ordinary" stamps, some dealers (mainly criminals) use it to legitimize their sales of them. These are not listed by the major catalogs,
not listed by the UPU and not honored as valid postage by the postal administration of Saint Thomas and Prince Islands. They have no value because they
are illegal stamps. One "home made" catalog does not override what the stamp market has determined. The catalog lists the perforated souvenir sheet of four at $15.20.
It is not worth 15 cents! It has been mass produced and can be reproduced at will. In the research I have seen the imperforates going for huge amounts namely
because of this catalogs listings and prices. Again, they are not rare at all. People need to wake up and smell the coffee on these. Avoid them and the
dealers (mostly criminal illegal stamp dealers) like the plague!
I put a group of snapshots together from the catalog. The catalog can be found on the website. The website apparently no longer exists.
Note the extreme pricing for the common imperforates.
Groth WWF Special Issues Catalog Listings of Sao Tome e Principe Illegal 2005 WWF Stamps

Until that catalog is corrected, WWF collectors must be wary of its contents. Check the major catalogs to see if the set is listed. If it is not, bells
should start ringing in your head and you should research deeper. We have seen catalog editors and makers "bought off" in the past to list these illegal
stamps. It is possible in this case as well. Unless change is made in the right direction in regards to the illegal stamps being listed in this catalog
with value, then that case becomes stronger. Without at least noting what they are it promotes the sales of illegal stamps to the unknowing collector.
sorry to be so "rough" but one has to be in regards to counterfeit stamps and the people who promote them knowingly or unknowingly.

2005 Birds WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Butterflies Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Chess Masters Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 De Tomaso Maserati Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Elvis Presley Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9
This one is noted as illegal in the Colnect Catalog Cinderella section.

This next one is extremely interesting and quite upsetting for many. The EUROPA 50th Anniversary of the First Issue souvenir sheets and stamps. I knew these were
counterfeit as several other countries have the same problem with the exact same style and year. First here are a couple snapshots from other sites verifying
that they are counterfeit illegal stamps. status on Saint Thomas and Prince 2005 EUROPA Illegal Stamps

Colnect status on Saint Thomas and Prince 2005 EUROPA Illegal Stamps

Digging deeper we go back into the webpage Montero put up that I present on the introduction page. There he "proudly" displays a linked "document"
claiming the "copyright authorization for the Europa Issue". Here it is.
George Katz Filatelia International Copyright Authorization for the 2005 Europa Issue

A rather interesting turn of events considering this Montero on the stamp-scandal website accuses Katz of being a criminal in all regards!
Snapshots of stamp-scandal website articles on George Katz

An interesting point on the last bit of article. Montero states Katz approached him to be allowed to print Europa stamps.
Wait a minute!
The logo document says Montero is allowed to use the logo owned by Katz to make the St. Thomas and Prince Islands Europa issue!
Try this. Twist the stamp-scandal article so it reads "In 2004 Marino-Montero International approached Sorbourne Limited to allow them to
produce a commemorative issue......". Get it? The logo document conflicts with the article on who was printing the stamps.
The bottom line is the stamps are illegal stamps. Does not matter this Katz "authorized" anything because a logo like what is on the
document cannot be copyrighted. As you can see with the many Europa issues of the time, none but the illegally produced have this "logo" on them and none
of those have the copyright symbol under them.
Secondly, the Europa issues for Mozambique and Chad are deemed as counterfeit illegal stamps by Mr. Guadagno although the Mozambique is still listed
as if legal by Michel. Sadly the Democratic Republic of Congo is still being listed as legal as well. Finally there is the Afghanistan series which
is denounced as illegal as well. All made by the same designer. All have the
same style of printing. This shows us they were all made by one entity. So....the document Montero provided points the finger right at himself.
It is absolute proof he was the one that had the Saint Thomas and Prince Islands 2005 Europa illegal stamps printed.
Possibly another reason for the take down of the website. You see obsessive liars get tangled up after a while and the truth of what they
are comes out because they forget what they lie about and keep changing the story because it is one big lie!
The final straw is what this guy is selling.
Large number of the illegal Saint Thomas and Prince Islands 2005 and 2006 (more on the 2006 counterfeits on the next page) Europa illegal stamps.
Very large number of the illegal Mozambique 2006 Europa illegal stamps.
Large number of the illegal Chad 2005 Europa illegal stamps.
Oh, and the Milan 2004 illegal stamps for Saint Thomas and Prince Islands mentioned in the second article clip ta boot!
For the past decade and a half!
We can see that the illegal stamp producers and sellers turn on each other constantly. At one point good "business" partners and the next
minute cutting each others throat. The bottom line on all of it is that you cannot trust any dealer that sells illegal stamps. They belong
to the dark side of philately and they will always be on that side. It is in their nature to
rip you off!
2005 EUROPA 50th Anniversary of the First Issue Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9
These are all noted as illegal in the Colnect Catalog Cinderella section.
Tons of these are available all over the world. Certain dealers massively selling whole pane sets of them. Tons of imperforates out there. Probably more
than 500,000 were printed. By now a million more may have been reproduced. This is why illegal stamps are worthless. Be happy collecting the
verified Europa issues and avoid the unverified ones like these. Also be aware that there are forgeries out there of some Europa issues as well.

2005 EUROPA 50th Anniversary of the First Issue Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Formula I Michael Schumacher Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 History of Cinema and International Music Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 History of Cinema and International Music Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4
There are probably others like these.

2005 History of Cinema and International Music Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1
There are probably others like these.

2005 History of Concorde Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Deluxe Souvenir Sheets of 1
These were taken from the History of Concorde counterfeit souvenir sheet made in 2004. The Title changed to "21st Century History" and
the year changed to 2005. This shows you how these goons can reproduce any illegal stamp at will and change them to reap in more profits
at a later time. These are only two of the nine counterfeit stamps on the sheet so probably the others are reproduced in this form as well.

2005 Japanese Motorcycles Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Japanese Trains Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Japanese Trains Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2005 Jules Verne Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Marilyn Monroe Art by Hajime Sorayama Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Olympic Games in London in 2012 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Olympic Games in London in 2012 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 2 Plus Label

2005 Owls Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
In 2005 the counterfeit illegal producer made this huge glut of paintings. Probably in retaliation for the Stamperija glut of paintings
made in 2004. It appears they were in sets of souvenir sheets of 4 and 1. Therefore, some are missing. All are illegal stamps and the following
will get you to recognize them.
2005 Paintings by Adolphe-William Bouguereau Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Adolphe-William Bouguereau Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Auguste Renoir Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Auguste Renoir Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Edgar Degas Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Edouard Monet Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Edouard Monet Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Guillaume Seignac Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Gustave Courbet Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Gustave Moreau Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Henri Gervex Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Henri Toulouse Lautrec Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Henri Toulouse Lautrec Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Marie Francois Firmin Girard Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Pablo Picasso Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9
Blue Period.

2005 Paintings by Pablo Picasso Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Pablo Picasso Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Paul Cezanne Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Paul Gauguin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Paintings by Paul Gauguin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Paul Gauguin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Pierre Bonnard Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Pierre Bonnard Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Richard Wagner Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Tamara De Lempicka Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Tiziano Titian Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Paintings by Utagawa Kunisada Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Paintings by Utagawa Kunisada Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Paintings by Vincent Van Gogh Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

Some of these criminal dealers would have you paying several hundred dollars to get the whole series. Guarantee it is not worth your time nor the trouble
to do that.
2005 Pope Benedict XVI Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9 Plus 3 Labels

2005 Pope John Paul II Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Princess Diana Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 9

2005 Princess Diana Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2005 Red Cross Henry Dunant Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Rotary International Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2005 Royal Navy The International Fleet in Review Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2005 Steam Locomotives Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 Turtles Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2005 United Nations Organization Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

In 2006 Stamperija returns to production of abusive issues in the name of Sao Tome e Principe. Mayfair International continues
to produce illegal stamps as well. We can see it end though in this year as far as the British counterfeit producer is concerned.
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References taken from:
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2021 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 11-May-2024 03:57 AM