São Tomé e Príncipe Illegal Stamps
Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Saint Thomas and Prince Islands dating 2006

In 2006 Stamperija returns to creating more abusive stamp issues in the name of Sao Tome e Principe. They are considered abusive stamp
issues because as has been stated in numerous locations the stamps are authorized by the Saint Thomas and Prince Islands postal
authorities but only distributed by Stamperija through their own website for collecting purposes.
The break between 2004 and 2006 is interesting. It is not known why this occurred. On the Stamperija site you see that no stamps
are offered for the year 2005. No catalogs list anything for that year as well. When you dig deeper though, you find that at least one
of the issues being offered in the 2006 section and listed by the catalogs for 2006 have First Day Covers dating in 2005! Here is an image.
Saint Thomas and Prince Islands 2006 Owls and Mushrooms Stamperija Issue on 2005 and 2006 First Day Covers
Here is a comparison of two Stamperija Owls and Mushrooms FDC's. One is dated 2005 and the other dated 2006. So what gives with that?

Again numerous Stamperija issues made for 2006 have an uncanny resemblance to styles of illegal stamps used in the name of other countries.
Here is an example.
Saint Thomas and Prince Islands Stamperija 2006 Mozart Souvenir Sheets
Scott Catalog Number 1577 and 1586

Also what is interesting is the Stamperija gold foil stamps produced in this year. They are exactly the same style as the Impressor S.A. 2004 gold foil
stamps made in the name of the Congo Democratic Republic and the Feigenbaum (values in CF) illegal gold foil stamps in the name of the Congo
Democratic Republic made in 2003! But nobody seems to have been connecting the dots on any of this yes? The major catalogs cheerfully listing them
even though postal usage of any of them by St. Thomas and Prince Islands is virtually null....
Saint Thomas and Prince Islands Stamperija 2006 Humanists Gold Foil Souvenir Sheet
Scott Catalog Number 1650

Since the catalogs are listing them there is nothing we can do except complain and point out their own breaking of their rules for listing stamps. The
advise again as stated by many including the FIP and so forth is to avoid them all for this country. Prices asked for any stamps of this time era are
highly over inflated and meant to reap profits strictly from collectors not savvy to the problem.
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be very helpful as far as what is being listed in the catalogs.
The Colnect Online Catalog for São Tomé e Príncipe
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It is upgraded as of 2024 and shows many counterfeits that are missing here.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for São Tomé e Príncipe
I have found the Catalog to be very helpful as well.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Sao Tome and Principe
In 2006 Montero continued to produce counterfeit illegal stamps made by Mayfair International in the name of Sao Tome e Principe even though it
was long understood that they were not honoring anything he produced. Try to find any of them used on real covers and you will find there are none.
To this day he and his associates sell them on the online venues and on their private websites in many instances claiming they are "official"
issues. To this day in 2021 none have been proven to be anything other than
counterfeit illegal stamps.
Let us see again who is and has been selling these 2006 illegal stamps in the name of St. Thomas and Prince Islands. As of May 31, 2021.
I am only using the two terms "sao 2006" and Thomas 2006" for searches thus we are not even counting the deceptive users that don't use
country names or years in their titles. Yes, this is only a partial list of users selling these counterfeits but shows the boldest and main dealers.
On eBay.
pinchito94 located in Spain located in Spain. Really is Decimavilla, a notorious illegal stamp dealer.
vad83-4 located in Bulgaria
bestphila01 located in the Netherlands. Still selling the fake EUROPA 2005 stamps as 2006 stamps.
jozef1809 located in Belgium
dave19725 located in the USA. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
Yes, a lot smaller list for eBay now!
On Delcampe.
Noting this new_boutique user selling the Stamperija issues in massive listings dating older and newer issues as 2006 issues and so forth.
This is called "spamming" using deceptive titles to attract buyers. In this case placing a false year in the title. Avoid dealers that use
these tactics. Deceiving buyers by using these kind of spamming methods makes a dealer untrustworthy in every regard aside from making themselves
a nuisance for buyers searching for specific items.
bigwhale located in China
outletstamps located in Spain
nelly_pz located in Bulgaria
phildom_domfil located in Spain
blocfan located in Germany
yeled134 located in Canada
javaro1 located in the Bahamas. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
all_for_collectors located in Lithuania. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
ottofa311 located in Germany. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
stampshome located in the Netherlands. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
beny located in Romania
homosepien located in France. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps. Now why would Yvert list them as Numbers 1-8?
bicycle_stamps located in Germany
peludet located in Spain. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
25eugen located in Poland. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
stampgroup located in Switzerland. Kicked off Delcampe for selling counterfeit stamps.
concepcion located in Spain
bernat19 located in Spain
isabeldelatour1949 located in the UK. Kicked off Delcampe for selling counterfeit stamps. This is Montero.
pezoe located in Germany
bentley1stamp located in the UK. Kicked off Delcampe for selling counterfeit stamps.
lio91 located in France. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
robling located in the Netherlands
repub located in France
jrstamps50 located in the USA. Kicked off Delcampe for selling counterfeit stamps.
madloose located in th USA. Selling the fake 2005 EUROPA stamps as 2006 stamps.
rogerpo99 located in the UK. Kicked off Delcampe for selling counterfeit stamps.
bigbird1011golf located in China
On Hipstamps.
artstamps aka Isabeldelatour located in the UK. This is Montero.
Bentley1Stamp located in the UK
rogerpo99 located in the UK
Again we see the pattern of who started it and who continues to this day to proliferate counterfeit illegal stamps. Saint Thomas and
Prince Islands is just one of over 100 countries victimized by this. The main dealers of illegal stamps are involved in many of them and
to this day continue. They must be confronted for their crimes.
Here we go!
The following are probably not all the counterfeit illegal stamps that are out there. There are many varieties of them including deluxe souvenir
sheets, imperforates, "errors", fake proofs, fake color proof sets, fake First Day covers and so forth. Sadly, one must be extremely wary in all regards
to modern stamps of Saint Thomas and Prince Islands. All caused by the greed of a small group of individuals bent on
ripping you off!
2006 EUROPA Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
Rather than be satisfied with just producing the 2005 counterfeit EUROPA stamps the producer creates yet another counterfeit set for 2006. This
one not even recognized in the "home made" WWF Special Issues catalog referenced on the 2005 page. Avoid!

2006 EUROPA Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1
Major Events in the Aeronautical, Maritime and Space Domains
This next "group" of counterfeit illegal stamps was produced and developed in partnership with the Lollini Company ( This
company has been involved for many years in production of counterfeit illegal stamps mainly related on the topic of Space. On their website are
hundreds (if not thousands) of illegal stamps in all forms of varieties being offered. Again, a company that makes "home made" catalogs listing
these counterfeit stamps as if real. Because this company is highly involved with illegal stamps, it is advised to avoid them like you
would avoid a rattlesnake in the desert! These people proudly have their "logo" placed on illegal stamps simply because they do not fear the countries
they are victimizing will do anything legal to end their charade. Hopefully after the next congress that will change. Avoid these like the plague!
2006 Major Events Arctic Exploration Ships and Submarines Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2006 Major Events Lollini Catalogs Anniversary Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6
Here we have a blatant celebration of the production of catalogs by this company. I am certain that if the postal authorities of this country
knew about this, they would be highly enraged. Of course Stamperija isn't letting them know anything as they deny any illegal stamps except
one have and are being produced in the countries name. This is the kind of "data" the UPU and this Jean-Francois Logette who is presumed the
"expert" within the UPU on illegal stamps have gone by.

2006 Major Events Lollini Catalogs Anniversary Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3
Although the inscriptions for the anniversary are not on these counterfeit souvenir sheets, that is obviously the souvenir sheet they are from.

2006 Major Events Lollini Catalogs Anniversary Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 3 on Fake First Day Cover
Here is an example of one on a fake First Day Cover. Everything is bogus with these. All of this "group" are on them and should be shunned by everyone.

This next group of three counterfeit souvenir sheets relate to the topics of the Concorde and Space. Noting the "21st Century History"
inscriptions on them as well. Avoid!
2006 Major Events Concorde and Space Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3

2006 Major Events Astronauts Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2006 Major Events Columbia Space Shuttle Tragedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1 on Fake First Day Cover

2006 Marilyn Monroe Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2006 Marilyn Monroe Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2006 Pope John Paul II Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2006 Queen Elizabeth II and Concorde Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2006 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2006 Serge Gainsbourgh and Brigitte Bardot Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2006 Tour de France Cycling Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2006 World Cup Soccer Football Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

2006 World Cup Soccer Football Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

The production of illegal stamps appears to have ended in 2006 as far as the British producer is concerned. No more can be found in the name of
Sao Tome e Principe until the evil Russian based counterfeit producers arrive on the scene. They did not appear until 2015 but
being even more evil than the British producers, they have "back dated" some of their counterfeits all the way back to 2009!
To this day in 2021 Stamperija holds the contract to make stamps for Saint Thomas and Prince Islands. That abuse will continue until the UPU
decides to enforce their rules on stamp issuing best practices and give this country and others that are members using the same practices of
abuse the ultimatum to either comply with the rules or get out of the union!
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References taken from:
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2021 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 11-May-2024 03:59 AM