Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Madagascar according to U.P.U. Circular 39
You can view circular 39 in PDF form by clicking on this link.
UPU Circular Number 39
To find out what stamps are real and legitimate for Madagascar visit the UPU WNS website.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be helpful as well although there are "conflicts" between what is listed there and what is on the WNS system at times.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Madagascar
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It will help you verify many as well including newer counterfeits produced by the British illegal stamp producer.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Madagascar Illegal Stamps
I have also found the Stampworld online catalog to be very useful as well although some controversial issues (Mainly Impressor S.A. unauthorized stamps) are listed there.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Madagascar
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you they are something
other than illegal stamps.
The Legitimate Stamps issued by Madagascar for 2015

Printed by Joh Enschede Security Printers
These are the only stamp issues for Madagascar in 2015. Everything else is fake and illegal stamps.
Noting the dates on the stamps are 2014. According to the WNS system all were issued in 2015.
Here we go!
All imaged illegal stamps are for the year 2015.
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates and on fake First Day covers.
Most of the time now, (2016), the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. In some cases the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
The production of illegal stamps for Madagascar continues on an even larger scale than the previous years. Namely because
of no retaliation against dealers of them and no new circulars being generated at the UPU since 2008.
The block souvenir sheetlets and "diamond" shaped stamp souvenir sheets "series" started in 2013 continues. All are
illegal stamps! The same dealers (or should we call them "stealers") are selling them. More evidence they are connected with the
illegal stamp producers hands down!
2015 Albert Einstein Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Albert Einstein Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One on Fake First Day Covers
Just about every illegal stamp issue with this style for Madagascar have fake First Day covers again. They never saw Madagascar and
were never cancelled by them.

2015 Albert Schweitzer Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Adventures of Alice in Wonderland Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo-Soyuz Space Mission Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Creation of the Baikonur Cosmodrome Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Battle of Waterloo Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Wild Orchids and Butterflies Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Classic Locomotives Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Cricket Players Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Dogs Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 70th Anniversary of the End of World War II Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Hubble Telescope Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 International Space Station Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Lunar New Year of the Monkey Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Minerals Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Olympic Games in Rio Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Owls Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Pyramids Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Seashells Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Voskhod 2 Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Sir Winston Churchill Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

I stated on page 3 that in 2014 new styles of illegal stamps were introduced. Either a competing illegal stamp producer has emerged or they were made
by the same producers. I think it is the latter because even though the style is quite distinct and because some topics duplicate topics the maker of
the above illegal stamps produced also has been found to produce these styles as well.
Noting also the seller of the following souvenir sheets with circular stamps is different than the dealers selling the souvenir sheets with
diamond shaped stamps. Probable reasons are they are given the different styles to make their sales "unique" appearing from each other. Yet
all of them are coming from the same producer which in this case has been globalphila of which evidence has been retained from their sales.
2015 Bees Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Seabirds Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Buffalo Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Camels Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Cats Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Hunting Dogs Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Exotic Fish Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Giraffes Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Gorillas Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Dragonflies Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Pandas Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Zebras Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of four and Souvenir Sheet of One

Here we go again with the souvenir sheets with triangle shaped illegal stamps. These illegal stamp producers really don't have much imagination when
it comes to stamp production. Basically they are too lazy and probably don't have equipment to produce high quality unique stamp products. When
you compare any of these illegal stamps to genuine Madagascar stamps you can see a huge difference in quality as the illegal stamps are on
cheap paper, have cheap inferior gum and the images are cheap because they cannot produce detailed images like real stamps with their cheap equipment
and/or printers. This is why the designs are so similar over the years. They are too lazy to create new designs. Why should they when apparently
they are selling the junk in mass!
2015 Butterflies Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets

2015 Mushrooms Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets

2015 Rowland Hill Penny Black Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet

2015 Submarines Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets think it is pretty bad now right? It is worse! All caused by your stamp leaders and experts turning a blind eye to the sellers
of this junk. Indeed it is very sad that such activity is allowed to go on in plain sight!
Remember the last years "heart" Flowers and Butterflies illegal stamps? They went all out crazy with them this time....
Combining them with their (sic) three stamp "new design" sheetlets.
2015 Trophime Bigot Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Claude Gellee Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Hyacinthe Rigaud Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Artemisia Gentileschi Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Lodovico Carracci Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Rembrandt Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Cesare Dandini Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Pierre Paul Rubens Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Johannes Vermeir Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Orazio Gentileschi Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Le Caravage Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Le Guerchin Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Bartolome Esteban Murillo Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Abraham Bosse Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Antoine van Dyck Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 David Teniers the Younger Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Diego Velasquez Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Francisco de Zurbaran Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Francisco Ribalta Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Frans Hals Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Jacob van Ruisdael Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Jan Brueghel the Elder Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Jose de Ribera Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Michelangelo Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Simon Vouet Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

Wow! What a set! To bad they are all illegal stamps.
Is there more? You bet!
2015 Apollo 1 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 7 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 8 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 9 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 10 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 11 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 12 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 13 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 14 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 15 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 16 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

2015 Apollo 17 Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One

Then the illegal stamp producers try to hit as many more topics as they can.....
2015 African Birds Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 African Marine Life Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 African Wildlife Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 The History of Baseball Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 The Battle of Waterloo Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four
Madagascar must be real interested in the Battle of Waterloo to be making all these stamps with this topic!

2015 Dolphins Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 70th Anniversary of the Victory of World War II Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlets of Three and One
Really interested in World War II also......

2015 The Royal Babies Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 70th Anniversary of the Soviet Victory over Japan Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Three and Souvenir Sheet of One
Again, really interested in World War II......

And then....more trains...
2015 Trains of Africa Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 Trains of China Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 Trains of Europe Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

2015 Trains of the Balkans Stamp Souvenir Sheetlet of Four

In 2015 the Russian based dealers who I believe are also the producers appear. The company is called located in Moscow Russia.
They have created a new website called as well in 2019. Everything they are selling is fake and counterfeit stamps.
They are mass producing counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of many countries. The "styles" unique to themselves,
these people are producing and selling counterfeit stamps at a massive rate dating to current times.
The Russian based company has produced the following counterfeit illegal stamps dating 2015 in the name of Madagascar. They are not commonly seen
on the main stamp market because we are fighting for you to keep them off the main market. Should this company be allowed to run accounts
on the main stamp venues like eBay and Delcampe, you will see a new flood of illegal stamps worse than ever seen before. This company is consistently
trying to create new accounts on the venues to move them into the main stream market. Should you see them on sites like eBay and Delcampe, you can
report them to me and I can assure you that they will not be there long!
I have discovered that this company is producing counterfeit stamps in later years and back dating them. For Madagascar
this is the case for both sets dating 2015. Avoid!
Illegal Stamps in the name of Madagascar Being Disbursed by
Не настоящие Незаконньӏе
Штампьӏ по Филателистический салон
а также
2015 Olympics 35th Anniversary of Moscow Olympics in Souvenir Sheet of 4
These counterfeit illegal stamps were produced in 2017 and back dated to 2015. They were never on the market until 2017.

2015 Olympics 35th Anniversary of Moscow Olympics in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2015 Olympics 35th Anniversary of Moscow Olympics in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2015 World War II in Souvenir Sheets of 3
These counterfeit illegal stamps were produced in 2019 and back dated to 2015. They were never on the market until 2019.
They are some of the ugliest and cheaply made counterfeit illegal stamps on the internet!

2015 World War II in Souvenir Sheets of 1

In 2016 it get worse!
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
U.P.U. Circular No. 39
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2016 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 06-Mar-2021 12:57 PM