Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Madagascar according to U.P.U. Circular 39
You can view circular 39 in PDF form by clicking on this link.
UPU Circular Number 39
To find out what stamps are real and legitimate for Madagascar visit the UPU WNS website.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be helpful as well although there are "conflicts" between what is listed there and what is on the WNS system at times.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Madagascar
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It will help you verify many as well including newer counterfeits produced by the British illegal stamp producer.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Madagascar Illegal Stamps
I have also found the Stampworld online catalog to be very useful as well although some controversial issues (Mainly Impressor S.A. unauthorized stamps) are listed there.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Madagascar
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you they are something
other than illegal stamps.
Here we go!
All imaged illegal stamps are for the year 2016.
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates and on fake First Day covers.
Most of the time now, (2019), the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. In some cases the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
Over two years have passed since I created this page. Over that time period the production of counterfeit illegal stamps has increased considerably for Madagascar.
Almost twice as many illegal stamps dating 2016 have been produced than what I had listed on this page when I created it in 2016.
Several more key sellers have appeared on eBay selling them in mass. Because of this at the request of representatives fighting against the proliferation
of counterfeit illegal stamps, I am updating this page and adding new pages for the newest illegal stamps. This information is being directly given to
the Malagasy postal authorities and to representatives within the U.P.U.. We are beginning to "turn up the heat" on these criminal sellers and producers.
The eradication of them and their fake garbage on sites like eBay and Delcampe is coming.....
The production of illegal stamps for Madagascar continues. Namely because of no retaliation against dealers of them and no new circulars
being generated at the UPU since 2016.
Madagascar has been consistently updated with their new issues on the WNS system so you can depend on the system telling you what has been officially
issued. My advise is to not buy the newest Madagascar stamps unless you buy them directly from the post or wait until they are listed on the WNS system.
The 2016 circular 39 again stresses that you can view all legally issued stamps for Madagascar on the WNS website.
The same dealers (or should we call them "stealers") are selling them. More evidence they are connected with the
illegal stamp producers hands down! Why? Because they are selling them during the year of production!
The following key sellers are proudly pumping them out on eBay. Several new ones added in 2019.
eren3049 based in the United Kingdom owned by Erwyn Rentzenbrink. Business name is W4 Stamps and Collectables
europolstamps based in Poland and website owned by Andrzej Pietkiewicz
sgi-stamps aka spectre-stamps on Delcampe located at St Gallen 9000 St Gallen Switzerland
marlen-stamps owned by Leonard Cohen in the United States
snowflower2008 based in China
globalphila states based in the U.S. but actually based in Lithuania and owned by Mr. Anton Vesialou
On Delcampe
w4stamps aka eren3049 on eBay
One has them noted as Cinderella Souvenir Sheets. They are not cinderella's!
They are illegal stamps run off on a cheap printer by and for a stamp dealer bent on RIPPING YOU OFF!!
As for all the others offering this junk today...they all say nothing and are calling them stamps. Total deceit.
In 2016 Madagascar officially issued 1 stamp according to the WNS system, Colnect Online Catalog and other catalogs.
All are in agreement for this year.
Madagascar 2016 The 16th Francophonie Summit - Antananarivo Scott 1647
Issued November 21, 2016 Printer is Enschede Security Printers

There are several stamp issues with the year date of 2016 that were issued in 2017. Those are shown on the next page.
It is therefore understood that any stamp dating 2016 (other than the above issue and the official issues shown
on the 2017 page) in the name of Madagascar is a counterfeit illegal stamp!
Following are images of the illegal stamps I have found offered for Madagascar dating 2016. There may and probably are more.
All of these I found in searches on eBay and Delcampe and all are illegal stamps made by producers bent on ripping you off!
I present them in alphabetical order of titles as there is no logical order for illegal stamps.
2016 Bob Dylan Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Bob Dylan Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Cats Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1
Noting all the "block" souvenir sheets with this style are mainly offered by Marlen Stamps. This shows direct connection with the producer of this "style", if you can even call it that.
I call them shoddy and cheap and definitely not worthy to be placed in any real collection.
In 2019 the trend continues although I see this eren3049 is now offering many showing association between the two dealers.

2016 Miguel de Cervantes Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Miguel de Cervantes Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 The Treasures of Chinese Culture Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Chinese Leaders Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Chinese Leaders Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Charles Darwin Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Charles Darwin Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 David Bowie Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 David Bowie Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Diamonds Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Flowers Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Flowers Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 French Leaders Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 French Leaders Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Spacecraft of the Future Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 George Michael Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 George Michael Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Insects Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Lighthouses Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Barack Obama Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Barack Obama Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Parrots Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Parrots Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Pink Floyd Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 The Red Cross and Aid to Refugees Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Scouts and Nature Butterflies Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Scouts and Nature Dinosaurs Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Scouts and Nature Owls Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1

2016 Soviets in Space Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Soviets in Space Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Summer Olympics Basketball Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Summer Olympics Soccer Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Summer Olympics Tennis Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Summer Olympics Running Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 Military Trains Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Military Trains Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

2016 The German Reich Leaders of the Second World War Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1 Set
This set and all the rest are offered and controlled by europolstamps. Almost half the illegal stamps for 2016 are being offered
by this one seller! Note how all have the same styles and designs, yet totally different than the illegal stamps shown above.
Probably a completely different producer as is the seller that supports that producer.
German Leaders Set 1

German Leaders Set 2

German Leaders Set 3

German Leaders Set 4

German Leaders Set 5

German Leaders Set 6

You can get the whole set for $50.00! Run off on a cheap printer by a cheap producer that has had absolutely no contact
with Madagascar and offered to you by a stamp dealer bent on ripping you off!!
The following all basically have the same layout and style but different topics. All illegal stamps and all available on eBay by the same seller.
2016 The United Kingdom Leaders of the Second World War Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Soviet Union Leaders of the Second World War Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Leaders of the Second World War Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Leaders of the Second World War Hitler Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1
This was an "odd man out" souvenir sheet. Are there other different ones? Probably. They can print them as fast as you buy them.

2016 The Leaders of the People's Republic of China Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Leaders of the Soviet Union Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Submarine Aces of the Second World War Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Aces of the First World War Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 Inter-allied Conferences in Tehran Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 Marxism Leninism Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 Nuclear physics Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 55th Anniversary of the First Flight in Space Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Designers of the Technology used in Space Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 The Pioneers of Space Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2016 World Cup Soccer Championship Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of of 4 and 1 Sets
This set of illegal stamps offered by globalphila.

2016 Year of the Monkey Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 3 and 1
This set of illegal stamps offered by, just look at the image.
This set is described in circular 39.

2016 Year of the Rooster Souvenir Sheet of 3
Added in 2019.

2016 Year of the Rooster Souvenir Sheet of 1
Added in 2019.

Illegal Stamps in the name of Madagascar Being Disbursed by
Не настоящие Незаконньӏе
Штампьӏ по Филателистический салон
а также
It is in 2016 that this criminal actually started producing illegal stamps in the name of Madagascar. We can see this as the sets produced
dating 2014 and 2015 are all back dated. When I updated this page in 2019 after discovering this clown on eBay, we did not know the extent that this criminal producer had gone
in producing counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Madagascar. We found after finding this companies websites that it is much worse than
originally thought. This section now added in 2021.
For 2016 sets in the name of Madagascar I have found that only 1 set was back dated. They have produced 27 different sets dating 2016 and could add more at any time. Avoid them all!
2016 ABBA in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 ABBA in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 ABBA in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Ancient Bridges in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Ancient Bridges in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Ancient Bridges in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Bridges in Souvenir Sheets of 4
In 2016 this new "style" was introduced for illegal stamp sets in the name of Madagascar. Obviously developed to steal more
money from collectors. The criminals are asking 5000p for sets like this which is equivalent to $67.00 U.S.. They are not worth 67 cents!
The stealer states on the website these are made in 2015. The year date on them is 2016.

2016 Bridges in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Easter Paintings in Souvenir Sheet of 4
These counterfeit illegal stamps were produced in 2017 and back dated to 2016. They were never on the market until 2017.

2016 Easter Paintings in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Easter Paintings in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 FIFA World Cup 2018 Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This set was being exclusively offered by the user russian_federation in 2019 (account closed). This showed direct ties with the distributer/producer and this eBay user.

2016 FIFA World Cup 2018 in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 FIFA World Cup 2018 in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Football Clubs in Souvenir Sheet of 4
This set of counterfeit illegal stamps has no year inscribed on the fake stamps. The dealer claims they were made in 2016.

2016 Football Clubs in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Football Clubs in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Legends of Soviet Hockey in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Legends of Soviet Hockey in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Napoleon's Battle in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Napoleon's Battle in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Olympic Games History in Russia in Souvenir Sheet of 4
This set of counterfeit illegal stamps has no year inscribed on the fake stamps. The dealer claims they were made in 2016.

2016 Olympic Games History in Russia in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Olympic Games History in Russia in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Olympic Games in Rio in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Olympic Games in Rio in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Olympic Games in Rio in Souvenir Sheets of 1
Here the criminal producer created a huge series of 15 counterfeit illegal stamp sets on the topic of famous paintings. You would have
to pay for the whole series 75,000p in Russia equal to around $1,005.00 U.S.! In most cases with even legitimate modern topical stamps, they are not worth
these prices at all. Buy a real investment like a U.S. Zeppelin stamp or Egyptian 1st issue stamp at these prices and you will find yourself much
happier with the results. Avoid these counterfeits and the dealers that sell them like the plague!
2016 Paintings by Albrecht Durer in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Albrecht Durer in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Bartolome Esteban Murillo in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Bartolome Esteban Murillo in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by El Greco in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by El Greco in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Francois Boucher in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Francois Boucher in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Jan Vermeer in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Jan Vermeer in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Leonardo da Vinci in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Michelangelo Buonarroti in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Michelangelo Buonarroti in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Paul Gauguin in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Paul Gauguin in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Raphael in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Raphael in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rijn in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Sandro Botticelli in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Sandro Botticelli in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Tiziano Vecellio in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Paintings by Tiziano Vecellio in Souvenir Sheets of 1
End of Paintings
2016 Sailing Ships in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2016 Sailing Ships in Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Space Astronaut James Lovell in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Space Astronaut James Lovell in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Space Astronaut James Lovell in Souvenir Sheets of 1

In 2017 the production of counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Madagascar continues at an alarming rate!
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
WNS Stamps Website
U.P.U. Circular No. 39
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2016-2019 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 13-Mar-2021 10:16 AM