Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Chad

The following images are of illegal stamps produced for Chad. Please remember that the producers of these illegals are not only greedy,
they are crude and sometimes disgusting which is the nature of these people.
To verify what stamps are real and legitimate for Chad from 2003 forward, visit the UPU WNS website and look at the Chad section.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be helpful although there are "conflicts" between what is listed there and what is listed on the Stampworld catalog.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Chad
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It is upgraded as of 2023 and shows counterfeits that may be missing here.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Chad Illegal Stamps
I have found the Catalog to be helpful as well although as stated above there are "conflicts" between what is listed there and what is on the Colnect catalog.
Namely listing certain years of the abusive Impressor S.A. issues.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Chad
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. I have found that Michel and Yvert list many of the Impressor S.A. issues whereas
Scott and SG do not. Namely because of no evidence of postal usage. You can obviously see the similarity of the Impressor S.A. issues using the same topics
as the illegal stamps. They have been massively produced in all kinds of forms from souvenir sheets, deluxe sheets to gold foil stamps. Certain recent
years are being almost exclusively sold by a German dealer who consistently puts in his titles "OFFICIAL ISSUE" as if there is something wrong with them.
Which there is.....
THEY ARE ABUSIVE STAMPS made only to sell to collectors produced in excess of postal needs and as stated above, showing no evidence of postal usage.
You will find the styles and designs of the following illegal stamps completely different.
Here we go!
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates and as color proof sets as well. Many fake First Day Covers exist as well.
Most times now (2020) the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. Many times the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions and experts like myself.
Sellers that call these "private", "locals", "Cinderella's", "unauthorized" are deceiving you. They are counterfeit illegal stamps produced by a stamp dealer
that is bent on ripping you off! Some sellers state "we offer them because they are on the market". Well how about you use a different dealer
because that seller is "on the market"? If the stamp societies, auction sites and all other venues kicked these sellers off of their sites
then they would have to comply or lose their ability to sell anything.
The following images are free for the use of all to use to alert the public to them. If anyone wants to make a public list of users on eBay, Delcampe
and elsewhere who are selling these issues....fine by me since the UPU, PWMO and others appear to have given up or have not been updated in years.
From 2011 forward the WNS system is "awaiting stamps for registration". This is probably caused by the turmoil within the country. The catalogs are now
our only choice of reference. We are working toward the UPU correcting this problem. The WNS system cannot be a reliable source of reference if the countries
(even in political turmoil) do not register properly. Awaiting stamps to be registered for years is not to be accepted!
The major catalogs and the online catalogs are now listing Stamperija stamps for Chad dating 2020.
Sadly, Stamperija has gained a contract with Chad again. They apparently did not learn their lesson in 2017.
This is bad news for collectors and the country itself as a massive number of abusive issues have been produced. I am quite certain
they will never make the WNS system as already all of the issues being offered (of course) solely by the agency are the same old
topical issues that have nothing to do with the country. Who in Chad is interested in Marilyn Monroe or the Queen in the U.K.??
Also none of them can be purchased in Chad.
What is funny is the British producer of counterfeit illegal stamps did not stop production. Was there a falling out between
this producer and the Stamperija owner? Where before the patterns show for many countries that when Stamperija got a contract the British producer
stopped production of the counterfeits. Pure collaboration in the past. None now?
On eBay a swarm of the abusive issues are being offered. Also a large swarm of the British produced counterfeits. My advise is
ignore and desist from buying any of them. How many more Marilyn Monroe stamps do topical collectors want or need?
The market is saturate with this junk. Are you not sick of this abuse?
Here are the main users on eBay selling this stuff.
Users selling the counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Chad dating 2020.
I note that marlen-stamps is now wiped off the map as far as counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Chad. eren3049 is now a target as well as any other
clown that wants to continue this. We have all of you in our sights now. Your time is.....short.
Users selling the abusive Stamperija stamps in the name of Chad dating 2020.
This appears to be the first user to offer the abusive stamps. More will follow until you again will have a glut of this garbage swamping eBay. I predict
the search for Chad 2020 to reach over 1000 items soon. Let's see if I am correct....
As of 2020 I note that on eBay only counterfeit illegal stamps are being sold in the search for 2019 Chad stamps. In the search there really should be
nothing found but these main counterfeit dealing distributors are happily selling them to many victims of their abuse. As I write this page where before when I wrote the 2019 page
over 830 listing of these counterfeits in the search for "Chad 2019" were being offered mainly by this "group" of counterfeit illegal stamp distributors, now one
of theirs has been stopped so now the number is running at around 650.
That is going to be changed soon. We are going for the throat. There should be no listings in a Chad 2019 search.
Already several are hugely "discounting" their sales of them. Namely because awareness of what they are selling and who they are is beginning
to take its toll. We will continue pressure in every avenue until these people are gone....forever. Face it, there are some "bad apples" among
the collecting and dealing community who have been doing this for over two decades that must be dealt with by removing them permanently from all venues
of selling stamps. They should be brought to justice, exposed in public and their whole career in the stamp business permanently removed by legal action by the countries themselves.
Only by demand that the UPU initiate this action will this happen. It is in everyones face. Just look at who these users are!
eren3049 based in the United Kingdom owned by Erwyn Rentzenbrink. Business name is W4 Stamps and Collectables
(the main distributor now)
marlen-stamps owned by Leonard Cohen in the United States
(all Madagascar counterfeits eliminated from his sales in April 2020 which numbered over 1000 sales. Now selling Stamperija abusive stamps.)
globalphila states based in the U.S. but actually based in Lithuania and owned by Mr. Anton Vesialou (also states based in Spain at times) a real "mover".
(no newer counterfeits....yet.)
lbphilatel owned by Larry Philips (Long Beach Philatelics) in the United States
(running scared after major hit on his counterfeit sales. Has diverted to selling Stamperija abusive issues)
pdcollectables2010 owned by Daniel Dercole in Bournemouth in the United Kingdom
(has not started with 2020 counterfeits....yet)
rogerpo99 owned by Roger West in Ironville Nottingham in the United Kingdom. Starting up again on eBay even selling color proof sets of the counterfeits.
At the time of writing this page in March nobody else on eBay is selling the following but the user eren3049. marlen-stamps was selling them (and still is on the
corrupted Hipstamps site) but not any more on eBay.... Again it is obvious and in everyones face!
The evidence of sales of counterfeit goods past and present to convict these people permanently recorded in the venues databases. The countries need only to request for it.
The following are counterfeit illegal stamps produced by the British producer. Show proof that any are not and this reference can be "adjusted".
My personal advise is to not buy ANY STAMP in the name of Chad (Tchad) dating 2020! The following is why....
Here is an example of the new abusive Stamperija issues. Same as other countries they have massively produced stamps in the name of. The majority have never even
been seen in the country of origin. Stamperija admits they print their own stamps (just like Impressor) contrary to UPU guidelines. There is no verifiable documentation on quantities produced,
varieties produced, or anything else about them. This company has and will reprint them as long as they sell. Statistics show that rather than rise the value drops
dramatically. Dealers who say they are "rare" are lying. The UPU has recommended to all countries that ask if they should use the agency, not to use them.
Now why is that? Simple, they are legalized illegal stamps. Nuff said.
2020 Marilyn Monroe Abusive Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Marilyn Monroe Abusive Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 1

Now the verifiable counterfeit illegal stamps being sold.
UPDATE September 2020
In back checking on production and distribution of new 2020 counterfeits in the name of Chad this month, I have found the British producer and
his key distributors are adding another large number of counterfeits in the name of Chad onto the current market. They are offering them as normal
perforated, imperforate and CTO versions. Their prices are running at $10-15.00 for one souvenir sheet!
A complete ripoff to be avoided!
I will note the newer additions which shows you just how massively these criminals can produce counterfeits in just a few months. This page was created
in March and updated in June. Now in September all the "new additions" have been added since June and probably more will be made before the end of the year showing
everyone these criminals have become worse this year than any other year in production and distribution of counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of
Chad and need to be forcefully removed from the stamp market.
UPDATE November 2020
As of November 14, 2020 we have seen another massive number of 2020 counterfeits have been added in the name of Chad since my mid-September check. I believe, and this is only in theory, that our
British based criminal producers and distributors who had a revengeful war against the owner of Stamperija's owner since 2000 are producing this mass of counterfeits because
Stamperija obtained a contract with Chad in 2020. The number of counterfeits being produced in just the last two months is astounding. Their U.S. distributors have been
severely damaged on eBay having thousands of sales removed and as the above list of them shows have resorted to trying to sell a massive number of the new abusive Stamperija
issues. Sort of a desperate "falling out" of certain U.S. distributors from the criminal producers who are basically now "consorting" with the enemy.
At the end of September our most notorious illegal stamp dealer has now reared his head (again) on eBay in the Chad arena. This being the user rogerpo99. Kicked off Delcampe
long ago, he is one of the worst illegal stamp dealers I have ever seen. Promoting the British produced illegal stamps on Hipstamps and ebid in mass. This dealer having those
dating all the way back to the origins of the problem. I believe this is because of the revenue loss made by the removal of the U.S. distributors sales of the counterfeits
on eBay. Keep going rogerpo99...the evidence you are creating we are gladly taking for reference. I must say...the images are much better than in the past!
Many of the counterfeits this user is selling have a "disclaimer" attached. This is full proof that not only the user knows they are illegal but stupidly
admits they are and since counterfeit stamps are not allowed to be sold on eBay and when found to be the case (even with "disclaimers"), that users account is in
jeopardy of full and permanent removal. In this case though....we are letting the user "cook his own goose". The countries are very interested in who these people are.....
Here is an image of the disclaimer.

Sorry, but calling them anything but what they are is not going to work for long. They are illegal stamps and will be rightly denounced as such by
the postal authorities. They are not "unofficial issues", "Cinderella stamps" "Private issues" nor anything else these clowns try to call them to get away
with ripping off collectors. On top of it I can assure you that they are not "printed to very high standards" at all! They are cheaply made on
cheap paper with low quality imaging and would not pass in any regards and standards of high security printing companies used to print genuine postage stamps.
All of this garbage being flooded onto the market by these criminals is now being added to this page.
Avoid them and the dealers who are peddling them.
UPDATE February 2021
In a new check on the problem for Chad I found several more 2020 counterfeits are being offered and a slew of new 2021 illegal stamps have now been produced.
Once again our "main" dealers are prominent in the sales. Noting I saw a new thread on one forum about fake stamps being sold on eBay in which one member
states that I am in agreement that the user eren3049 on eBay is the producer. That is wrong. He is obviously directly connected with the producer as he is the
first to offer the counterfeit illegal stamps produced by the British producers. That does not mean he is the producer.
A note on Stamperija issues. Something odd is happening in regards to the issues for Chad. On the Stamperija website issues are being sold through August of
2020. Then suddenly it stops! Yet there are a ton of issues for 2020 Chad being offered on the stamp venues that are not listed on the Stamperija website. I
note the companies number system ends on the site for August in the "TCH2004" range. Yet stamps are being offered online with numbers "TCH2005" and "TCH2006".
So what gives? I note there are no issues being offered for Chad dating 2021 on the Stamperija website either. The possibility that Chad has broken the contract
with Stamperija in September or October of 2020 is very real. At this point we do not know. Perhaps you do?
2020 Airbus A380 Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Animals National Parks in Africa Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Assassinated Famous People Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 50th Anniversary of the Concorde Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 60th Anniversary of Chad Independence Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4
These are interesting as the counterfeit producer actually (kind of) made the illegal stamps with a topic relating to Chad. Still, once the fake stamps are removed
from the souvenir sheet, most, except for the coins and plane, you would not be able to relate to Chad at all.

2020 75th Anniversary of the United Nations Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Alice in Wonderland Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 American First Ladies Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 American Presidents and Their Wives Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Bambi Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Baseball at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Batman Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Battle of Leningrad Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Battle of Monte Cassino Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Battle of Okinawa Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Battle of Trafalgar Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 BeeGees Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Beethoven 5th Symphony Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22
Note the misspelling of Beethoven's name as "Betethoven". Really high standards used on these counterfeits yes?

2020 Bees Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Bees (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Birds Barbets Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Birds Cuckoo Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Birds Frigatebirds Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Birds Hornbills Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Birds Hummingbirds Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Birds Indigo Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Birds Nightjars Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Birds Parrots Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Birds Parrots Kea Parrot Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Birds Secretary Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Black Panther Superhero Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7
Noting no year date on three of the fake stamps. On purpose? Or another blunder by the incompetent producer?

2020 Black Widow Scarlett Johansson Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Bob Marley Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 24

2020 Bugs Bunny Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Butterflies Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Butterflies (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Here we have the Eastern European trying to weasel in again. This being offered by a new user from Poland minifi-51 using the same lousy imaging as
europolstamps meaning it is probably him trying to evade detection. I "brightened" it so you can see it better.

2020 Butterflies William Kirby Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Cars Cartoon Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Chess Champions Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Chinese Lunar New Year Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 13
Noting this is in direct conflict with the Stamperija Chinese Lunar New Years issues.

2020 Cinderella Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Classic Celebrities Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Covid Pandemic WHO Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 11
Again these criminals use current tragedies to reap in profits. I consider these dealers to be no better than the scammers who are
ripping people off with fake emails, phishing scams and the many other internet based criminal activities related to the Covid-19
pandemic. Note the "high standards" used in perforating the fake stamps on top of using a false instrument to "cancel" it. Avoid
and treat these counterfeit illegal stamps and the dealers who sell them just as you would the Covid-19 virus!

2020 Covid-19 Vaccine Makers Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Daisy Duck Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Danger Mouse Cartoon Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Dangerous Insects Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Diamond Mines in South Africa Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Diego Maradona Soccer Football Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Dinosaurs Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Disney Mickey Mouse and Goofy Playing Baseball Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Disney Mickey Mouse and Goofy Playing Football Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Disney Mickey Mouse and Goofy Playing Golf Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Disney Trains Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Dresses of Princess Kate Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Edmund Halley Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Elephants Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Noting the "stupid" and lazy counterfeit illegal stamp producer made another animal set featuring lions (seen below) in which he
placed the "Elephants d'Afrique" title on it in error. Rather than destroy it and correct it he and his associate distributors
are selling it on eBay and other venues "as is". This is how cheap and greedy these people are. Don't give them anything
and fully avoid them no matter how "big" a dealer they appear to be. They are nothing but cons bent on ripping you off any way they can!

2020 Famous Shipwrecks Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Finding Nemo Cartoon Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Fire Engines Fire Trucks Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Freddie Mercury Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Friends TV Show Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Game of Thrones Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Golden Age of Hollywood Kirk Douglas Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 13

2020 Golf at the Summer Olympics in Tokyo Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Goofy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Goofy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4 on Fake First Day Cover
Here is an example of one of the fake first day covers this producer makes. Everything is fake including the cancel. The producer is using a false instrument
to cancel them thus performing a criminal act.

2020 Harley Davidson Motorcycles Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Helicopters Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Hogwarts Harry Potter Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Hollywood Legends
Here is a new "group" called Hollywood Legends. Of course the same common topics that sell. Avoid!
2020 Hollywood Legends Angelina Jolie Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Hollywood Legends Britney Spears Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Hollywood Legends Elvis Presley Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Hollywood Legends James Dean Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Hollywood Legends Jennifer Lopez Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Hollywood Legends Mariah Carey Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Hollywood Legends Marilyn Monroe Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Hong Kong Phooey Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
2020 Icons of Rock Music Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music David Bowie Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music Elton John Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music Elvis Presley Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music John Lennon Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music Mick Jagger Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music Rick Parfitt Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music Roger Daltrey Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Rock Music Tom Petty Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of Sport Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Icons of the 20th Century Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Probably the Einstein and Gandhi souvenir sheets are "in the works".

2020 Icons of the 20th Century Baden Powell Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of the 20th Century Einstein and Churchill Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10
Well I was close on the above prediction.....

2020 Icons of the 20th Century John Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Icons of the 20th Century John Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4 Color Proof Set
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 30
These and other sets are being exclusively sold by rogerpo99 aka Avion Stamps. As is the case with tons of the illegal stamp color proof
sets in the name of many countries exclusively sold by this dealer, they are absolute proof of direct collaboration with the British counterfeit producer.

2020 Icons of the 20th Century John F. Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Icons of the 20th Century John F. Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 1
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 24
This is a new "form". Expect to see other souvenir sheet sets likes this appear made from the counterfeit souvenir sheets of four. Avoid!

2020 Icons of the 20th Century Mahatma Gandhi Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Israel UAE Peace Treaty Trump Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Jacques Cousteau Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 James Bond Aircraft used in Films Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 James Bond Never Dies Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 James Bond Never Dies Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4 on Fake First Day Cover
Another Fake FDC.
James Bond Movie series
Following is a large number of James Bond Movie titled counterfeit illegal stamps produced since my September check.
2020 James Bond Die Another Day Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 26

2020 James Bond Dr No Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 James Bond For Your Eyes Only Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 26

2020 James Bond From Russia with Love Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 26

2020 James Bond Goldfinger Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 James Bond Moonraker Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 James Bond Never Say Never Again Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 26

2020 James Bond Octopussy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 James Bond Quantum of Solice Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 26

2020 James Bond Skyfall Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 James Bond Spectre Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 James Bond You Only Live Twice Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 James Cook Discovery of Australia Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 James Dean Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 John James Audubon Birds Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Here again, our counterfeit producer who obviously has a really bad language and spelling problem, spells Mr. Kennedy's
name wrong. It is not "Kenedy". Again, rather than correct it, these clowns continue to sell "as is" because of greed. Avoid!

2020 John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4 with no Inscriptions
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 24
Apparently the counterfeit distributors noticed the above error as well probably by complaints from potential buyers on how stupid it looks.
Perhaps because I noted it. Rather than correct it, this new fake souvenir sheet has been produced without any inscriptions. Avoid!

2020 John F. Kennedy Playing American Football Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 13

2020 John Lennon Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Kardashians Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Kobe Bryant Basketball Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Here is the perfect example of the greed these people possess. They take tragic current events like the death of Kobe Bryant and
quickly produce counterfeit stamps on the topic of the tragedy, using the emotions and trauma caused by the event to make as many
sales as possible. These people could care less about the tragic event, only producing the stamps with profits in mind. These counterfeit
stamps depicting images of Kobe Bryant should be rejected by everyone in the world and the dealers that sell them should be taken down permanently
which will provide justice for all collectors worldwide. Beware of all stamps on the topic of Kobe Bryant as not just this clown
producer is making them this year. You can expect to see more in the name of other countries produced by these evil producers and being
distributed everywhere by their evil associate stamp dealers. All of them should be shunned by everyone including all stamp collectors and
dealers and all memorabilia collectors as well. These cons are already ramping up production of Covid-19 related counterfeits as well. Avoid!

2020 Kobe Bryant Basketball (misspelled Koby) Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
The cons must have made this counterfeit souvenir sheet first. They spelled Kobe's first name "Koby" in error. They were in such a hurry to
get this one on the market they messed it up because again it shows how the producer is an illiterate idiot. Again, because of their greed, they
are placing it on the market hoping buyers will not notice it, thus making every penny they can from their poorly produced counterfeit product.
Even the perforations are offset cutting into the country title. This is complete junk to be avoided! Not worth the paper it was printed on.

2020 Laurel and Hardy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Leopards Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton Formula I Driver Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 13

2020 Lions With Wrong Title Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Here is yet another example of how cheap and greedy these people are. This is the one that has the "Elephants d'Afrique" title on it in error
that I mentioned above. Even though it is in French, anyone can see it and any dealer trying to sell it without even mentioning
the fact that it is wrong is obviously a no good dealer. The cons offering this online right now need to be taken offline right now.

2020 Lion King Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Louis Armstrong Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Marilyn Monroe Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Mushrooms and Orchids Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheets of 4

2020 Mushrooms Famous Mycologists Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Mushrooms Sir Alexander Fleming Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 NASCAR Racing Drivers Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Olympic Games in Japan 2021 Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Olympic Legends Usain Bolt and Jesse Owens Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Owls Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Penguins Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Porsche Cars Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Presidential Election Joe Biden Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 13

2020 Presidential Election Trump 2020 Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Presidential Election Trump Versus Biden Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Presidents and Their Children Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Presidents Playing Golf Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Presidents Playing Sports Donald Trump Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Presidents Playing Sports John F. Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Prince Philip Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Pyramids in Egypt Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Red Cross Ships and Aircraft Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Rescue Dogs Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
Rock Bands
As if the Icons series above was not enough these cons have recently in the middle of 2020 made these new Rock Band related counterfeit illegal stamps.
Look familiar in style? Basically the same as the tons of counterfeits made in the early 2000's. And yes, they are the same people who started the illegal
stamp trade and continue to this day.
2020 Rock Bands Led Zeppelin Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Rock Bands Queen Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Rock Bands Queen Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4 with no Inscriptions
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 24
I do not know why they made this one as there is no "error" in spelling on the original counterfeit production. This tells us to expect
more reproduction garbage like this to be placed on the market in 2021. Avoid!

2020 Rock Bands Rolling Stones Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Rock Bands The Eagles Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Rock Bands U2 Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Rugby Stars Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Rupert Bear Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Sailing Ships Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Sailing Ships (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Sean Connery Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 13

2020 Shang-Chi Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Ships Sir Isambard Kingdom Brunel Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Snoopy Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Space Exploration Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Space Mountain Magic Kingdom Disneyland Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Space Neil Armstrong Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 8

2020 Space Presidents and NASA Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Spiderman 3 Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Star Trek Final Frontier Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Star Trek First Contact Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Star Trek Generations Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Star Trek Insurrection Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Star Trek Undiscovered Country Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Star Trek Voyage Home Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Star Wars Rise of Luke Skywalker Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Star Wars A New Hope Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12
This following set may possibly be the producer and his goons puffing up their chests because of my previous reporting on their
"Star Wars Rise of Luke Skywalker" counterfeit sheet shown above. My reasoning being because they repeat the same topic calling it "The Rise
of Skywalker" on the counterfeit at the end of this group. Puff up on this!

2020 Star Wars The Attack of the Clones Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Star Wars The Force Awakens Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Star Wars The Last Jedi Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Stars of Hollywood Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Stingray Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Submarines Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Submarines (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Suez Canal Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Super Tomcat Military Aircraft Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 The Jetsons Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 12

2020 Thor Love and Thunder Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Tiger Woods Golf Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market December 13

2020 Tigger and Pooh Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Titanic Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Titanic Movie Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 Titanic Officers Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Tom and Jerry Cartoon Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Trains in India Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Trains in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 Trump and Biden Spouses Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market October 10

2020 Wacky Races Cartoons Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market November 7

2020 World War II Official Ending Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION Placed on the market September 22

2020 World War II Operation Market Garden Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 World War II 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 World War II 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Battle Ships Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 World War II 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Fighter Planes Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2020 World War II 75th Anniversary of Victory in Japan Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

As you can see every counterfeit except one so far has been produced by one counterfeit producer. All being sold on eBay by now several UK based users. It is obvious they are directly
connected with the producer. This producer needs to be fully exposed and their ability to produce and sell stamps completely removed from society.
Because of inaction by the UPU, the country and the stamp collecting community as a whole, the nightmare continues.
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
WNS System
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2020 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 20-Feb-2021 10:45 AM