Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Central African Republic

In 2011 production of illegal stamps increases dramatically.....
In 2011 the stamp agency Stamperija took over control of the Central African Republic stamp contract.
The owner of the company is Algirdas Satas. He was the owner of Conquest Trading company located in Lithuania. It is alleged that he was
one of the distributer/producers of illegal stamps back in 2002. I state "alleged" because as is
with all the people involved in the illegal stamp trade, the evidence and proof is mostly found in what these people sell.
An article was written in 2002 in part stating Algirdas was heavily involved in the illegal stamp trade. The article is stated to be written by a
J.M. Chute. This was a fictitious name given to protect the sources of the article. The article has since been removed from it's original sources
most likely due to the illegal stamp producers and distributors not liking their names openly published on the internet. We have since preserved
the article in the internet archive where they will never be able to have it removed again. You can read the article and judge for yourself
the merit. Here is the link.
Illegal Stamps Philately Rough Trade Article
I tend to disagree with the stamp issuing policies of Stamperija because they overproduce stamps in such a degree it is ridiculous! Central Africa is another prime example
of it. Impressor S.A. indeed produced numerous issues in previous years to 2007 but it paled in comparison to what Stamperija has done and is doing to this day in 2020.
When Stamperija took over in December of 2011 more than 250 different souvenir sheets were produced! In one month? Ridiculous! Here is an example of a couple.
2011 Paintings Stamperija Souvenir Sheet Examples

2011 Fauna Stamperija Souvenir Sheet Examples

You can see they have nothing to do with the country. They all are geared toward selling to topical collectors. The pricing is ridiculous.
In a search on eBay you find virtually nothing selling for 2010 and then all of a sudden a jump to 240 sales for 2011. On Delcampe same thing
only the jump is to 478 sales! It gets much worse throughout the years to present time. Do you think for even a minute that the country needed
all this junk for their postal system in December of 2011?!? This is yet another reason Central African Republic has nothing listed on the U.P.U.'s
WNS system. Because they break every rule set forth by the UPU for postage stamps to be produced. From over production to an agency that prints
their own stamps under totally insecure means. The catalogs that are listing them are breaking their own ethics as well. At the rate this company
is producing the abusive stamps those catalogs will soon be multiple volumes larger, filled with this junk that is never used postally.
I have one other "beef" with this stamp agent. In regards to illegal stamps this agent does not even try to alert the public nor the Central African Republic to
the fact that tons of illegal stamps exist and are being produced massively through 2020 despite this agencies contracts with them.
The owner knows full well that they are being produced but as of December 2020 states nothing and literally denies the problem exists!
Here is the site that Stamperija diverts you to when you search for "Central African Republic postage stamps"
Central African Republic Postage Stamps
You will see a link on the top left for Illegal Stamps. Go to it and read the line at the bottom. It states:
"Currently we received no information about illegal Central African Republic postage stamps."

This is a complete understatement and is stated in some form on every country page like this that this agency runs contracts with. The owner knows fully about them.
The explanation of what the illegal stamps are is also fully worded to divert what illegal stamps are. They are counterfeit stamps and nothing
this stamp dealer owned company or any other stamp dealer states to the contrary is to be believed as you can see they all want the term counterfeit
to be avoided at all costs because the selling of counterfeit goods is a crime in any country and thus a punishable offense that can be
used to stop the production and sale of them permanently.
To verify what stamps are real and legitimate for Central African Republic visit the STAMPWORLD CATALOG website and look at the Central African Republic section.
I have linked it directly here for you. They list most of the abusive Stamperija issues there only because the catalogs are listing them.
The Stampworld Catalog for Central African Republic
Or visit the Colnect Catalog here. The same as stated above on the Stamperija issues.
The Colnect Catalog for Central African Republic
Many of the illegal stamps are shown in their Illegal Stamps section and noted as such.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Central African Republic
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you the following are something
other than illegal stamps.
In 2011 the Eastern European producer made more sets to rip collectors off with. These being sold by europost-stamps on Hipstamps. Again, there is
no year inscribed on the stamps thus you can only take the word of a criminal dealer as to when they were made.
2011 Charles de Gaulle Souvenir Sheet of 6

2011 Charles de Gaulle Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Clipper Ships Souvenir Sheet of 6

2011 Olympic Games in London in 2012 Souvenir Sheet of 3
I restate the dealer states these were made in 2011.

2011 Siege of Leningrad Souvenir Sheets of 6

2011 Siege of Leningrad Souvenir Sheets of 3

Next we have a huge group of illegal stamp souvenir sheets produced and distributed by a different Eastern European producer.
These being mainly sold by the users europolstamps in Poland and mapka666 in the Russian Federation. Others are selling a few as well.
Always the same people are the major players in the illegal stamp market. This europolstamps being the main source of these for years!
2011 Andrei Sakharov Souvenir Sheet of 6

In the research I found this europolstamps selling singles set of leaders and battles on eBay. I wondered if they were broken from souvenir sheets.
Apparently not as this image shows you. Perhaps someone recognizes the color guide?
2011 Battles and Leaders Single Stamp Sets
These being sold by mapka666 on eBay.

2011 Battle of Caucasus Single Stamp Set of 6
Wallowing through these peoples disorganized listings I am quite certain there are souvenir sheets that are either missed or have been sold out.
Anything that looks like these are counterfeit illegal stamps in the majority of cases for many effected countries being abused by these criminals.

2011 Battle of Caucasus Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Battle of Dnepr Single Stamp Set of 8

2011 Battle of Koursk Single Stamp Set of 6

2011 Battle of Koursk Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Battle of Leningrad Single Stamp Set of 6

2011 Battle of Moscow Single Stamp Set of 6

2011 Battle of Moscow Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Battle of Sevastopol Single Stamp Set of 8

2011 Battle of Sevastopol Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Battle of Stalingrad Single Stamp Set of 6

2011 Battle of Stalingrad Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Defense of Brest Fortress Single Stamp Set of 8

2011 Defense of Brest Fortress Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Chinese Communist Party Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Mikhail Gorbatchev Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Mikhail Lomonossov Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Mushrooms Souvenir Sheets of 3

2011 Nikita Khrouchtchev Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Shells Souvenir Sheets of 4

2011 Shells Souvenir Sheets of 3

2011 Space Soyuz 10 and Salyut Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Space Soyuz 10 and Salyut Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Space Soyuz 11 Disaster Souvenir Sheets of 4
Single counterfeit stamp sets were also produced for some of these.

2011 Space Soyuz 11 Disaster Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Space Yuri Gagarin Souvenir Sheet of 3

Then I found this German Leaders illegal stamp souvenir sheet being sold by the eBay user gerber6661.
2011 German Leaders in World War II Souvenir Sheet of 4

I also found this Russian Leaders illegal stamp souvenir sheet being sold by the eBay user thestampbridge.
2011 Russian Leaders in World War II Souvenir Sheet of 4

I found these on Delcampe being sold by the user stephanie89.
2011 Potsdam Conference in World War II Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Tehran Conference in World War II Souvenir Sheet of 4

Then I found this Gandhi illegal stamp souvenir sheet being sold by rtcollection on Delcampe. The user is located in Singapore..
2011 Gandhi Souvenir Sheet of 3

Then I found this one on Delcampe being sold by user shaiky_j123.
2011 Year of the Rabbit Souvenir Sheet of 4

Now for the British producers counterfeits. Who is selling them?
On eBay
eren3049 located in the UK
lerim53 located in Romania
elena0727 located in Romania
northstaffsstamps located in the UK
pdcollectables2010 located in the UK
On Delcampe
Included for Delcampe are sold listings and listing containing the Eastern European produced counterfeits as well.
ariegafni located in Israel
livingmemories located in Portugal
JandR_Stamps located in the UK
Stamps_and_More located in the Netherlands
garysstamps located in the UK
markas located in Latvia
borntwice located in Italy
stephanie89 located in the Netherlands (kicked off Delcampe)
shaiky_j123 located in China (kicked off Delcampe)
isabeldelatour1949 located in the UK (kicked off Delcampe of course)
bentley1stamp located in the UK (kicked off Delcampe of course)
anchor located in China (kicked off Delcampe)
jauniuss located in Lithuania
hanmart located in Poland
jit located in India
vapper located in Estonia
teoca located in Romania
On Hipstamps
Included are sellers of the Eastern European produced counterfeits as well.
mapka located in the Russian Federation
artstamps isabeldelatour located in the UK
Bentley1Stamp located in the UK
europost-stamps located in the Netherlands
W4Stamps located in the UK
NorthStaffsStamps located in the UK
rtcollection located in Singapore
Quite the list yes? Let us see what was produced on the British end....
2011 Baseball Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Butterflies of the World Souvenir Sheets of 4

2011 Butterflies and Insects Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Butterflies and Insects Souvenir Sheets of 3

2011 Butterflies and Mushrooms Souvenir Sheets of 4

2011 Celebrities of the 20th Century Souvenir Sheet of 4
125th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.

2011 Eagles Birds of Prey Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 FIFA World Cup Soccer Winners Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Gandhi Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Pope John Paul II Souvenir Sheets of 4

2011 Prince William and Kate Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Sportsmen of the 20th Century Souvenir Sheet of 4
Babe Ruth and Muhammad Ali.

2011 Tennis Olympic Games in London in 2012 Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 The Beatles Souvenir Sheets of 4

2011 The Monkeys Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Thomas the Tank Engine Cartoon Trains Souvenir Sheet of 4

Here is a slew of trains made by the British producer that has now been ripping off train and railroad topical collectors for years and is still ongoing! Avoid them!
2011 Trains of Africa Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Trains of Asia Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Trains of England Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Trains of Europe Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Trains of North America Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 Trains of South America Souvenir Sheet of 4

Then the producer made Disney Cartoon related counterfeits. Along with fake color proofs. Imperforate versions have no more value than
perforated versions of any of these illegal stamps because counterfeit illegal stamps are made by dealers bent on ripping you off!
It is an international criminal offense to produce and sell them. The offended countries can press charges and hopefully will do so against
these criminal producers and distributors in the near future. Getting involved with them in any way is not advised.
2011 World of Disney Bambi Souvenir Sheets of 4

Certain dealers are offering these bogus color proof sets at extreme prices. They are not worth the paper they are printed on! Avoid!
2011 World of Disney Bambi Souvenir Sheet of 4 Color Proof Set

2011 World of Disney Beauty and the Beast Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 World of Disney Mickey Mouse and Goofy Souvenir Sheet of 4

2011 World of Disney Winnie the Pooh Souvenir Sheet of 4

In 2012 two producers continue. Oddly, the Eastern European producer of all those military stamps and garbage....stopped.
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2020 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 24-Dec-2020 12:24 PM