Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Central African Republic

In 2012 production of illegal stamps continues while Stamperija produces a massive quantity of abusive issues.
In 2011 the stamp agency Stamperija took over control of the Central African Republic stamp contract.
The owner of the company is Algirdas Satas. He was the owner of Conquest Trading company located in Lithuania. It is alleged that he was
one of the distributer/producers of illegal stamps back in 2002. I state "alleged" because as is
with all the people involved in the illegal stamp trade, the evidence and proof is mostly found in what these people sell.
An article was written in 2002 in part stating Algirdas was heavily involved in the illegal stamp trade. The article is stated to be written by a
J.M. Chute. This was a fictitious name given to protect the sources of the article. The article has since been removed from it's original sources
most likely due to the illegal stamp producers and distributors not liking their names openly published on the internet. We have since preserved
the article in the internet archive where they will never be able to have it removed again. You can read the article and judge for yourself
the merit. Here is the link.
Illegal Stamps Philately Rough Trade Article
I tend to disagree with the stamp issuing policies of Stamperija because they overproduce stamps in such a degree it is ridiculous! Central Africa is another prime example
of it. Impressor S.A. indeed produced numerous issues in previous years to 2007 but it paled in comparison to what Stamperija has done and is doing to this day in 2020.
When Stamperija took over in December of 2011 more than 250 different souvenir sheets were produced! In one month? Ridiculous!
In 2012 Stamperija produced another 131 different souvenir sheets. Yes a decrease from 2011 but still a massive glut of useless topical stamps as far as
the country is concerned. A major portion the same styles as the previous year.
They all are geared toward selling to topical collectors. The pricing is ridiculous.
I have one other "beef" with this stamp agent. In regards to illegal stamps this agent does not even try to alert the public nor the Central African Republic to
the fact that tons of illegal stamps exist and are being produced massively through 2020 despite this agencies contracts with them.
The owner knows full well that they are being produced but as of December 2020 states nothing and literally denies the problem exists!
Here is the site that Stamperija diverts you to when you search for "Central African Republic postage stamps"
Central African Republic Postage Stamps
You will see a link on the top left for Illegal Stamps. Go to it and read the line at the bottom. It states:
"Currently we received no information about illegal Central African Republic postage stamps."

This is a complete understatement and is stated in some form on every country page like this that this agency runs contracts with. The owner knows fully about them.
The explanation of what the illegal stamps are is also fully worded to divert what illegal stamps are. They are counterfeit stamps and nothing
this stamp dealer owned company or any other stamp dealer states to the contrary is to be believed as you can see they all want the term counterfeit
to be avoided at all costs because the selling of counterfeit goods is a crime in any country and thus a punishable offense that can be
used to stop the production and sale of them permanently.
To verify what stamps are real and legitimate for Central African Republic visit the STAMPWORLD CATALOG website and look at the Central African Republic section.
I have linked it directly here for you. They list most of the abusive Stamperija issues there only because the catalogs are listing them.
The Stampworld Catalog for Central African Republic
Or visit the Colnect Catalog here. The same as stated above on the Stamperija issues.
The Colnect Catalog for Central African Republic
Many of the illegal stamps are shown in their Illegal Stamps section and noted as such.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Central African Republic
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you the following are something
other than illegal stamps.
In 2012 the Eastern European producer believed based in the Netherlands made one more set to rip collectors off with. These being sold by europost-stamps on Hipstamps. Again, there is
no year inscribed on the stamps thus you can only take the word of a criminal dealer as to when they were made.
2012 Titanic Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Titanic Souvenir Sheets of 3

Then suddenly all production stopped by this criminal. Influenced by Stamperija?
The British producer continues to produce illegal stamps in the name of Central African Republic as well. The style of the illegal stamps completely changed
from the previous year. These are still being massively offered to this day namely by some of the same dealers listed on the 2011 page. Only a few
on eBay namely pdcollectables2010. Of course a number of the usual cons on Hipstamps with the addition of rogerpo99 and marlen-stamps. So obvious who the main
culprits are.
2012 Allied Aircraft of World War II Souvenir Sheet of 6

Here is an example of a bogus and very counterfeit First Day Cover. Many of these illegal stamps from this year appear to be offered on them.
One should avoid buying any of them. They are illegal in all regards including the use of a false instrument to cancel them.
2012 Allied Aircraft of World War II Souvenir Sheet of 6 on Fake First Day Cover

2012 Bambi Souvenir Sheet of 6

Here is yet another example of fake color proofs. They are worthless because they are made from illegal stamps made by a stamp dealer.
Yet these criminal dealers ask for extraordinary prices for them trying to make you think they are of value. Avoid!
2012 Bambi Souvenir Sheet of 6 Fake color Proof Set

2012 Butterflies of the World Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Butterflies and Mushrooms Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Christopher Columbus Sailing Ships Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Insects of the World Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Japanese Trains Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Motorcycles Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Orchids of the World Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Owls of the World Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Snow White Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Space Missions to the Moon Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 The Beatles Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 The Titanic Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Trains of the World Souvenir Sheets of 6

2012 Transportation Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Turtles and Dolphins Souvenir Sheet of 6

In 2015 the criminal producing/distributing company based in Russia named Topnimarka.com appeared. This counterfeit producer has been found to be creating
illegal stamps in later years and back dating them to previous years. More will presented on this company in later pages. The following sets are back dated sets.
2012 Olympic Games in London Souvenir Sheet of 4
These counterfeit illegal stamps were produced in 2017 and back dated to 2012. They were never on the market until 2017.

2012 Olympic Games in London Souvenir Sheet of 2

2012 Olympic Games in London Souvenir Sheets of 1

2012 Olympic Games in London (different) Souvenir Sheets of 1
These counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in 2019. The user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.
This set is not displayed and offered on the Topnimarka website as of December 2020. The style tells us the set was made in 2016 or 2017. Possibly
even later. It certainly was not made in 2012.

In 2013 production of illegal stamps in the name of Central African Republic stopped. In 2014 all production continued
to be halted by the British and Eastern European producers leaving only a few back dated sets made by Topnimarka which will be shown....
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References taken from:
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2020 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
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UPDATED LAST ON: 25-Dec-2020 04:01 AM