The 1987 Saint Vincent 150th Anniversary of Queen Victoria's Accession to the throne
and the 40th Anniversary of the Wedding of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip also Known as the Royal
Ruby Wedding Stamps and What was Found in the Archive
In 1987 the Format International Security Printers Ltd. were commissioned By the St. Vincent postal authorities to
produce a series of stamps depicting portraits and photographs of the Queens of England and their family members.
The stamps were to commemorate Queen Victoria's accession to the throne and the Royal Ruby Wedding. Sets
of stamps were produced for Saint Vincent and all of its dependencies. Many other commonwealth countries
were also included as well as other foreign countries. This page is only for Saint Vincent and its dependencies.
The following sets were produced and issued:




According to prior written information and internet research the following findings will be presented and will stand
until solid evidence is presented proving otherwise........

In October 1987 (before the normal set was issued) the infamous St. Vincent Inverted Frame errors on Scott# 1017-21 appeared
on the market. Some shady stamp dealers presented these as legitimate errors and sold them to unknowledgeable collectors and
dealers for large sums. In actuality these 'errors' were produced by the Format Printers on purpose to promote collector interest.
The frame plates were purposely inverted. Some shady dealers/sellers with ties to the company presented
these at the time of appearance stating that only 200-250 of these 'errors' exist even though the printers revealed that more
than that were produced.
According to what little documentation still exists 2,500 sets with inverted frames were printed on special order.
This is proven from one of the documents used as part of exhibit 46 in the trial against the printers of which they
were proven not guilty of any wrong doing.
You can view this document which is linked below.
Feigenbaum Estimate for Inverts
As we can see by this document the order for 10,000 stamps by the P.D.C. (Philatelic Distribution Corporation) under direction of Clive Feigenbaum
was placed for 4 values. It is known that the four low values of the set were printed on one press sheet. The $5 value was printed separately with three other values on another press sheet.
Note the order is dated March 23, 1988. This is four months after the issue date. According to the reprint agreement the PDC could order
reprints up to six months after the issue date according to their needs. For promotional and packet reprints it states in the reprint agreement that the stamps
can be reprinted but without the top two values. Since this set only has five values it was deemed that only the high value not be
reprinted and that is why the estimate calls for only four values.
This document shows the number of panes. Basically this shows that 100 panes of each value would result. 100x25=2,500 singles of each value.
Thus we have a finite number that can exist of genuine invert stamps printed by the Format Printers. All others were never printed there.
Any catalogs stating otherwise and written/produced
in the '90s are inaccurate and possibly biased toward the writers personal gains.
Here is solid proof that the Format International Security Printers produced these
"made for collector errors" for the purposes of promoting stamp sales in general
and did never produce these stamps secretly to sell to unaware collectors
under the pretext that they were ACTUAL LEGITIMATE ERRORS.

From present day analysis and personal buying endeavors these stamps have a value of no more than $5-10.00 for a set of four.
Anyone asking more is OVER INFLATING the value and should NOT be dealt with on ANY stamp dealings at all! They were made for collectors and are not rare!
UPDATE as of October 16, 2015
The above imaged set of blocks was purchased for $25.00! Yes, the whole set of blocks!
I have discovered there is a big problem with them!
The imaged blocks are all fakes!
Recently large quantities of imperforates of this issue have been flooding onto the market. I have made a major discovery that
thousands of Leaders of the World issues and other issues originally produced by the Format Printers have been forged as of 2014
and have been and are being sold everywhere! You can read my introduction on them here.
Introduction to Modern Fake Stamps created from Stamp Issues Printed by the Format Printers
What I have discovered for this issue is that the complete issue has been forged in the past and is being forged again now. I recently purchased blocks
of ten of this issue as imperforates for around $12.00 from a Latvia based seller on eBay. The seller has and still is as I write this
selling these forgeries and all are selling. I now have evidence that practically 80% of the stamps for this issue as imperforates or
Inverted Frame Errors available on the market are forgeries. You see, the $5 value was never produced by the Format Printers as an invert.
If it were, it would have been noted on the document linked above. Try to find a Proof card like the ones imaged with the $5 value and you
will find it impossible.
When I went and found the invert blocks imaged to use for comparison with the imperforates I just received, I was unpleasantly surprised! The
gum was whiter than the imperforates! Then I got the proof cards and wow what a difference! It was time to scan at 1200 dpi and see what is wrong.
Here is an image of the gum differences between the imperforates that have just appeared recently and the inverts from the blocks.

Here is an image of the two versions I have discovered.

As you can see the fakes are extremely different than the originals. The color differences are obvious. Now you can compare lots on eBay
and other venues and pretty much tell who has fakes and who has originals. Please visit my page on the forgeries for this issue for a more
detailed description and high resolution comparisons you can compare your sets with. A number one rule is...if the $5 value is included
the set is more than likely all fakes.
Don't get ripped off!!
1987 Saint Vincent Royal Ruby Wedding Fake Stamps
None of these "errors" were found in the archive. It is believed that the standards of what were to be retained
in the archive would NOT include "made for collector errors".
The Special presentation cards do have a rarity factor. They are valued at around $25.00 each as not many are out there.
To clarify more on the fake inverts that were reprinted without authorization I give you the perforation count. All the fake perforated
versions of the inverts (and possibly normal issues as well) have 39 perforation holes versus the genuine versions which have 37 holes.
Here is an image of the count.
Recently I was scanning lots on eBay and came across a lot that proves that the Format Printers never made the "reprint" set of inverts
for this issue! Here is the image from that lot. Note the white backgrounds on the stamp images.
A key point that is missed is the perforations. On genuine issues you can count 37 vertical perforation holes. On the forged unauthorized reprinted versions there are 39 holes.
Like the St. Vincent 1985 Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley forged unauthorized reprints they are very different perforation sizes. All imperforates are a bit more dangerous
because you cannot identify them by counting perforations. They are therefore deemed forgeries and should not be sold without being permanently marked as such. Even though
collectors like myself know what to look for in the colors, many will and do not know and can easily get ripped off!

Note the arrow points to a color guide on the selvage. This type of color guide has been shown to be the same style used by Holders Press
who were involved in producing low quality sets for Tanzania and other "reprints" of Format related issues between 1985-1987. One example is the
forged unauthorized reprints of the Saint Vincent 1985 Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley issues. New proof showing the same style of color guides
has been discovered and shown for those issues. Holders Press was directly connected with Clive Feigenbaum and this is proof that the Format
Printers never did reprint the inverted frame errors of the 1987 Royal ruby Wedding issues showing all reprints are forgeries.
Here is another image of a lot that has now sold many times. It is full panes of the forged inverts. They are being sold for around $50.00 for the set!
What is amazing to me is that there are still con sellers and dealers wanting $25-50.00 for one forged reproduced stamp!! Many still trying to sell
these forged reproductions for $10-80.00 for a set of singles. A set of any of these unless from the original printing by Format which does not contain the $5 value
should not even be allowed to be offered anywhere! They were reproduced by a stamp dealer bent on ripping you off!
Noting again the color guide at the bottom of the 75c value. Format never had a color guide like this!

Recently I was contacted by a victim of a stamp company who has and still is ripping off unknowing stamp investors. The company goes by the names
Chamberlain Philatelics, LLC located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Registered under Dana Oakey
Franklin Philatelics, LLC located also in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Registered under Dana Oakey
Chamberlain Philatelics, LLC located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Registered under Dana Oakey
Franklin Philatelics, LLC located in Carson City, Nevada. Registered under Dana Oakey
Latest known registered location as of 2008
Chamberlain Philatelics located in Oceanside, California. Registered under Dana OKEY. 2182 S El Camino Real # 102 Oceanside, CA 92054-6205.
Franklin Philatelics located in Oceanside, California. Registered under Dana C. Okey 2182 S El Camino Real # 102 Oceanside, CA 92054-6205
This person is listed at the APS website under the Disciplinary Action Section three times!
On November 1, 2000 this person was placed on probation for three years for conduct unbecoming a member of the APS.
On April 1, 2002 this person was suspended from the APS for failure to respond to serious allegations of impropriety under consideration of U.S. Courts.
On December 1, 2002 this person was expelled from the APS for being charged with crimes.
Most people do not know what those crimes were. Here is a link to this persons involvement in bid rigging and is the reason why they were expelled from the APS.
Noting this article is being lost in the pages of time and these dealers continue on as if they are are still "reputable dealers". It shows us corruption at the
highest levels of our societies. I give you the link. should this link go "dead" I have also copied the article into a notepad file for preservation. Here I like
to use the phrase, "We do not forgive and we do not forget.".
Apfelbaum pleads guilty to bid-rigging conspiracy
And here is link to the notepad file should the above linked page disappear.
Apfelbaum Trial
This con artist calls potential investors and lures them. Beware of any investment companies calling you trying to sell you stamps as an
investment. Trust no one in these regards unless you research them yourself!
Here are images of what you will get. This person and anyone associated with them should be thrown in jail for a few years.
A Chamberlain Philatelics Front Cover

1987 Royal Ruby Wedding Inverted Frame Error that was sold for $1,250.00!

A Chamberlain Philatelics False Guarantee
These were never "issued" and are not a "genuine printing error"

A Chamberlain Philatelics Receipt for the Ripoff

It is interesting that this con artist keeps using the same business names with slight differences. As you can see when the heat gets heavy....they move to another state.
Sadly, there are many collectors and investors out there who are being conned by these type of criminals. They have offered St. Vincent 1987 40th Wedding inverts, Niger Diana and
Mother Teresa imperfs of which both are illegal stamps, Falkland Islands West Point Island Tiger Woods imperfs (illegal stamps), Saint Vincent 1985 Elvis inverts which are
unauthorized reprints made by Clive Feigenbaum, 1986 Royal Wedding stamps with missing value errors of which around 4,000 were made, on and on! All being sold at the $1,000.00+
levels! Nothing they offer is worth more than $20.00 tops! The illegal stamps are worth nothing!
UPDATE May 2018
I just purchased on eBay a selection of these "investment" stamps sold by Franklin Philatelics LLC. These were sold in 2004 and 2007 when they were located
in Florida and Nevada. These criminals ripped off the investor for over $11,000! Here are images of the receipts, stamps and certificates. The certificates are
bogus computer generated garbage and nothing they sell was ever "issued" as the certificates imply. Never buy anything from anyone that wants to
give you certificates like these.
In catching up on the complaints against these cons one comment listed names these people are using. The comment states:
"Other names of interest include Grand Continent Collectibles, Barrington Chase, Bookmark Collections, Lloyd's Certified Philatelics, Chamberlain Philatelics,
Franklin Philatelics, Regency Classic, Midwest Marketing, Hampton Collectables, Hampton House, Windsor House, Monroe Collectibles, Set-in-Stone Collectibles,
and others from the past, such as First Liberty Collectibles, Financial Frontiers, and Equifin."
Exposing and convicting these cons for fraud would be a wonderful thing!
A Franklin Philatelics LLC Front Cover

Saint Vincent 1987 40th Wedding anniversary Inverted Frame Errors that were sold by Franklin Philatelics LLC for $3,900.00!

A Franklin Philatelics LLC False Guarantee
These were never "issued" and are not a "genuine printing error". Note it is almost the same certificate as the Chamberlain one. Totally bogus!

Franklin Philatelics LLC Receipts for the Ripoff

Again I stress, do not even listen to anyone calling you telling you they have a good "investment" in stamps. Hang up and run away! Once you are caught in their web they will
take your hard earned money and you will not be able to get it back! Again last known location...Oceanside, California. Living the high life on all their victims money....

Here are examples of these error stamps in imperforate form. The $2.50 stamp is also
in this form. The seller I grabbed this image from is asking $2,000.00 for this group! Completely OVER INFLATED and
should not be dealt with on any terms. Evidence points that these are probably in existence in close proximity to
5-10,000 sets. Value at maximum should be $1.00 a set as a novelty. They are forgeries! $5 value was made by Format.

Here is a bad image of one "error". The seller of these seems to have THE WORST images of stamps on the internet! Half the
time he has no images at all. Is this on purpose? The asking price for this stamp is around $60.00. Supposedly this seller
also has the $5.00 with the same "error". Noting he has a "Call for Price" link under it. Until proof is presented these are Format produced
"errors", it also falls in the category of "made for collectors" and probable fake reprints and one should pay no more than $5-10.00 for either value.
Evidence is pointing toward at least 1,000 to 5,000 existing.
UPDATE July 2016
Another auction site named Universal Philatelic Auctions based in the UK is offering the $5 value with missing black inscriptions at £62.
Here is the image from them. Looks genuine to me. Definitely not worth it though as standard practices of the printer at the time was to produce 5,000 "errors".
Worth maybe $5-10.00 tops as a novelty. I would not buy it for the price asked namely because some dealers hold thousands of these "errors" in their stock never revealing they have them.


Based on market scanning and analysis it is safe to say these are quite common. Price variances from $6-7.00 to $50.00 a set of singles
and $5-25.00 for the souvenir sheet shows that some dealers are OVER INFLATING the value again. One should pay no more than
$15.00 for the set of singles and no more than $15.00 for the souvenir sheet in this condition. Evidence points to quantities
between 2,000 to 5,000 existing of the singles. 1,000-2,000 souvenir sheets existing.
I must stress.....
As of 2015 I can now see the above imaged imperforate set are forged reprints.
Again stressing.....
I have discovered recently created (2014) forgeries of this issue! Fake imperforate souvenir sheets are on the market as well!
Don't get ripped off! View the forgery page to define and avoid them.
1987 Saint Vincent Royal Ruby Wedding Fake Stamps

These examples I found were for sale at around $20.00 each set. A fair price for these. If a seller asks for more than $30.00 for
the color proofs in blocks of 4 for each value they are asking too much. In other words a full set of single Progressive Color
Proofs should be priced at no more than $40.00. A single value in single form of these value should be set at $7-10.00 a set.
The standard practice of the printers was to produce 3,000 sets of progressive Color Proofs thus we can be confident that this is so
with this set also.
UPDATE May 2023
A Re-discovery!
A recent major auction lot was placed in April 2023 containing what appears to be the complete still existing stock of progressive color proofs for the souvenir sheet of this issue. In the past 35+ years
I have never seen any color proofs for the Saint Vincent 40th Wedding Anniversary souvenir sheet offered. Even by the most closely associated dealers of the Format Printers like Stampdile
and Avion Stamps who specialize in the varieties made by the printer showing us that this stock has been hidden and never offered. I believe these color proofs were sold in the Christie's
Robson Lowe Final Auction of the Format Printers Archive in 1995. Although the descriptions are "vague" there were four huge lots for St. Vincent and each dependency which describes thousands
of color proofs of the souvenir sheets and the 40th Wedding Anniversary issue is described as one of them. For St. Vincent the sale lot was lot number 152. Kasimir Bileski stated that he lost
in the bidding for some of the major lots in the sale because he came in at the last moment not knowing the auction was happening. The consignor of the 2023 lot I won is unknown.
For the St. Vincent Royal Ruby Wedding souvenir sheet there are a single pack of each progressive color proof. Most were still in the original packaging made by the Format Printers. All were opened
showing who ever had them took at least one example out. Some of them were damaged from poor storage but for the most part mostly intact making it possible to sell most of them. It is possible
that more exist. Standard practices of the printer was to create 1500 sets which would be 3 packs of 500. Because the lot I won was in complete dissarray and because of the evident damage to some,
I believe that the rest was either not in the final sale auction or were completely destroyed over the 35 years of storage. This meaning evidence of major curling of some in the lot I won
to the extent of irrepairable damage was found. So now, I have an image to present showing the full set of color proofs for this issue!

Recently in 2023 I found one seller offering a couple of the SPECIMEN overprint stamps for the St. Vincent single stamp issue. Still, due to the scarcity of offers it appears they are quite rare.

I found the souvenir sheet years ago for sale with SPECIMEN overprint. Selling for around $5.00 at the time.

No errors reported for this issue.
I have discovered recently created (2015) forgeries of this issue! Fake normal and imperforate sets and souvenir sheets are on the market!
Don't get ripped off! View this page to define and avoid them.
Saint Vincent Grenadines 1987 Queen Elizabeth 40th Wedding Anniversary Stamp Forgeries

I found only one seller selling the singles sets on the internet. Price asked for above is around $20.00.
Saw this seller offering single sets, pair sets, and block sets so judging from this the seller must have acquired
quite a few full sheets. Research would estimate they should be around $5-10.00 for the set. Quantities are unknown
but judging from printing practices at the time 2,000 to 5,000 sets exist.
The asking price from a different seller for the souvenir sheet was around $7.00. A fair price.
Again the presumed quantity of 1,000 to 2,000 exist

Very little is available on the market today. This shows that there is a rarity factor for these.
The seller wants around $6.00 for this one. What would a full set cost???
Again since it exists then probably the 3,000 set factor is in range. Time will tell.
UPDATE May 2023
A Re-discovery!
Please view the Saint Vincent May 2023 update above for detailed information of the origins of this new discovery.
For the St. Vincent Grenadines Royal Ruby Wedding souvenir sheet there are a single pack of each progressive color proof. Most were still in the original packaging made by the Format Printers. All were opened
showing who ever had them took at least one example out. Some of them were damaged from poor storage but for the most part mostly intact making it possible to sell most of them. It is possible
that more exist. Standard practices of the printer was to create 1500 sets which would be 3 packs of 500. Because the lot I won was in complete dissarray and because of the evident damage to some,
I believe that the rest was either not in the final sale auction or were completely destroyed over the 35 years of storage. This meaning evidence of major curling of some in the lot I won
to the extent of irrepairable damage was found. So now, I have an image to present showing the full set of color proofs for this issue!

No SPECIMEN overprinted stamps nor souvenir sheets for St. Vincent Grenadines 1987 Royal Ruby Wedding set found for sale.
No errors reported for this issue.

Very little is available on the market for these also. These seem only available through the Stampdile network.
A set will cost around $30.00 for the singles. Judging from availability the price is fair. They do not offer the
souvenir sheet. It was offered for around $7.00 elsewhere. A fair price indeed.
Again the above mentioned quantities apply.

Again, very little is available on the market. Only place found again is on the Stampdile network. A set of these
will cost you around $200.00. Quantities are unknown at present but more than likely the same as noted.
UPDATE May 2023
A Re-discovery!
Please view the Saint Vincent May 2023 update above for detailed information of the origins of this new discovery.
For the St. Vincent Bequia Royal Ruby Wedding souvenir sheet there are a single pack of each progressive color proof. Most were still in the original packaging made by the Format Printers. All were opened
showing who ever had them took at least one example out. Some of them were damaged from poor storage but for the most part mostly intact making it possible to sell most of them. It is possible
that more exist. Standard practices of the printer was to create 1500 sets which would be 3 packs of 500. Because the lot I won was in complete dissarray and because of the evident damage to some,
I believe that the rest was either not in the final sale auction or were completely destroyed over the 35 years of storage. This meaning evidence of major curling of some in the lot I won
to the extent of irrepairable damage was found. So now, I have an image to present showing the full set of color proofs for this issue!


No SPECIMEN overprinted stamps nor souvenir sheets for St. Vincent Grenadines Bequia 1987 Royal Ruby Wedding set found for sale
except, for this one value offered on the stampdile (now defunct) network. It is imperforate and overprinted in silver and they state it came
from the archive. Priced at around $8.00
No errors reported for this issue.

No singles sets are for sale on the market at present time. This imperforate souvenir sheet is selling at around $10.00.
UPDATE May 2023
A Re-discovery!
Please view the Saint Vincent May 2023 update above for detailed information of the origins of this new discovery.
For the St. Vincent Union Island Royal Ruby Wedding souvenir sheet there are a single pack of each progressive color proof. Most were still in the original packaging made by the Format Printers. All were opened
showing who ever had them took at least one example out. Some of them were damaged from poor storage but for the most part mostly intact. The yellow color proofs were broken away from the pack and the original
packaging gone. Many were heavily curled thus limiting the number of complete sets that can be made. It is possible that more exist. Standard practices of the printer was to create 1500 sets which would be 3
packs of 500. Because the lot I won was in complete dissarray and because of the evident damage to some, I believe that the rest was either not in the final sale auction or were completely destroyed over the
35 years of storage. This meaning evidence of major curling of some in the lot I won to the extent of irrepairable damage was found. Due to this happening to the yellow color proofs only several hundred
complete sets can be made. So now, I have an image to present showing the full set of color proofs for this issue!

No single stamp issues as progressive color proofs can be found still as of 2023.

Only the 15c, 45c, $1.50, and $3.00 stamps can be found with the SPECIMEN overprint. As you can see they were all printed
on one big sheet. The $4.00 value was printed separately and no sheets were found in the archive with the overprint.
This is the only possible explanation for the missing value from the set. The singles set is being offered for $10.00.
No souvenir sheets can be found with the SPECIMEN overprint.
There are several uncut press sheets still in existence for these sets but they are now extremely rare. Most have been
broken and the pieces are slowly dispersing among the collecting community. Because these issues deal with royalty the
estimated number of uncut press sheets that were saved range from 7 to 10 sheets. The range is higher for Saint Vincent
though as we can see the commonality of many of the varieties. The Format Printers last owners created a huge problem
in this area because:
1.) Saint Vincent Postal Authorities seemed not to care WHAT the printers did with their issues.
2.) The company produced quite a few "made for collector" errors for this country between 1986-7.
3.) The company produced and held onto a large number proofs and color trials for various (what they
considered) popular issues meaning LOTW issues and topical issues and yes, royalty issues for Saint
As we can see in the declining numbers of items available variety wise with the dependencies, they obviously
at the time thought that the dependencies would not be as popular and thus less material was produced for them.
This same method appears to be apparent with other commonwealth countries also such as Tuvalu and its
dependencies. High numbers for Tuvalu and lower numbers for the dependencies.
Luckily the whistle was blown and this type of production was put to a screeching halt in late 1987 and early
1988. Some materials were destroyed before police raids could get to them. Inside sources are now portraying
the picture of what happened to some of the materials. Some quantities of sheets with errors were quickly
sold off to investors who quickly got them off their hands before the raids. Investors who bought them, out
of fear, locked them away and never resold them. Some destroyed the materials out of fear. SOME of the materials
may STILL be locked away. Certain sources are now retracing the trails to find out what happened to them. As time
goes by more and more information will be found and truths will be revealed. Shady dealers will be revealed and
scorned. Pricing of these materials will be stabilized and most of what the Format International Security Printers
produced will be shown to have been legitimately made and saved in the archive.
References taken from:
Stanley Gibbons Windward Islands and Barbados
Scott Catalog
Inventory list for the Format Archive by Robson Lowe
Online internet research
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UPDATED LAST ON: 11-May-2023 12:14 PM