Information and Reference of What was Found in the Archive
Stamp issues for Malawi printed by the Format International Security Printers Ltd. and items found in the Archive

Malawi stamps printed by Format International Security Printers Ltd.
Links to pages with information on items found in the archive
1970 INSECTS Scott #127-30,130a, SG #345-8,MS349

1971 DECIMAL COINAGE Scott #161-4,164a, SG #370-3,MS374

1971 CHRISTMAS Scott #178-81,181a, SG #403-6,MS407

1972 ROCK PAINTINGS Scott #186-9,189a, SG #413-16,MS417

1973 DEATH CENTENARY OF DAVID LIVINGSTONE (1st issue) Scott #204-7,207a, SG #435-8,MS439
The second issue 50t and souvenir sheet were printed by the House of Questa

1973 CHRISTMAS Scott #213-16,216a, SG #445-8,MS449

1979 CHRISTMAS Scott #358-61, SG #611-14

1982 REMEMBRANCE DAY Scott #406-9, SG #662-5

1983 COMMONWEALTH DAY Scott #410-13, SG #666-9

1983 500TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF RAPHAEL Scott #414-17, SG #670-2,MS673

1984 SMALL MAMMALS Scott #442-5, SG #703-6
These were the last stamps printed by the Format International Security Printers Ltd. for Malawi. The company went into bankruptcy in 1989.

References taken from:
Stanley Gibbons Central Africa
Scott Catalog
Inventory list for the Format Archive by Robson Lowe
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UPDATED LAST ON: 26-Jul-2015 12:03 PM