Information and Reference of countries effected by counterfeit illegal stamps according to U.P.U. Circulars and other sources
If you are looking for information on a specific country, republic or province please use your browsers search options and type in the name to get to it quicker.
It must be noted that as of 2019 more countries are now effected than portrayed on this page.
The counterfeit illegal stamps are being offered in many places. The main online auction venues being the main sources. eBay and Delcampe are working toward clearing out
the sales and/or the main bad sellers of them. Sadly Hipstamps and ebid are doing virtually nothing to stop them and many of these what I call "rogue dealers" have infested
their sites. Stamp buyers at this present time must be careful when buying stamps on these sites as there are thousands of the counterfeit illegal stamps being offered and sold.
This page is meant to raise awareness and to educate both buyers and sellers as to the massive problem within the stamp market that has been caused by a very few dealers and stamp producers
located worldwide that have flooded the market with these counterfeit stamps. They mainly target topical and memorabilia collectors but the average collectors and new collectors are also
being victimized. The problem started in the early 1990's and is now almost three decades old. Millions of the counterfeits are out there if not billions now. Please help end it by not
buying and/or selling them and avoiding the dealers that do. Only as a unified front can we reverse what these criminals have and are still doing. Awareness of who they are and what is real
and what is not is key to destroying their criminal industry. That is the intent of my Illegal Stamps reference section which now ranks number one on all search engines.
You do not have to be a stamp collector nor expert to recognize the following imaged stamps as counterfeits. Therefore management of the venues and auction houses have no excuse
not to eradicate the following provinces, republics and regional counterfeit illegal stamps from their venues themselves without relying on experts to report or moderate them. It is
their responsibility to do so to retain any kind of trusted reputation from buyers. Allowing major dealers of them to remain as users and sellers on their sites only shows they are
allowing them to continue to proliferate this junk for monetary gain. Therefore the management of sites that allow this is.....corrupt.
Courtesy of Maria Libera I present the following excerpts from her published Article published in the April 2016 issue of the Italian philatelic magazine Arte di Francobollo.
The listing below reproduces, per region, the countries that have had official UPU Circulars published since the late 1990s denouncing counterfeit,
forged and/or illegal stamps and related philatelic products produced in their names. However, it is to be noted that the individual UPU Circulars
published do not necessarily cover all illegal stamps produced in the name of the countries concerned. Because of new series of illegal stamps that
keep on appearing, it is a lengthy process to get those illegal stamps identified and to put together new UPU circulars for publication.
First section is of the main countries effected by counterfeit illegal stamps.
African and Arab countries:
Angola (UPU Circular No. 406.2000), Benin (UPU Circulars Nos. 286.2006 and 030.2004), Burundi (UPU Circulars Nos. 08.2012 and 143.2002), Cameroun (UPU Circular No. 190.2009),
Centrafrique (UPU Circular No. 156.2001), Comoros (Union des) (UPU Circulars Nos. 140.2007, 514.2001 and No. 201.2001), Congo (Rep) (UPU Circulars Nos. 144.2014 and 064.1997),
Congo (Dem Rep) (UPU Circulars Nos. 371.2005 and 418.1997), Côte d'Ivoire (Rep) (UPU Circulars Nos. 369.2005, 063.2004 and 269.2003), Djibouti (UPU Circulars Nos. 410.2005 and 226.2004),
Equatorial Guinea (UPU Circular No. 417.1997), Eritrea (UPU Circulars Nos. 180.2007 and 294.2003), Gambia (UPU Circular No. 308.2004), Guinea (UPU Circular No. 421.2003),
Iraq (UPU Circulars Nos. 61.2013, 071.2004), Lesotho (UPU Circular No. 15.2015), Madagascar (UPU Circulars Nos. 193.2008 and 393.2001), Malawi (UPU Circulars Nos. 66.2015, 59.2009 and 130.2007),
Mali (UPU Circulars Nos. 79.2015, 72.2014, 238.2001 and 165.2000), Mauritania (UPU Circular No. 161.2003), Mauritius (UPU Circular No. 146.2012),
Western Sahara of Morocco (UPU Circulars Nos. 071.2008, 069.2004, .414.2002, 129.2000), Mozambique (UPU Circular No. 208.2008), Namibia (UPU Circulars Nos. 65.2015 and 188.2014),
Niger (UPU Circulars Nos. 388.2005 and 194.2000), Rwanda (UPU Circulars Nos. 128.2012, 92.2010, 252.2009, 198.2007, 354.2003, 504.2001, 363.2001 and 39.2000), Saudi Arabia (UPU Circular No. 421.2001),
Senegal (UPU Circular No. 07.2001), Somalia (UPU Circular No. 328.2005), Sudan (UPU Circular No. 095.2004), Tanzania (and Zanzibar) (UPU Circulars Nos. 62.2013 and 219.2011),
Tchad (UPU Circular No. 08.2001), Uganda (UPU Circular No. 220.2011), United Arab Emirates (UPU Circulars Nos. 122.2009, 141.2007 and 168.2001), Zambia (UPU Circular No. 137.2014).
Asia and Pacific Regions:
Afghanistan (UPU Circulars Nos. 197.2009, 177.2007, 02.2003, 345.2000 and 421.1998), Cambodia (UPU Circular No. 150.2015), Japan (UPU Circular No. 116.2012),
Laos (UPU Circulars No. 135.2001 and 419.1999), Myanmar (UPU Circulars No. 343.2006 and 428.2000).
Central and South America and the Caribbean:
Argentina (UPU Circular No. 318.1997), Bolivia (UPU Circular No.92.2012), Haiti (UPU Circular No. 367.2005), Mexico (UPU Circular No. 109.1996),
Paraguay (UPU Circular No.135.2014), Trinidad and Tobago (UPU Circular No.149.2015).
The Russian Federation and its neighboring countries (Community of Independent States (CIS):
Azerbaijan (UPU Circulars Nos. 060.2009, 192.2006, 073.2005, 263.2004 and 251.1999), Estonia (UPU Circulars Nos.189.2012 and No. 200.2007),
Georgia (UPU Circulars Nos.75.2012, 127.2009, 50.2001, 106.1999 and 331.1997), Kyrgyzstan (UPU Circulars No. 172.2003, 208.2002, 308.2001, 06.2001, 285.2000, 119.2000 and 432.1999),
Lithuania (UPU Circular No.190.2012), Mongolia (UPU Circular No. 146.1999), Russian Federation (UPU Circulars Nos. 42.2015, 66.2014, 287.2010, 15.2002, 214.2000 and 302.1998),
Tadjikistan (UPU Circular No. 229.2002), Turkmenistan (UPU Circular No. 184.2000), Ukraine (UPU Circulars Nos. 03.2000, 253.1999, 458.1998), Uzbekistan (UPU Circular No. 061.2009 and 070.2003).
Eastern and Western Europe:
Bosnia (UPU Circulars Nos. 416.1998, 354.1998), Croatia (UPU Circulars Nos. 80.2009, 282.2006, 421.2005), Cyprus (UPU Circulars Nos. 199.2007, 34.2000, 301.1998, 399.1997 and 482.1996),
Greece (UPU Circulars No. 276.1998), Portugal (UPU Circular No.178.2012), Slovenia (UPU Circular No. 81.2007).
I wish to note here that I have many contacts asking me if the following country names on stamps are real. Here is your answer.
It should be noted that, where applicable, several of the above-mentioned countries have also denounced illegal stamps produced in the name of their national dependencies,
provinces and territories that do not have the authority to issue stamps in their own name. In any case, there is no doubt that "stamps" in the name of these entities
are definitely illegal productions and should not be purchased. These are as follows:
Azerbaijan Provinces
Nagorno-Karabakh or Republic of Mountainous Karabakh and Naxcivan

Nagorno Karabakh 2000 EUROPA Illegal Stamps

There is quite the conflict as to whether Republic of Mountainous Karabakh are illegal stamps or local issues. They are produced mainly by Armenia which is and has been in
military conflict with Azerbaijan over the province since the Soviet breakup. The U.P.U. does not recognize these "stamps" as legal even though some usage has been reported. Republic of Mountainous Karabakh
is recognized by the United Nations as part of Azerbaijan, not part of Armenia even though the population is 4 to 1 Armenian. Here are links to several U.P.U. circulars
made for denouncing them by Azerbaijan and a snapshot of a recent article written in 2018 on the status still. The bottom line is that the stamps are not "legal" to use as mailing and
therefore not to be accepted by any country as postage of which as you can see some has gone through to Germany illegally for instance. They are therefore in direct conflict with
U.P.U. regulations and therefore deemed illegal stamps. At least up to now in 2019. Buying them supports a producer that is printing "stamps" in direct conflict with U.P.U. regulations.
They are not available on the Armenia post website. If they were legal why would they not be?
UPU Circular Number 263 for Azerbaijan in 2004
UPU Circular Number 73 for Azerbaijan in 2005
Azerbaijan not to apply requirements of Universal Postal Convention to Armenia Article
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
I found another pair of illegal stamps using the EUROPA 2000 common design for the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic which was not listed as having any illegal stamps in the 2016 report.
The spelling is wrong on the illegal stamps which is typical of the British producer who has a serious language deficiency and spelled it as "Nahchivan".
Nakhchivan 2000 EUROPA Illegal Stamps

Islands belonging to Estonia
In 2007 Estonia tried to alert the public of a mass of illegal stamps being produced in the name of Estonian Islands. Here is that circular.
UPU Circular Number 200 for Estonia in 2007
I note sellers want to call these local posts or private issues or cinderella stamps. They were never produced or sold in Estonia. They were
produced by a British stamp dealer who's life was dedicated to ripping you off! Certain dealers who are still selling them to this day have that same intent.
Abruka Post
It appears that only these Chess and Cats sets were produced in the name of Abruka Post in 1998 and 1999. They look exactly like the illegal stamps in the name of many countries produced in that year.
The same style of printing. The familiar Scouts logo. All were coming from the same source at that time.

Aegna Post
The only set produced in the name of Aegna Post was the Princess Diana set made in 1998. As you can see it is by the same producer.

Aksi Post
The only set produced in the name of Aksi Post was the Princess Diana set made in 1998.

Hiiumaa Post
A number of fake souvenir sheet sets were produced for this island. Here are examples. All WWF stamps with this island name on them are illegal stamps.

Kihnu Post
It appears that only these Dogs and Cats sets were produced in the name of Kihnu Post in 1999 and 2000. Again....same producer.

Manilaid Post
A number of fake souvenir sheet sets were produced for this island including dogs, minerals, dinosaurs and butterflies. Here are examples.

Muhu Post
Here again illegal usage of the WWF logo.

Osmussaar Post
It appears that only these Cats and Princess Diana sets were produced in the name of Osmussaar Post in 1999 and 2000.

Prangli Post
The only fake sets produced in the name of Prangli Post were the Butterflies and Dogs sets made in 1999 and 2000.

Ruhnu Post
The only fake sets produced in the name of Ruhnu Post were the WWF and Chess sets made in 1998 and 2000.

Saaremaa Post
A number of fake souvenir sheet sets were produced for this island. Here are examples. All WWF stamps with this island name on them are illegal stamps.
I note the Dinosaurs sheet was not discovered at the time of the analysis.

Suur-Pakri Post
It appears that only these Stones and Minerals and Princess Diana sets were produced in the name of Osmussaar Post in 1999 and 2000.

Vaike-Pakri Post
It appears there is only one fake animals sheet of 16 that exists using the Vaike-Pakri Post name. I could not find a mini-sheet of 12 anywhere.

Vorms Post
It appears that only these WWF and Princess Diana sets were produced in the name of Vorms Post in 1999 and 2000.

Provinces of Georgia
There is some controversy on whether stamps from Abkhazia are bogus or not. According to the Georgia U.P.U. Circular posted in 2012 they all are. According to what appears
some issues that relate to the province have and are used in a local fashion. They still to this day cannot be used as postage outside the province. The problem is that a certain
British criminal illegal stamp producer made a ton of illegal stamps for these provinces. This producer who created a network of dealers worldwide to move these illegal stamps
and many other bogus stamps of which that network exists to this day, produced a massive number for Abkhazia especially. They are completely different from the "local" issues and
for the most part do no relate to anything about the provinces at all.
According to the circular given by Georgia, all stamps made for or by these provinces are illegal stamps.
UPU Circular Number 75 for Georgia in 2012
As I stated above a ton of counterfeit illegal stamps were produced by this British dealer. They are of the same exact styles as all the others created by this person
for many countries. It is quite obvious who it was and his son carries it on to this day. There are so many that were made in the name of Abkhazia that it would fill numerous
pages with images. I present a general viewing of what to look for. At this point I would not recommend buying anything related to stamps from Abkhazia. I would also like to
note that the same sellers on eBay and other venues who are huge criminal illegal stamp dealers are (of course) selling these as well.
The Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky illegal stamp souvenir sheet is quite interesting. Clive Feigenbaum was

Here is a bogus "certificate of authenticity" put out by what is now deemed the bogus "International Collectors Society". This "stamp" souvenir sheet was never printed,
authorized nor even saw the province of Abkhazia. Therefore, once again, the status on the certificate is a complete lie as is the edition limit. There are tens of thousands
of this bogus souvenir sheet out there. Probably close to a million of them. A lot of people have sadly been ripped off in buying it and these same dealers are still
ripping people off for it to this day. It is.....worthless.
Adding also that there are a number of other fake counterfeit illegal stamp issues in the name of Abkhazia with these bogus certificates out there as well. It shows us that the
organizers within the "society" had and have direct connections with the illegal stamp producer. Beware of anything that comes with these certificates.

Here are more examples. Note the style. Does it look familiar? Should you really study the illegal stamp industry you will recognize the styles quite easily.

They are still producing these counterfeit stamps in the name of Abkhazia to this day.

This massive set produced this year! (2019) Don't buy it!

It appears only a few counterfeit issues were made in the name of Adjaria between 1998 and 2000. The same producer. Here are examples.




Here again, the British producer made a pair of illegal stamps copying the 2000 EUROPA common design and placing the name as "Adzaria" which is a wrong spelling
of the name Adzharia in English. The Polish spelling is correct but since the fake stamps do not have an "over dot" over the "z", they are again, spelled wrong.

Numerous fake issues have been produced in the name of Batum as well. The last Batum genuine stamp issues were made in 1920. Everything dating afterwards is illegal.
Here are examples.

Here is a registered letter with illegal stamps on it. Would this not put them in the status of counterfeit stamps? Are the cancels even real?







Bogus Gold Foil Stamps

Unknown Year

South Ossetia
An interesting note is that the illegal stamp producers are using South and North Ossetia. North Ossetia belongs to the Russian Federation. See the
Russian Federation section to reference North Ossetia illegal stamps. Again numerous illegal stamp sets were made. Here are examples for South Ossetia.


Even highly respected dealers are offering these illegal stamps. This dealer has the original "color proofs" for many. Note the printers color guide. It is a clue that tells you who
the printer was at the time.

Here again is another counterfeit produced by the British producer copying the EUROPA 2000 common design. South Ossetia never was involved in it.

2010 Europa


2015 Europa


Provinces of Moldova
Moldova has also been plagued by the illegal stamp producers for years. There is some conflicts on Russian stamps overprinted.
I can guarantee that the following imaged "stamps" are counterfeit illegal stamps and guess what? Produced by the same British based producer. Do you see the pattern?
Here is a link to the International Moldovan Philatelic Society page on stamps in the name of Gagauzia. It denounces all stamps
made with this provinces name in any form as bogus. This means....illegal stamps. They are not Cinderella stamps.
Gagauzia Bogus (Cinderella) Stamps
Here are examples.




Pochta PMR
Transnistria is being recognized by Moldova as authorized to produce local issues for internal use. Letters extending outside the province must use Moldova stamps
for mailing outside of the country. Our British producer has been involved seriously for years in producing illegal stamps using this provinces name. All EUROPA stamps
produced in the name of this province are not recognized by the EUROPA organizations and the province is not a member.
Finding images of the illegal stamps produced is difficult as the local issues are very similar. Possibly the producers of the local issues are one and the same?
Here are examples of earlier proven illegal stamps for this region and a couple EUROPA examples. I personally would avoid buying any stamps from this province
without first doing extensive research into the authenticity of the stamps in question.
This image I found in the Internet Archive from a website that no longer exists. It is one of very few images that was saved by the system. I note
that on this particular counterfeit stamp block the use of "noyta" is on it.

Date Unknown
Here we have the illegal usage of the WWF logo. No year date applied to these fake stamps.

This image is from a seller on eBay. The seller does not describe them as anything but local stamps. This is why you must do research before
buying anything from this province. These illegal stamps are as they are described at various websites.

Here again is the EUROPA 2000 illegal stamps. Around 24 countries, territories and provinces have these counterfeits made in their names.

Here are EUROPA stamps that are not recognized by any entity. I note the use of the word "NOYMA" versus what should be "NOYTA". I note the style of the sheets
is the same as many illegal stamps produced by the British based producer.


Here we have the usage of the 2009 Astronomy logo used by the illegal stamp distributer Lollini on EUROPA stamps. This logo used on many illegal stamps. Again the styles
are exactly the same.

Finally here is an example of a 2016 set of Dinosaurs. Exactly the same styles as tons of other illegal stamps produced by the British producer. You don't smell a rat?

Should Moldova and this province ever want real status for "stamps" coming from this province they will have to create a website section
on their postal website that shows the public all of the "legal" issues and every illegal issue they can find. At this point the recommended status is
to avoid all Transnistria stamps without proven legitimacy.
Internal provinces and regions of the Russian Federation
The Universal Postal Union published the following Circular on July 10, 2000 denouncing illegal stamps at the request of the Postal Administration for the Russian Federation.
This Circular was validated by Mr. M.S. Raman, Assistant Director General of the UPU Secretariat who was the senior officer at that time overseeing philatelic issues.
The circular is number 214. Here is what was stated in the circular and a link to the actual Circular itself which has not been seen for many years by the general public.
UPU Circular Number 214 for the Russian Federation in 2000
Dear Sir/Madam
The postal administration of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION asks me to inform you of the following:
"I would like to draw your attention to our postal administration's grave concern about the illegal production and distribution of postage stamps ostensibly issued by various regions
of the Russian Federation. Attached is a list of the regions in whose name illegal stamps have been issued. We were grateful to see participants attending the pilot course for Central
and Eastern European countries on the promotion and development of philately, recently held in Riga (Latvia), made aware of this ever-growing proliferation of illegal stamps. We have
also learned that such stamps have been openly offered for sale on the Internet for some time now.
"Not only does such a proliferation of illicit stamps do harm to philately and the Russian Federation's reputation, it also contributes to the decline of the entire philatelic market.
We are therefore counting on the Universal Postal Union and the World Association for the Development of Philately (WADP) to help us find a solution to this problem immediately."
Yours faithfully,
Assistant Director-General
Annex 1
List of regions of the Russian Federation in whose name illegal stamps are being issued:
Altai Region
Amurskaya Province
Jewish Autonomous Region
Franz Josef Land
Autonomous Region of Evenkia
Republic of Kabard-Balkaria
Kamchatka Region
Autonomous Region of Koriakia
Kuril islands
Novosibirsk islands
Kolguev Island
Kunashir Island
New Land Island
Spitsbergen Island
Republic of Adygea
Republic of Bashkortostan
Republic of Buriatia
Republic of Daghestan
Republic of Ingushetia
Republic of Ichkeria
Republic of Kalmykia
Republic of Karelia
Komi Republic
Mari-El Republic
Republic of Mordovia
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Republic of North Ossetia
Republic of Tatarstan
Republic of Tuva
Republic of Khakasia
Russian Antarctica
Sakhalin Region
Republic of Udmurtia
Republic of Chuvashia
The Universal Postal Union published the following Circular on January 14, 2002 denouncing illegal stamps at the request of the Postal Administration for the Russian Federation.
This Circular was validated by K. J. S. McKeown, Assistant Director of Communications and Postal Markets of the UPU Secretariat who was the senior officer at that time overseeing philatelic issues.
The circular is number 15. Here is what was stated in the circular and a link to the actual Circular itself which also has not been seen for many years by the general public..
UPU Circular Number 15 for the Russian Federation in 2002
Dear Sir/Madam
The postal administration of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION asks me to inform you of the following:
"As a member of the Universal Postal Union, the postal administration of the Russian Federation issues postage stamps in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention
and the Letter Post Regulations.
However, there has recently appeared on world philatelic markets a large number of illicit stamp issues distributed on behalf of official territorial entities of the Russian Federation.
These issues feature 'fashionable' subjects such as political figures, sports celebrities, Hollywood movie stars, etc.
The postal administration of the Russian Federation draws your attention to the fact that the regions on whose behalf these stamps have been issued form an integral part of the Russian
Federation and that, according to the provisions of the UPU Regulations and Russian Federation legislation, they are not authorized to issue postage stamps independently
(the list of these regions appears in the annex). All stamps issued on behalf of official territorial entities of the Russian Federation must therefore be regarded as illegal.
They have no connection with the Post and cannot be used as an official means of indicating prepayment of postage.
These forged stamps are being issued by anonymous private companies operating outside Russia and have no direct connection with the official territorial entities of the Russian Federation.
The distribution of illegal postage stamps does serious moral and economic harm to the Russian Federation, discredits the Russian postal service in the eyes of the world philatelic
community and encourages collectors to avoid buying not only illegal but also perfectly legal stamp issues."
Yours faithfully,
Director of Communications and Postal Markets
List of regions of the Russian Federation on whose behalf illegal stamps have been issued
Altai Region
Amurskaya Province
Antarctic Regions of the Russian Federation
Jewish Autonomous Region
Franz Josef Land
Autonomous Region of Evenkia
Republic of Kabard-Balkaria
Kamchatka Region
Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia
Autonomous Region of Koriakia
Kuril islands
Novosibirsk islands
Kolguev Island
Kunashir Island
Novaya Zemla
Spitsbergen Island
Republic of Adygea
Republic of Bashkortostan
Republic of Buryatia
Republic of Dagestan
Republic of Ingushetia
Republic of Ishkeria
Republic of Kalmykia
Republic of Karelia
Komi Republic
Mari-El Republic
Republic of Mordovia
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Republic of North Ossetia
Republic of Tatarstan
Republic of Tuva
Khakass Republic
Sakhalin Region
Republic of Udmurtia
Chechen Republic
Republic of Chuvashia
On December 6, 2010 the postal administration for the Russian Federation represented by K.J.S. McKeown (Director of Markets Development) posted to the Universal Postal Union another
circular warning of the discovery of more illegal stamps created with the country names "Kalmykia" and "Mordovia" that are on the market. The circular is
number 287. You can view the circular in its entirety in the PDF file I have linked here.
UPU Circular Number 287 for the Russian Federation in 2010
On April 22, 2014 the postal administration for the Russian Federation represented by Juliana Nel (Director of Markets Development) posted to the Universal Postal Union another
circular warning of the discovery of more illegal stamps created with the country names "Altai" that are on the market. The circular is
number 66. You can view the circular in its entirety in the PDF file I have linked here.
UPU Circular Number 66 for the Russian Federation in 2014
On March 16, 2015 the postal administration for the Russian Federation represented by Murray Buchanan (Director of Economic and Regulatory Affairs) posted to the Universal Postal Union another
circular warning of the discovery of more illegal stamps created with the country names "Komi Republic" that are on the market. The circular is
number 42. You can view the circular in its entirety in the PDF file I have linked here.
UPU Circular Number 42 for the Russian Federation in 2015
We can see there is a huge ongoing problem with counterfeit, yes counterfeit as stated by the Russian Federation, illegal stamps made in the names of the many Russian provinces
and territories belonging to the Russian Federation. The listed names below are a compiling of these areas taken from the existing circulars published in the 2016 article.
According to the Philately Rough Trade article all of the older illegal stamps were produced for or by Clive Feigenbaum. We can see by the matching styles that they are indeed one and the same
producer. We can see that these earlier 1990's counterfeit stamps are the beginnings of a long career in production of illegal stamps in the name of many countries that continues to this day
and that much of the production is being carried on by the same family. A family that has mass produced so many illegal stamps and bogus labels to the point of complete saturation of the stamp market
which has caused detrimental harm to both the victimized countries and to the stamp collecting community as a whole. That career should not be tolerated by anyone and that career needs
to be ended in a permanent!
The examples shown on the linked page are only a small part of what has and is being produced in the names of the provinces and republics of the Russian Federation. There are many more.
These just show you what to look for in styles and names. Avoid buying any of them and avoid dealers who sell them! They are ripping you off!
Here are a few examples of Russian stamps that have overprints in the names of the following republics and regions. Any Russian stamp overprinted with the named areas
is a counterfeit illegal stamp as stated by the UPU circulars. Most of the overprinting was made between 1992 and 1995 although some have dating in 1996, 2003 and so forth. They are on a variety
of the Russian stamps made in the 1980's through early 1990's. The counterfeit producer used them to make collectors think they were coming from the area. The stamps themselves were and are cheap
to obtain mint and in bulk and the overprinting could be done for pennies. They are the original concept of illegal stamps.

Counterfeit illegal stamps are not Cinderella stamps, local issues nor private issues. They cannot even be considered "labels". They are fake stamps in the name of
real countries and provinces created by dealers intent on ripping off collectors into believing they had anything to do with the named country or province at all! They
have no right to even exist at all and should be burned. Dealers intent on producing and selling them should not be allowed to exist as a stamp dealer either. It is time for all
collectors and legitimate stamp dealers to unite and remove both these bogus stamps and their distributing factors (namely bad stamp dealers) from our societies, associations
and stamp selling venues worldwide. They do not have the right to "sell what they want" as some of these criminal minded dealers have told me. In a legal sense, the victimized
countries can take legal action on these dealers in their own country. It is time that they did.....
The following linked page shows and proves the same producer created and distributed all of the earlier illegal stamps in the name of the internal provinces and regions of the Russian Federation.
There is no doubt that they are counterfeit illegal stamps that were produced outside of these locations. There is no way that all of the provinces and regions would unite
and have the same producer make all of their "stamps" at the same time using the same styles and fashions as the following images prove. The criminal that did this was a mastermind in
the art of deceit and to this day there are thousands of victims of this one persons greed. It is time to end the charade and make the sales and attempted sales of these by anyone end.
Counterfeit goods are illegal to sell according to any legitimate countries laws. These laws must be upheld in any country that a stamp dealer resides in who is selling or
attempting to sell these counterfeit goods. Because there is proof of fraudulent postal usage of some of these illegal stamps, the repeated attempts by bad dealers and others to separate
the terminology of what they really are to perceive them as not being counterfeit stamps, is not to be accepted any more. They indeed are....counterfeit stamps.
One interesting note and you have to consider this.....
Basically the majority if not all Russian stamps are printed and inscribed in Russian spelling. No Russian stamps are printed in English.
Just look at the overprinted Russian they have any English spelling saying Russia?? It only shows arrogance and a superior minded attitude on the part of the English counterfeiters
who in reality are criminals that have ripped off millions of collectors worldwide for almost three decades now! Let's break down their house of cards by exposing them and their counterfeit stamps
and eradicating them all from the stamp market. It can be done if unification is created and major force is enacted against them. It has already begun......
Because the number of provinces and regions within the Russian Federation is long and there are so many images, I have produced a separate page to display them. Here is the link to that page
which shows example images of counterfeit illegal stamps for the following effected areas within the Russian Federation.
Russian Federation Counterfeit Illegal Stamps
Republic of Adygea
Altai Region
The counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of this region are also named Altaj or Altay. On the online auction venues they can be found under any of the three names.
Amurskaya Province
Most of these counterfeit stamps in the name of Amurskaya do not have year dates. Some have been stated to be from the year I place under. Whatever year
they were made does not matter. Any "stamp" made under this provinces name is a counterfeit illegal stamp.
Russian Antarctica
I could not find anything on the internet other than the documenting that stamps using this name are counterfeit and illegal.
Republic of Bashkortostan
Some of the counterfeit stamps use the name Bashkiria. All stamps with these names past and present are counterfeit illegal stamps!
Republic of Buriatia
A massive number of illegal stamps have been produced in the name of this republic for years.
Republic of Chuvashia
Republic of Daghestan
Most English speaking spell the republics name Dagestan. A massive number of counterfeit illegal stamps have been produced for this republic.
Autonomous Region of Evenkia
Not a lot of counterfeit illegal stamps were made for this area.
Franz Josef Land
I could only find Russian stamps with fake overprints made between 1993 to 1996. All considered counterfeit.
Both Ingushia and the Republic of Ingushetia are one and the same. The counterfeit producers used both names.
Republic of Ingushetia
Republic of Ichkeria
This republic is also found using Ickeria or Ickeri as the name in searches.
Jewish Autonomous Region
The counterfeit stamps for this region were all made in the early 1990's. I could find no "modern" counterfeits.
Jewish Republic
Unlike the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Jewish Republic has a flurry of fake counterfeit stamps ranging from 1992 almost to present day!
Republic of Kabardo-Balkaria
Numerous counterfeit stamps found in searches for Kabardo, Kabardino, Balkaria, Balkar and Balkarie.
Republic of Kalmykia
Kamchatka Region
Counterfeit stamps can also found in searches for Karachay, Karachaevo, Karatchaievo, Caratchaevo, Cherkesia and Tcherkessie.
Republic of Karelia
Karjala is another name for Karelia and is therefore a little confusing for the stamp collector. It is the Finnish name for the republic.
Republic of Khakasia
The counterfeit illegal stamps are mainly found under searches for Khakassia, Chakasia and Hakasia.
Autonomous Region of Koriakia
Counterfeit stamps can also found in searches for Korjakija or Koriakie.
Kolguev Island
Komi Republic
A massive number of counterfeit illegal stamps to report in the name of this republic.
Kunashir Island
Part of the Kuril Islands. Only a few counterfeit stamps made with this name.
Kuril islands
Litke Islands
Mari-El Republic
Counterfeit stamps can also found in searches for Marij El.
Republic of Mordovia
A massive number of counterfeit illegal stamps to report in the name of this republic.
New Land Island
There appears to only be one set of Russian stamps overprinted in 1992-3 in the name of this island.
Republic of North Ossetia
Numerous counterfeit stamps have been produced in the name of North Ossetia.
Novosibirsk Islands
Very little produced for the Novosibirsk Islands.
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
A huge number of counterfeit illegal stamps were produced in the name of Sakha Yakutia.
Counterfeit stamps can also found in searches for Sakha Republic, Yakutia Republic, Yakutia-Sacha, Sacha-Yakutia, Sakha-Jakutia, Sacha Yakutia, Sacha Republic, Yakutia.
Sakhalin Region
Spitsbergen Island
Republic of Tatarstan
A massive number of counterfeit illegal stamps to report in the name of this republic.
Republic of Tuva
Counterfeit stamps can also found in searches for Touva. The counterfeit producers made a real mess of this.
A massive number of counterfeit illegal stamps to report in the name of this republic. A separation is to be made in what is real and what is not.
Republic of Udmurtia
A massive number of counterfeit illegal stamps to report in the name of this republic.
Provinces of Turkmenistan
Akhal Velayat
Not many counterfeit illegal stamps were made in the name of Akhal Velayat because the main focus of the British counterfeit producer was Turkmenistan itself.
Here is all I could find.


Apparently sold exclusively by...yes you guessed it.....Avion Stamps.

Balkan Velayat
Again, not many counterfeit illegal stamps were made in the name of Balkan Velayat because the main focus of the British counterfeit producer was Turkmenistan itself.
Here is all I could find.


This time the Cats counterfeit stamps apparently sold exclusively by...yes you guessed it again.....Avion Stamps.

Provinces and regions of Ukraine
Ukrainian Antarctic Territories
The only item I could find on the internet in regards to counterfeit stamps in the name of the Ukrainian Antarctic Territories was this fake card.

The bottom line is any stamp using the name Crimea in English or Russian is a counterfeit illegal stamp. There are no local issues no matter
what any cunning dealer tries to convince you of. All covers and postcards with any stamp intentionally made in the name of Crimea is fake or illegally used.
Sadly there is a ton of counterfeit stamps in the name of Crimea out there. Noting it started with Russian stamps overprinted in the early 1990's by the British producer. Pretty much
stopped until 2008 when the Eastern European counterfeiters started making a mass of garbage that is still being produced to present time (2019).
Here are examples.
There are so many fake stamps produced through these years claiming to be local issues for Crimea that it is ridiculous. There are many more than
shown here. They are not "scarce", they have no value as stamps and anyone trying to say they are is a liar and should not be dealt with. BEWARE!

I could only find this one counterfeit stamp block made by the British producer. Of course it is at present exclusively sold on the Avion Stamps website.
sorry for the rotten image. Typical of the counterfeit dealers site.

Here the British producer made a massive counterfeit series using the EUROPA 2000 common design. It involves at least 24 countries that were never involved.

The Eastern European rats started up apparently in 2008 with this set and continue to this day. Following are examples to show you the "styles". Let's get rid of these cons!





Note the user name at the bottom. where I am getting a ton of images from. Should be removed permanently from Delcampe.


Noting the user name on eBay providing many of these images is hmaraboss777. Should be removed permanently from eBay. Probably the same dealer as on Delcampe.

This can be a confusing battle for the collector without knowledge. Back in 1918 the Trident overprint was applied by favor to several older Russian
stamp sets. Odessa has never been "independent" and has never made local issues since that time. As usual the British producer and apparently others produced
numerous counterfeit overprint Russian stamps. Here are examples.

2013 Emperor Penguin
There is no date on this block. Guaranteed there is no Odessa "Express Mail". See the Uman counterfeits to see why this is dated 2013.

Here we have that familiar con trying to sell these fake stamps on Delcampe.

In searching for the counterfeit stamps for Uman I could only find these. The producer I believe is located in Spain. I have seen similar
counterfeits produced by this producer in the name of other countries and show them. The style matches them. This producer massively
produces counterfeits in a given year. Each of the following are from "sets" of 4 to 10 different souvenir sheets. The date 2013 obtained from
the Nobel prize sheet. There is no Uman "Express Mail". The images taken from numerous users on eBay and Delcampe. Most sales were closed
down by the mods. Several of the users closed down.....permanently for this kind of activity.

This one is a bit confusing to me as well. apparently the trident overprint "framed" means it is from Vinnitsa? Following are more counterfeits
in the name of this province. Again the Spanish producer produced a mass of counterfeit stamps in the name of Vinnitsa. There again is no
Vinnitsa "Express Mail". All stamps used in Vinnitsa are Ukrainian stamps.

These are only a few examples. There are many more. The user name of one of the clowns that was offering this junk in mass on Delcampe
is shown on the bottom set. Noting he has nothing for sale at the moment. Probably because he has nothing but this garbage to sell. Needs to be watched closely.
The other on Delcampe is anita0602. Still running mass of this garbage calling them "Fantasy Labels". They have been denounced as counterfeit and because they use a
real name of a region in Ukraine....they are counterfeit and should therefore be completely removed from Delcampe along with the user should they persist
in trying to sell counterfeit goods. These people want $18-40.00 for one! Complete rip-off! Avoid buying anything from users like this!

IN SUMMARY of the above, denouncements of illegal stamps have been produced and distributed so far in the name of 63 (sixty-three) official stamp issuing authorities
and their 69 (sixty-nine) dependencies.
Additionally, "stamps" have been produced and distributed in the name of the following entities that are not recognized, neither by any official authority nor by any
official document; it is easily concluded that such entities are fictitious, and any "stamps" produced in the name of these entities are definitely illegal productions
and serve only the interests of the private companies or individuals that have produced them. So far, seven such fictitious entities have been identified. They are:
I note that all seven entities are fantasy labels. If they are not being sold as such then the dealer is trying to rip you off!
I am leaving the Delcampe frames on so you can see who some of these people are. Unless they place them in the "Fantasy Labels" category they are
intent on deceiving buyers. None of these users have.
Ferr Islands
I note these appear only to be made in 2009 and 2010. Note the now famous Darabeth watermark. I wouldn't buy nothing from these cons.
They list them as if they are real stamps.
Ferr Islands Fantasy Labels

Island of Freedom
I only found this one huge set produced by our favorite British producer back in 2002. Seems to be exclusively offered by alphaomegaphilately located in India on eBay.
Noting we have had lots of problems with this user in regards to selling forgeries and counterfeits. Also noting the same exact style as tons of counterfeit illegal stamps.
Island of Freedom Fantasy Labels

Island of Offences
I only found this one fantasy label obviously produced by the same producer around 2002.
Island of Offences Fantasy Labels

I only found this one fantasy label obviously produced by the same producer in 2010. Noting the illegal usage of Europa.
Lapland Fantasy Labels

I could not find anything with this name. It is very close to Manilaid which is the Estonia counterfeits shown earlier.
It appears between 2009 through 2012 there was a slurry of these fantasy labels made. Some are from "sets". The Mushrooms have around 8 souvenir sheets.
Naavland 2009 Fantasy Labels

Naavland 2010 Fantasy Labels

Naavland 2012 Fantasy Labels

PR Tongo
It appears they got the guy making these fantasy labels. I remember when there was a user on eBay selling many. The end result of course
is that any "stamp" inscribed like these are fantasy labels.
Tonga Fantasy Labels

A number of countries who subscribe to the WNS (the WADP Numbering System of the Universal Postal Union) have made it known that "stamps" in their name that are
circulating on the stamp market other than their authentic and legal stamps that they have had registered in the WNS System, should be considered illegal.
Additionally, the following countries from various regions have also witnessed the appearance of illegal stamps in their names and/or their dependencies,
and are in the process of organizing the relevant denouncements to be published as UPU Circulars. These are as follows:
African and Arab Regions:
Algeria, Cabinda to be denounced by Angola, Bahrain, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq (for Kurdistan), Kuwait,
Palestinian Authority, Liberia, Ste. Marie to be denounced by Madagascar, Morocco, Sao Tome-et-Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Sudan,
Zanzibar to be denounced by Tanzania, Togo and Zimbabwe.
Asia-Pacific Region:
Brunei, China (and Hong Kong and Macao), DPR Korea, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste and Vietnam.
Pacific Islands:
Aitutaki, Cook Island, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Norfolk Island, Penhryn (Cook Island), Solomon Islands, Tuvalu.
Caribbean Island Nations and Dependencies and South Atlantic:
Antigua, Anguilla, Aruba, Ascension Island, Bahamas, Barbados, Barbuda, Belize, Cates of Belize, Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, Cayman Island, Curacao,
Dominica, Falkland Isl (and Dependencies (ex. Bleaker Island, West Point Island, West Swan Island), Grenada, Grenada Grenadines, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat,
Nevis, Pitcairn Isl., Redonda, South Georgia, St. Christopher, St. Helena (also identified as St. Elena), St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Vincent,
South Georgia, Tristan da Cunha, Trinidad Tobago, Turks and Caicos, Virgin Islands.
Europe (Central, Eastern and Western):
Flandres (of Belgium); Corsica (of France); Sicilia and Sardegna (of Italy); Kosova, Macedonia; Montenegro; Serbia; Balearic Isl., Catalunya and Pais Vasco (of Spain);
Bardsey Island, Eynhallow, Galf of Man, Hebrides, Islay, Isle of Jethou, Isles of Scilly, Lundy, Orkney, St. Kilda, Shetland Isl. (islands belonging to Scotland and England).
Latin and South America:
Costa Rica, Cuba, Nicaragua.
IN CONCLUSION, the stamp collector is faced with the huge problem that illegal stamps have been produced and distributed so far in the name of probably more than
one hundred thirty (130) official stamp issuing authorities and their dependencies, as well as at least seven additional entities that are fictitious.
As more information is uncovered on this criminal phenomena we will update accordingly.
As I state over and over again.....
Buyer AND dealer BEWARE! Please do the research BEFORE buying stamps. These criminals are fully bent on ripping you off any way they can!
References taken from:
U.P.U. IB Circulars
Article written by Maria Libera
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2016-2019 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 10-Jul-2022 09:59 AM