Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Uzbekistan dating 1999 according to U.P.U. Circulars 70 and 61 and other resources

The Universal Postal Union published the following Circular on March 3, 2003 denouncing illegal stamps at the request of the Postal Administration for Uzbekistan.
This Circular was validated by K. J. S. McKeown, Director of Markets of the UPU Secretariat.
The circular is number 70. You can view it in the linked file below:
UPU Circular Number 70
Here is what was stated in the circular.
Dear Sir/Madam
The Communications and Information Agency of UZBEKISTAN asks me to inform
you of the following:
"Unidentified individuals have been seeking to discredit our country through the
circulation of illegal postage stamp issues. We have been informed of the appearance
on the philatelic market of counterfeit postage stamps marked
"O’ZBEKISTON". These stamps, whose value is marked in Uzbekistan sums, have
not been issued by the postal administration of Uzbekistan.
"Our administration wishes to make the postal administrations of Union member
countries, the philatelic community and collectors aware of the emergence of these
counterfeit postage stamps, and urges them not to accept these stamps as postal
prepayment or purchase them.
"The postal administration of the Republic of Uzbekistan also asks the postal
administrations of Union member countries to inform their philatelic partners of the
existence and circulation of these counterfeit stamps and exercise vigilance.
"A list of the counterfeit postage stamps is annexed."
Yours faithfully,
Director of Markets
The circular goes on to describe counterfeit illegal stamp sets inscribed with their country name O’ZBEKISTON.
The Universal Postal Union published another Circular on March 2, 2009 denouncing illegal stamps at the request of the Postal Administration for Uzbekistan.
This Circular was again validated by K. J. S. McKeown, Director of Markets of the UPU Secretariat.
The circular is number 61. You can view it in the linked file below:
UPU Circular Number 61
The second circular describes counterfeit sets made in the name of Uzbekistan inscribed O’ZBEKISTON and counterfeit sets made in the name of the Republic of
Karakalpakistan which are inscribed KARAKALPAKIA, Republic KARAKALPAKIA or KARAKALPAKISTON. The Republic of Karakalpakistan is part of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
It does not issue its own postage stamps and has never had authority to have any made ever! No local issues either for those looking to try to convince us any
of the following illegal stamps have any sort of legitimate value at all.
This research was difficult to complete namely because of the different country names used by the counterfeiters. The counterfeiters once again are the
British producer and his buddies. A few later sets were made by the Eastern European counterfeiters but for the most part it was all done by the British producer.
It is quite simple to know this by simply comparing them with all the other counterfeits these clowns made. Yes, the Feigenbaum/Montero bunch. Documented by
numerous reports from various countries and sales by the connected group of illegal stamp dealers who have sold and continue to sell these counterfeits to
this day, virtually three decades later! They and this needs to be ended....permanently!
Uzbekistan caught onto this late in the game. They did not know nor realize that these clowns were producing counterfeits in the name of Uzbekistan and the Republic
of Karakalpakistan since 1991! They started by producing fake overprints in the name of both republics on Russian stamps. What really causes confusion for collectors
of this country is that Uzbekistan did have some of the same Russian stamps overprinted!
Uzbekistan was under Russian control until December 1991 when they gained independence. In May of 1992 they issued their first independent postage stamps. Before
that they used stamps of the Soviet Union. In 1993 and 1995 Uzbekistan indeed had Soviet stamps overprinted as supplies of the new Uzbeki stamps ran low. The British
counterfeiters must have jumped for joy when this happened as it did and still does cause confusion as to what are real and what are counterfeit. These earlier
overprint counterfeits have never actually been recognized by collectors because they were made in the name of an independent republic that does not belong to the
Russian Federation and were therefore not listed in the numerous Russian Federation circulars of which all of those have been directly connected to Feigenbaum and Montero
via numerous countries, dealers and the dossier I found in the National Postal Archives.
These counterfeit illegal stamps, yes counterfeit as noted in the circulars, are everywhere now. They are in collections and dealer stocks all over the world. They are
still to this day being proliferated by the same criminals who were involved in the production and proliferation of them them when they were first produced! Anyone selling
them should be shunned because either they are selling them with full intent to rip you off or they lack the knowledge because of being too lazy or ignorant to do the research
to find out what they are. They are obviously not listed in the major catalogs which is the first and most simple way to know there is something wrong with them. Anyone
who is selling them that cannot take the time to do this first check is a bogus seller in my book and is not a seller to be trusted by any means of the word.
I have traced the counterfeits back to 1991 and do believe them to be the first.
To find out what stamps are real and legitimate for Uzbekistan you can first go to their own website and view their catalog of stamps which shows you
what was issued from beginning to present time.
The Uzbekistan Post Catalog of Stamps
You can visit the UPU WNS website and look at the Uzbekistan section. Sadly it appears Uzbekistan has not updated there since 2012.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be very helpful as well.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Uzbekistan
Some of the illegal stamps are shown in their Illegal section and noted as such. Still nothing close to what is out there as you will see.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Uzbekistan: Karakalpakstan
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Uzbekistan
I have also found the Stampworld online catalog to be very useful as well.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Uzbekistan
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you they are something
other than counterfeit illegal stamps.
Here we go!
In 1999 the British counterfeit producer continues the charade in producing counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of the Republic of Karakalpakistan.
More covers can be found showing counterfeit usage as the criminals continued to use this tactic to legitimize them as worth something. Today in 2021
they even have a bogus catalog listing counterfeit illegal stamps as "local Russian" stamps to try to legitimize them. These people are cunning and relentless
in their pursuit to rip you off. They join and become leaders in the stamp societies and associations like the IPDA, ASDA, APS, PTS and so forth. The IPDA is
an example of a stamp association that in desperation to keep members allows notorious illegal stamp dealers like Lollini ( to remain even
after being fully exposed as a major illegal stamp dealer connected directly with the producers of them. Yet this association wants you and everyone else
to believe their dealer members follow their code of ethics and their rules as "honest dealers to be trusted" when in fact dealers like this are anything
but honest! Try to find any reference of the stamps this clown sells that are verified illegal stamps saying what they are and you will find no mention
of it whatsoever on their website. It is really a sick world we are living in when the leaders of these associations and societies will not stand up and enforce
their own rules thus tarnishing the reputation of all their members by allowing criminal illegal stamp dealers like this to remain as members in them. They are
why the illegal stamp problem is as massive as it is today in 2021.
I will again place notes with the illegal stamps that are described in the circulars letting you know which circular the counterfeit sheet(s) are described in.
1999 KARAKALPAKIA Dinosaurs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4
These are verified as illegal with many others that follow in the Illegal Stamps section of the Colnect catalog. Some are in conflicting year sections though.
These are described and denounced as illegal in U.P.U. Circular 61.
Noting the top sheet is the first sign of usage of the main country name O’ZBEKISTON.

1999 KARAKALPAKIA Dogs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9
This one is described and denounced as illegal in U.P.U. Circular 61.

1999 KARAKALPAKIA Dogs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 6
Four of these are described and denounced as illegal in U.P.U. Circular 61. Apparently one was missed.
Sorry for the "blurry" images. Yes, provided by good for nothing dealers all using the same image from Avion Stamps website.
It just shows you how the "commission" system works as the dealers commissioned to sell the counterfeits do not have them personally.
They get a copy after they rip you off to send to you.
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Sheet 5

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Birds John J. Audubon Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Dinosaurs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Dinosaurs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Football Soccer Francia '98 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8
This one is listed as a 1998 issue on the Colnect catalog. This is because the images available (for years) are so lousy you cannot see
if a year is inscribed on them. According to the Avion website this counterfeit was made in 1999. Who better to know than the ones closest
to the source? The collector or dealer posting it to the Colnect catalog was simply going by the subject inscribed on them which is Francia '98
rather than to carry the research just a little bit further to find out what the true year of creation is.

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Horses Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Marine Life Sea Fauna Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6
This one is described and denounced as illegal in U.P.U. Circular 61.
Note the color guide on the left side. Same producer of so many illegal stamps recognized by it.

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Ocean Life Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Race Horses Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Snakes Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 5 Plus Label
How many people got ripped off with this one at the 1999 China Stamp Exhibition? How many since then? How many more will be victims?

1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Whales Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6

In my search throughout the internet I found numerous covers with the Whales counterfeit stamps either by themselves or with the 1996 Butterflies
or Moths with WWF Logo's counterfeit stamps. All of them are addressed to the same person! It is obvious what this scam was and that the person who
they were addressed was involved in that scam. Note there is no return address. They sure went to a lot of trouble to try to legitimize these counterfeit
1999 KARAKALPAKIA REPUBLIC Whales Counterfeit Illegal Stamps on Postally Used Bogus Covers proving Counterfeit Usage
Bogus Cover With Three Counterfeit 1999 Whales Stamps on it Falsely Cancelled 1998

Bogus Cover With Two Counterfeit 1999 Whales Stamps on it Falsely Cancelled 1998

Bogus Cover With One Counterfeit 1999 Whales Stamp and One 1996 Counterfeit Butterflies Stamp on it Falsely Cancelled 1998

Bogus Cover With One Counterfeit 1999 Whales Stamp and Two 1996 Counterfeit Butterflies Stamps on it Falsely Cancelled 1998

Bogus Cover With One Counterfeit 1999 Whales Stamp and Two 1996 Counterfeit Moths Stamps on it Falsely Cancelled 1998

Do you think for a minute any of the unscrupulous dealers selling these say anything about them being illegal and/or bogus? Absolutely not!
1999 KARAKALPAKISTON Animals and Birds Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9
One of these is described and denounced as illegal in U.P.U. Circular 61 described as an "Animals" sheet.
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

1999 KARAKALPAKISTON Dogs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6
Again Colnect states this is a 1998 sheet whereas the main sources say it is a 1999 sheet. Not that it really matters right?
Noting that this sheet is boldly inscribed with the Uzbekistan inscription O’ZBEKISTON making it counterfeit in all senses of the word.

In 2000 because of still no retaliation, the British counterfeit producer continues illegal stamp production in the name of the Republic of Karakalpakistan.
Emboldened by profits and "getting away" with selling massive numbers of these counterfeits he branches off of the Republic of Karakalpakistan and aims straight
at the heart of Uzbekistan by producing numerous counterfeit souvenir sheets inscribed solely O’ZBEKISTON!!
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References taken from:
U.P.U. Circular No. 70 and 61
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2021 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collecting real stamps is fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 16-Oct-2021 08:53 AM