Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Ukraine according to U.P.U. Circulars 3

The Universal Postal Union published the following Circular on January 10, 2000 denouncing illegal stamps at the request of the Postal Administration for the Ukraine.
This Circular was validated by C. Gheorghiev, Assistant Director General of the UPU Secretariat who was the senior officer at that time overseeing philatelic issues.
The circular is number 3. You can view it in the linked file below:
UPU Circular Number 3
Here is what was stated in the circular.
Dear Sir/Madam
The postal administration of UKRAINE asks me to inform you that postage stamps of the fraudulent issue entitled 'Ukrainian Antarctic Post' are appearing on the market.
As the postal administration of Ukraine never issued such postage stamps in the period from 1992 to 1999, it asks me to inform you that all postage stamps bearing that
imprint are illegal and cannot be accepted as a means of postal prepayment.
Yours faithfully,
Assistant Director-General
It has been revealed that a dossier has been found in the United States Postal Museum Archive that sheds more light on who the producer was and is of many of the
Ukrainian counterfeit illegal stamps. The name revealed is indeed Mr. Juan Carlos Marino Montero president of Mayfair International Printing Company at the time.
I discovered this dossier exists through online research. Firstly here is an image of that discovery.

For years this guy spewed lies about the Feigenbaum's being evil and how he would have nothing to do with them. In reality through emails obtained and preserved
through his own words it is now proven that they were (and still are) working together. A biography on this guy not only proves he was the president of the printing
company that produced the majority of earlier illegal stamps but was also president of Urch Harris (wholesale) limited which was owned by the Feigenbaum's. Here
is a snapshot of part of that biography which is readily available in numerous locations on the internet.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic the museum was closed for over a year after I discovered the existence of the dossier. It was just sent to me in September 2021.
The dossier did not have much in it that I already did not know except for an original document made for the Mali circular 165 which names him and his company as
the producer of the counterfeit illegal stamps named in that circular. What the dossier does do is to connect the guy to the production of the illegal stamps
in the name of Russian Federation provinces and territories, Mali, Niger, Morocco, Turkmenistan, Rwanda, Cyprus and the Ukraine. This is because the circulars and
some of the original documents that were sent to make the circulars are all together and included in the dossier which as the title shown above implies and
states "A French company has made illegal issue....".
It is quite obvious even though the counterfeit illegal stamps do not have the printer inscribed on them that this producer is indeed the one simply by comparing
them. Same styles and subject matter give it away. The whole scam quite ingenious but at the same time quite simplistic. To this day the criminal producer and his
buddies proliferate these counterfeits on the stamp market with minimal hindering. It is quite remarkable that they have been allowed to get away with this for
over three decades now and that now millions of these counterfeits contaminate the stamp market in collections and dealers stocks all over the world.
In the dossier I found Circular 3 which describes that all stamps entitled Ukrainian Antarctic Post are counterfeit illegal stamps. This circular differs from
two previous circulars produced for the Ukraine which describe other souvenir sheets and sets which are also obviously created by the same criminals. This circular
being specific on Ukrainian Antarctic Post counterfeit stamps. The other two circulars are in reference to other Ukrainian counterfeits which are shown on the
list of countries effected by illegal stamps page linked on the Illegal Stamps Main Introduction page.
After viewing this in the dossier which is proof of who produced them, I decided I should create this page as I do not have a specific reference to counterfeit
stamps inscribed with "Ukrainian Antarctic Post" and these counterfeits have and are being offered and sold on the various online venues. This page like the many
others is to raise awareness of the existence of them and who the criminal sellers of them are.
First, here is a list of sellers on the main stamp selling venues who are currently (September 2021) selling them and or have sold them in the past.
I found none offered on eBay at this time. This is probably mainly because the costs to list versus the profits made are not worth the time for criminal dealers
to list them.
On Delcampe
phildom_domfil located in Spain
bruyeres located in France (major proliferator currently selling and has sold them in the past)
greenwater located in the Netherlands (major proliferator currently selling and has sold them in the past)
On Delcampe SOLD to victims in the past
patric-france located in France
spalis located in Lithuania
On Hipstamps
Bentley1Stamp located in the UK (Connected to or is the source Juan Montero)
rogerpo99 located in the UK (Avion Stamps Roger West, major illegal stamp dealer directly connected with the source)
artstamps located in the UK (this IS Juan Montero, the source.)
We can see once again the same people on Hipstamps as shown over and over again on many countries victimized by illegal stamps produced and proliferated by them.
So what are these counterfeits? Thanks to the above we now have images.
First we have a couple images of a bogus catalog being promoted by this Bentley1Stamp on Hipstamps. This catalog is NOT to be recognized by anyone as any sort
of reliable source. Instead, this catalog shows how far these criminals will go to try to legitimize their counterfeit products. They have done this in other cases like
even fooling the Michel catalogs into making a catalog legitimizing their forgeries of stamps printed by the Format International Security Printers which you can
see in my reference section on them. They fool experts into signing expertising certificates to legitimize them. They are liars and cons of the worst kind and should
be prosecuted and removed from the stamp market permanently by the countries they have victimized for over three decades now.
Bogus Catalog of Fake Russian Local Stamp Issues

This catalog is part 2 of a set. Apparently being produced in four languages. This next image is a page from the catalog being used to promote fully denounced
counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Ukrainian Antarctic Post being sold by the criminal dealer Bentley1Stamp. This kind of deceit and lies should not be
tolerated by anyone nor by any legitimate stamp selling venue. It shows us again the corruption within the Hipstamps venue.
A Page in the Bogus Catalog of Fake Russian Local Stamp Issues Listing Ukrainian Antarctic Post Illegal Stamps

Here is a snapshot of the ghoul artstamps sale of the bogus catalog which at present is stated to be "out of stock" and no longer listed on Hipstamps. Another
example of a con thinking they got away with selling and promoting fake garbage by ending the sales. Try to find anyone else but the above mentioned two clowns
selling and using this bogus catalog to proliferate Russian counterfeit illegal stamps. They and their catalog should be shipped to Siberia!
Snapshot of artstamps Sale of Bogus Catalog of Fake Russian Local Stamp Issues

Following are all the counterfeit illegal stamps produced and distributed by Montero in the name of Ukrainian Antarctic Post.
AVOID them and anyone selling them like the PLAGUE!
1998 Penguins Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 9
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

The con then had a bunch of fake postcards made in the same style as many of the Russian counterfeits made in the early 1990's.
First, here is an image of one of the postcards that was actually used. This is proof of defrauding the postal authorities and is therefore
proof of counterfeiting.
Counterfeit Ukrainian Antarctic Post Postcard Used to Defraud Postal Authorities

A total of 10 postcards in two sets were produced and are still being distributed to this day.
Sorry that several are "blurry" as they appear exclusively sold on the Avion Stamps website which uses really bad images!
Ukrainian Antarctic Post Penguins Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Postcards
Postcard 1

Postcard 2

Postcard 3

Postcard 4

Postcard 5

Postcard 6

Ukrainian Antarctic Post Polar Life Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Postcards
Postcard 1

Postcard 2

Postcard 3

Postcard 4

Finally we have this set of two souvenir sheets that appear to be exclusively (again) sold on the Avion Stamps (aka Stampdile) website.
The captions read "2000?" with a question mark as if they do not know when they were made. I give it the benefit of doubt namely because
one cannot believe anything these liars state in their sales and online websites because their whole lives are developed around lies and
deceit. The bottom line is to avoid them and the counterfeit garbage they sell.
2000 Penguins and Seals Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 9
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

There exist labels and such for the Ukrainian Antarctic, but what I have seen they are named differently and do not have inscriptions of
denominations on them thus they are to be considered as true Cinderella's.
Again, it is stressed that you must do the research before buying any stamps. As you can see these criminals will go to extreme lengths
to deceive you with bogus catalogs and lies just so they can rip you off! Do not empower them to do this to you. When you see them, run!
References taken from:
U.P.U. Circular No. 3
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2021 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collecting real stamps is fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 24-Sep-2021 07:53 AM