Information and Reference of Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in the name of Somalia Dating 2016

Online research shows that the first counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Somalia were produced in 1997. Although Somalia is a
member of the Universal Postal Union, up to this time (April 2020) they have never formally posted a UPU circular denouncing any of them. We are working
toward having this done soon.
The following images are of counterfeit illegal stamps produced in the name of Somalia. Please remember that the producers of these illegal stamps are not only greedy,
they are crude and sometimes disgusting which is the nature of these people.
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be helpful in defining genuine stamps. Sadly, they list the unauthorized I.P.Z.S. stamps from 2000 through 2003.
Simply because they are going by compromised catalogs rather than what is real. Nothing is listed after 2003.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Somalia Stamps
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It is upgraded as of 2024 and shows counterfeits that may be missing here.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Somalia Counterfeit Illegal Stamps
I have found the Stampworld online catalog to be helpful in defining genuine stamps as well. Sadly, they list the unauthorized I.P.Z.S. stamps from 2000 through 2002. Again,
simply because they are going by compromised catalogs rather than what is real. Nothing is listed after 2002.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Somalia Stamps
You will find the styles and designs of the following illegal stamps the same as other illegal stamps produced in the name of other countries.
Here we go!
All of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates. Many are found as color proofs and many fake First Day Covers have been produced as well.
Many times now (2020) the souvenir sheet sets are separated and are sold individually. Many times the stamps have been removed from the
souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions and/or experts like myself.
Sellers that call these "private", "locals", "Cinderella's", "unauthorized" are deceiving you. They are counterfeit illegal stamps produced by a stamp dealer
that is bent on ripping you off! Some sellers state "we offer them because they are on the market". Well how about you use a different dealer
because that seller is "on the market"? If the stamp societies, auction sites and all other venues kicked these sellers off of their sites
then they would have to comply or lose their ability to sell anything.
The following images are free for the use of all to use to alert the public to them. If anyone wants to make a public list of users on eBay, Delcampe
and elsewhere who are selling these issues....fine by me since the UPU, PWMO and others appear to have given up or have not been updated in years.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
More than likely not every counterfeit illegal stamp dating in this year is shown here. Different ones keep "popping up" on the auction venues all the time.
Should you see a counterfeit not listed here, feel free to contact and we can add it to the page.
In 2016 the Russian counterfeit producer attacks in full force. See the 2010-2015 page for description of who they are. They produced 21 sets dating 2016.
They are producing counterfeit illegal stamps to this day in 2020 on a massive scale and nobody will stop them. It is a simple task to accomplish.
Only the victimized countries with the UPU can do it. So far...all are sitting on their hands. We are fighting to make a change in that status.
First I start off with a batch of counterfeits produced by the Eastern European producer. His counterfeit illegal stamps pale in comparison to
what the Russian producer put out though.
This set called "Great Dictators" is being pushed by a user on eBay named hmaraboss777 located in the Ukraine. These are produced by the Eastern
European counterfeit producer. From what I can see with this users lower feedback ratings and the tons of counterfeit illegal stamps offered....avoid at all cost!!
2016 Great Dictators Souvenir Sheets of 1 Full Set

2016 Great Dictators Souvenir Sheets of 1 Examples

The following users are selling these other Eastern European produced counterfeit illegal stamps. We are finding it is the same people over and over in most cases.
Because these users sell counterfeit stamps, they are not to be trusted at all and the advise is to avoid buying anything from them.
Users selling them on eBay.
mr.elpidio located in Italy
norita20132013 located in Romania
sora.rosa located in Italy
p3718583219 located in Taiwan
ikey-center located in Spain
minifi-51 is a newby account (8 feedbacks) located in Poland using europolstamps images. We are not stupid europolstamps clown.
Users selling them on Delcampe.
luisgrilo2008 located in Portugal
fish located in Portugal
blocfan located in Germany
Here are users who were selling these that got kicked off Delcampe for generally selling lots of counterfeits. The named above are on the list to be removed as well.
dimonkaras located in Belarus Vitebsk Region (gone and good riddance!)
p3718583218 located in Taiwan (same guy as on eBay above, gone and good riddance!)
super-stamps located in the Ukraine (gone and good riddance!)
Keancola6 located in Liechtenstein (gone and good riddance!)
2016 Airplanes Airbus Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Beach Models Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Dinosaurs Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Dinosaurs Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Dinosaurs Souvenir Sheet of 1

2016 Dolphins Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Fire Trucks Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Marilyn Monroe Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Motorcycles Souvenir Sheet of 2

2016 Owls Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Soccer Football Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Titanic Souvenir Sheet of 4

2016 Trump and Putin Souvenir Sheet of 4

All the following sets to the end of this page are the Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this At this
time April 2020 this counterfeiters goods are stuck mostly in Russia. We removed this guy several times on eBay and Delcampe and if they are
spotted again or one of their associates attempts to move these counterfeits on either site....we will take immediate action to insure their
account is removed permanently. We have eyes everywhere now.
2016 Archeology Artifacts Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Archeology Artifacts Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Bridges of the World Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Bridges of the World Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Dogs Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Dogs Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Insects Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Insects Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Napoleon Bonaparte Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Napoleon Bonaparte Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Napoleon Bonaparte (different) Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Napoleon Bonaparte (different) Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 North Pole Research Facilities Icebreakers and Animals Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 North Pole Research Facilities Icebreakers and Animals Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Olympic Games in Rio Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Olympic Games in Rio Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Olympic Games in Rio Medalists Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Olympic Games in Rio Medalists Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Olympic Movement Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Olympic Movement Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paintings by Durer Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Paintings by Durer Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Paralympic Games in Rio Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Paralympic Games in Rio Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Soccer Confederation Cup 2017 Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Soccer Confederation Cup 2017 Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Soviet Space German Titov Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Soviet Space German Titov Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Space Mars Rover Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Space Mars Rover Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Space Satellites Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Space Satellites Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Space Stations Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Space Stations Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Space Yuri Gagarin Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Space Yuri Gagarin Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 Wild Boars Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 Wild Boars Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 World War II Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 World War II Souvenir Sheets of 1

2016 World War II Military Vehicles Souvenir Sheets of 3
Russian Made Counterfeit Illegal Stamps being pushed by this

2016 World War II Military Vehicles Souvenir Sheets of 1

In 2017 the Russian counterfeit producer continues the "attacks" producing another 17 of these counterfeit sets.
The nightmare continues for Somalian stamps and has not stopped to this day in 2020.....
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References taken from:
UPU Circular 328
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2020 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 11-May-2024 02:27 AM