São Tomé e Príncipe Illegal Stamps
Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Saint Thomas and Prince Islands dating 2019

Stamperija still continues its domination of producing stamp issues for this country. All are considered abusive issues and are sold only through the agents
website directly to collectors and dealers in stamps.
Since the catalogs are listing them there is nothing we can do except complain and point out their own breaking of their rules for listing stamps. The
advise again as stated by many including the FIP and so forth is to avoid them all for this country. Prices asked for any stamps of this time era are
highly over inflated and meant to reap profits strictly from collectors not savvy to the problem.
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be very helpful as far as what is being listed in the catalogs.
The Colnect Online Catalog for São Tomé e Príncipe
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It is upgraded as of 2024 and shows many counterfeits that are missing here.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for São Tomé e Príncipe
I have found the Catalog to be very helpful as well.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Sao Tome and Principe
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates as well.
Most times now (2021) the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. Many times the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions.
Sellers that call these "private", "locals", "Cinderella's", "unauthorized" are deceiving you. They are illegal stamps produced by a stamp dealer
that is bent on ripping you off! Some sellers state "we offer them because they are on the market". Well how about you use a different dealer
because that seller is "on the market"? If the stamp societies, auction sites and all other venues kicked these sellers off of their sites
then they would have to comply or lose their ability to sell anything.
The following images are free for the use of all to use to alert the public to them. If anyone wants to make a public list of users on eBay, Delcampe
and elsewhere who are selling these issues....fine by me since the UPU, PWMO and others appear to have given up or have not been updated in years.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
In 2015 the Russian based dealers who I believe are also the producers appear. The company is called located in Moscow Russia.
They have created a new website called as well in 2019. Everything they are selling is fake and counterfeit stamps.
They are mass producing counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of many countries. The "styles" unique to themselves,
these people are producing and selling counterfeit stamps at a massive rate dating to current times. They are producing fake stamps for countries controlled by Stamperija. Stamperija's
owner has stated that he knows who most of the counterfeit producers are and has some control over stopping their productions at least for countries he has contracts with.
This is shown to have happened with Saint Thomas and Prince Islands on the 2006 page. No illegal stamps by the previous producers found after it. This is not the case for
this producer. Being located in Russia, I guess they believe that nobody can stop them. I am exposing them which is the first step.
I note that Stamperija knows who these people are and what is being produced. Yet even though they know, they are not warning anyone including
the postal authorities of the countries this company is distributing counterfeits in the name of that are contracted by Stamperija.
The Russian based company has produced the following counterfeit illegal stamps dating 2019 in the name of Sao Tome e Principe. They are not commonly seen
on the main stamp market because we are fighting for you to keep them off the main market. Should this company be allowed to run accounts
on the main stamp venues like eBay and Delcampe, you will see a new flood of illegal stamps worse than ever seen before. This company is consistently
trying to create new accounts on the venues to move them into the main stream market. Should you see them on sites like eBay and Delcampe, you can
report them to me and I can assure you that they will not be there long!
Sao Tome and Principe Illegal Stamps Dating 2019 Disbursed by
Сан-Томе и Принсипи
Не настоящие Незаконньӏе
Штампьӏ по Филателистический салон
а также
I discovered the company has and will create new illegal stamp sets and "back-date" them as if made in prior years.
I note them as such and tell you when they were really created.
In 2019 the criminal producer decreased production of illegal stamps for this country greatly. I note that many as with the other countries
this company is making counterfeit stamps in the name of are geared toward Russian propaganda. Russian athletes and figures, history and products
dominate many of the sets of counterfeits.
As of June 2021 this company has made and is still selling 18 counterfeit illegal stamp souvenir sheet sets inscribed S. Tome e Principe dating 2019.
They have created 4 of those sets after 2019 and back dated them by inscribing them with the year 2019. They can make more
dating this year at any time. Avoid them all!
Noting that the majority of these counterfeit sets dating 2019 are made up from stolen images from the internet that the criminal producer basically puts into some
simple photo editing program like photoshop and "distorts" them with enhancements. I consider many to be the worst looking counterfeit stamps
ever made! Many of the images like ones of Joseph Stalin are used over and over again throughout the years in the name of many countries making this
criminals productions quite boring to document.
Here is a snapshot of their retail store description. Note the lies highlighted in yellow. It is guaranteed they were not "produced" in any of
the countries. They were produced by this company illegally.

When this criminal company was spotted on eBay in 2019/2020, I found many sets with more "general" topics were being offered and sold.
Noting there were many I did not "spot" at the time. This criminal was running over 5,000 listings when he was shut down!
I will note the ones I spotted as I have on the earlier pages. Noting also that when this criminal was shut down on eBay they were averaging income of over $7,000.00 a month
selling these illegal stamps and getting bigger! If they had been left to keep going that income would have increased dramatically and this garbage would have spread
across the world like a wildfire in the forest! The threat of this still happening is (to say the least) exceptionally real with no action being taken by the countries
and the UPU and even the Russian government. We all must demand that it must be stopped, not only by this criminal but all of them....permanently.
2019 Agatha Christie Writer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2021 and back dated 2019. It was never on the market until 2021.
A note on back dated counterfeit sets like this one. You will notice the "style" is completely different from the rest of the counterfeit sets
shown on this page. The style is used on sets produced in the later 2020/2021 sets made in the name of Saint Thomas and Prince Islands. This happens
with many of the sets that are back dated. It is an "obvious" pattern of evidence of the back dating being done.

2019 Agatha Christie Writer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Agatha Christie Writer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Charles Darwin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Charles Darwin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Charles Darwin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Chess Champions Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Chess Champions Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Chess Champions Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Concorde Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Concorde Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Concorde Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 David Livingstone Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 David Livingstone Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 David Livingstone Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 FIFA World Cup Soccer in Qatar in 2022 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 FIFA World Cup Soccer in Qatar in 2022 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 FIFA World Cup Soccer in Qatar in 2022 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 James Cook Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 James Cook Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 James Cook Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

Here we go again with the Stalin propaganda. A leader that the people and the government of Saint Thomas and Prince Islands have absolutely no interest
in and have absolutely no cultural or historical connection with what so ever! This guy must have really been brainwashed in his educational life into thinking
that pumping out this garbage on stamps is going to convert massive numbers of people into following Marxist communist politics. Noting that most of these
propaganda sets were not offered on eBay for the simple reason that this clown would have been stopped a lot sooner if they were put on there! Still...this stuff
must be selling in Russia or something otherwise why would one waste the time making them all over and over again?
2019 Joseph Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Joseph Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Joseph Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Joseph Stalin (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Joseph Stalin (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Joseph Stalin (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Joseph Stalin (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2020 and back dated 2019. It was never on the market until 2020.

2019 Joseph Stalin (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Joseph Stalin (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Martin Luther King Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Martin Luther King Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Martin Luther King Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Napoleon Bonaparte Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2020 and back dated 2019. It was never on the market until 2020.

2019 Napoleon Bonaparte Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Napoleon Bonaparte Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2020 and back dated 2019. It was never on the market until 2020.

2019 Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 Curling Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 Curling Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014 Curling Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 Judo Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 Judo Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 Judo Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Seafarers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.

2019 Seafarers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Seafarers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Space Apollo Soyuz Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Space Apollo Soyuz Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Space Apollo Soyuz Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2019 Space Apollo Soyuz Thomas Stafford Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2019 Space Apollo Soyuz Thomas Stafford Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2019 Space Apollo Soyuz Thomas Stafford Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

In 2020 Topnimarka boldly increases production of counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Saint Thomas and Prince Islands.
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2021 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 11-May-2024 04:08 AM