Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Madagascar
The following images are of illegal stamps produced for Madagascar. Please remember that the producers of these illegals are not only greedy,
they are crude and sometimes disgusting which is the nature of these people.
To find out what stamps are real and legitimate for Madagascar visit the UPU WNS website and look at the Madagascar section.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be helpful as well although there are "conflicts" between what is listed there and what is on the WNS system at times.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Madagascar
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It will help you verify many as well including newer counterfeits produced by the British illegal stamp producer.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Madagascar Illegal Stamps
I have also found the Stampworld online catalog to be very useful as well although some controversial issues (Mainly Impressor S.A. unauthorized stamps) are listed there.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Madagascar
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you they are something
other than illegal stamps.
Here we go!
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates and as color proof sets as well. Some exist on fake First Day Covers too.
Most times now (2019) the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. Many times the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions.
Sellers that call these "private", "locals", "Cinderella's", "unauthorized" are deceiving you. They are illegal stamps produced by a stamp dealer
that is bent on ripping you off! Some sellers state "we offer them because they are on the market". Well how about you use a different dealer
because that seller is "on the market"? If the stamp societies, auction sites and all other venues kicked these sellers off of their sites
then they would have to comply or lose their ability to sell anything.
The following images are free for the use of all to use to alert the public to them. If anyone wants to make a public list of users on eBay, Delcampe
and elsewhere who are selling these issues....fine by me since the UPU, PWMO and others appear to have given up or have not been updated in years.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
The production of illegal stamps for Madagascar continues unhindered. Namely because of no retaliation against dealers of them and no new circulars
being generated at the UPU since 2016. As of the end of October 2021 a larger number have been produced by the British producer and are at this
point exclusively sold by their most prominent distributor eren3049 on eBay and on Hipstamps exclusively (at this point) his buddy marlen-stamps.
What an obvious joke on collectors worldwide. Obvious proof of direct association with the illegal stamp producers.
Madagascar has been consistently updated with their new issues on the WNS system so you can depend on the system telling you what has been officially
issued. My advise is to not buy the newest Madagascar stamps unless you buy them directly from the post or wait until they are listed on the WNS system.
The 2016 circular 39 again stresses that you can view all legally issued stamps for Madagascar on the WNS website and so far this is correct.
The same dealers (or should we call them "stealers") are selling them. More evidence they are connected with the
illegal stamp producers hands down! Why? Because they are selling them during the year of production!
As of October 2021 nothing new in the way of official stamps has been registered on the WNS system nor in the catalogs. I have found no official stamps offered anywhere yet.
Yet we have now a large number of fake counterfeit stamps on the market being pushed by two goon stamp dealers. At this point (October 2021) the list is growing.
Am I making an effect on them with these pages that document what is being sold and who is selling them?
Noting that as of the end of October 2021 has only produced one set of counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Madagascar dating 2021. Did they give up?
It is therefore understood that any stamp dating 2021 (at least for now) in the name of Madagascar is a counterfeit illegal stamp!
Following are images of the illegal stamps I have found offered for Madagascar dating 2021 at the end of October of 2021. Will there be more? Yes.
All of these I found in searches on eBay, Hipstamps and Delcampe and all are illegal stamps made by producers bent on ripping you off!
I present them in alphabetical order of titles as there is no logical order for illegal stamps.
Here is the main user on eBay selling this stuff.
eren3049 This guy was a PTS (Philatelic Traders Society) member! Not any more!
At the end of October 2021 this was and still is the only user offering them on eBay.
On Hipstamps it is only one user selling counterfeit 2021 illegal stamps in the name of Madagascar including bogus First Day covers.
When you look at other effected countries and who is selling the illegal stamps an obvious pattern emerges showing them to be a connected group
of criminal dealers.
The rats continue. New counterfeits have been produced and are being placed on the market as of March 27, 2021. Noting that the counterfeit
dealer marlen-stamps on Hipstamps is being given "exclusive" selling privileges by the other criminal dealers as far as Madagascar illegal stamps
for 2021 are concerned. This eren3049 continues to be the only seller on eBay selling them. The pattern of who these dealers
are reveals itself again. New additions are noted accordingly. All of these counterfeits are being offered by this group of dealers as perforated,
imperforate, CTO and some are even on FAKE and fraudulent First Day Covers like the Bill Gates Covid counterfeit. Avoid them!
In a now monthly check on this countries status we see that the same people continue to be involved in the production and distribution of
counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Madagascar. New counterfeits being sold on eBay and elsewhere by the same group starting on May 2 and May 9.
Another group added on June 5. Same criminals continue....
It appears they have slowed a little but are still producing. Same dealers involved. Madagascar should be enraged by this!
UPDATE October
An initial note on this update is to compare the illegal stamps in the name of Madagascar with the illegal stamps made in the name of Chad. You will find they are exactly the same
style and form showing us the same people are involved. That being the British producer and his distributors. The timing of them being placed on the market is the same as well.
After letting the ghouls slide for a couple months because of my work on getting public the Uzbekistan and Morocco Sahara sections which shows the same people made them, in checking I have found yet
another mass of counterfeit illegal stamps have been made by the British producer and his "gang" dating 2021 and are being disbursed onto the market. We see that the user eren3049
on eBay (W4Stamps on Hipstamps) is the biggest promoter of them. I note this clown has also reverted to massively offering Stamperija issues for Chad as well as other countries.
It appears to be some sort of collaboration going on between Stamperija and the counterfeit producer and his distributors. This meaning, as long as they offer the abusive stamps
made by Stamperija in the name of Chad (a country controlled by Stamperija for instance) in mass, Algirdas (the owner) will knowingly "turn his head" in regards to the illegal stamps being produced and offered by these same
criminal dealers as is now proven just by looking at the sales of this eren3049's account. Groupings of the counterfeits next to large groupings of the Stamperija newest issues.
Both proving direct connections with both sources. This user needs to be removed from eBay. I note that it appears this person who was a member of the PTS (Philatelic Traders Association)
has been recently removed from there and I must say it is about time! Allowing a dealer like this in that association goes against everything they have fought for
and stand for.
It is interesting how the source of the counterfeits for this country will let others sell them for a few years before adding them to his own sales. This is called "at arms length"
in the dark side of the stamp world. Just like a hacker will go through different "proxy" servers to hide their location as the source of the hack, the criminal producers operate in the same way.
The newest counterfeit editions are now added, shown and noted by date of appearance. Noting they have now fully resorted to souvenir sheets with six counterfeit stamps versus the
earlier souvenir sheets with four counterfeit stamps on them.
UPDATE December
Well, after completion of the Comoro Islands section of the study I went back into ebay looking for new counterfeits being produced by the British counterfeiter and getting first
run distribution by our favorite criminal illegal stamp peddler eren3049. Not to be surprised, a bunch of new additions are being sold by this clown as of November 16 and December 22, 2021. These
ghouls will never stop until it is done with force. That first force will happen in the new year.
We now have a full documentation of a full year of counterfeit production and distribution of counterfeit stamps in the name of Chad and Madagascar kindly provided by this fool.
No way to hide the evidence as it is all recorded on eBay! These and the thousands of other counterfeits this freak has been selling for years now are all that is needed to remove
his account from eBay permanently. Little does he realize that it does not matter how "big" he thinks he is with his 20,000+ feedbacks when a major portion are proof of sales of
counterfeit goods.
Again, the newest additions are added and noted by date of appearance. Also again, all of them are in the six counterfeit stamp format.
UPDATE Feruary 2022
Well, after an extended holiday, the ghouls continue. One more set of John F. Kennedy has been added to the 2021 tally as of February 3, 2022 and a bunch of
new counterfeits are made dating 2022. I must say the images on the stamps are extremely crude as in very unclear and cheaply made. Why anyone
would buy these obvious counterfeits with such low quality is beyond my understanding. Noting a new cheapo style is made with two of the same
illegal stamps paired on a small souvenir sheet. Very tacky looking to say the least! Go away!
2021 Abraham Lincoln Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of August 10, 2021.

2021 African Steam Locomotives Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Aquatic Birds Souvenir Sheets of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Arctic Animals Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 9, 2021.

2021 Baseball Generic Baseball Season 2021 Cards Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.

2021 Baseball Movie Star Players Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 21, 2021.

2021 Baseball Post-Season Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.

2021 Batman Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Bill Gates Covid-19 Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Birds and Animals of Africa Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of August 10, 2021.

2021 Birds Crossbills Souvenir Sheets of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 Birds Emerald Starlings Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.

2021 Birds Turacos Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.

2021 Boxing Champions Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.

2021 Bugs Bunny Space Jam Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.

2021 Butterflies of Africa Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of August 10, 2021.

2021 Captain America Marvel Comics Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 Celebrities with Cats Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.
Brigitte Bardot, Cameron Diaz, Clark Gable, Penelope Cruz

2021 Chinese Communist Party Military Vehicles Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.

2021 Chinese Communist Party Space Vehicles Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.

2021 Chinese Military Vehicles Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Climate Change COP26 Meeting in Glasgow Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.
Comic Heroes
Here we have a little "series" titled Comic Heroes. Will there be more added?
2021 Comic Heroes Batman Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Comic Heroes Captain America Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Comic Heroes Spiderman Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Comic Heroes Superman Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Comic Heroes Wonder Woman Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Covid-19 Merck Pill Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 21, 2021.

2021 Covid-19 Pfizer Vaccine Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 21, 2021.

2021 Cricket Players Australia Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Disney Encanto Error with Zootopia Zootropolis Images Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.
Here we have a major blunder by the stupid producer where he creates this counterfeit souvenir sheet with images from the Disney cartoon Zootopia Zootropolis
but screws it up by placing the title as Encanto! Rather than fix it and destroying the blunder (being the cheap bums these people are) he disburses
it to his distributors who claim it to be an "error". Yet, they ask the same outrageous prices as the "normal" counterfeit illegal stamps they sell. You would
think that buyers would wonder why? Considering any such error on real stamps would be selling for much more than a normal stamp would. These criminals
have numerous "errors" like this that they sell usually saying nothing about it at all! If you want to buy errors, why not buy real documented errors
of genuine stamps that are worth (and will remain worth) rather than this junk which is worthless in both time and money? AVOID!

2021 Disney The Reluctant Dragon Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Disney Turning Red Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Dumbo Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Elvis Presley and his Cars and Motorcycles Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.

2021 Harry Potter Deaths Hollow Part 2 Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

Here we go with another common theme by these clowns. Worthless garbage this clown is offering on eBay at $16.86 for imperforate garbage, $12.81 for perforated
or $4.03 for fake CTO copies. People need to wake up to what this freak is doing and get rid of him! None are worth the paper they are printed on and all are counterfeit!
2021 Icons of the 19th Century Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Icons of the 20th Century Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Icons of the 21st Century Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Insects Mosquitos Fight Malaria Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Isaac Newton Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of August 10, 2021.

2021 Joe Biden Presidential Inauguration Souvenir Sheets of 4

2021 John F. Kennedy Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 John F. Kennedy First Man on the Moon Speech Souvenir Sheets of 2
NEW ADDITION as of Feruary 3, 2022.
The images are extremely blurry when looked at under magnification. Pure junk! This freak is asking $9.52 for just one of them and
$13.60 for just one imperforate! That means this set mint and perforated would cost you $47.60! Really? How about investing your money
in a real stamp worthy of the price and kick this freak to the curb!

2021 John F. Kennedy Invasion of Cuba Bay of Pigs Souvenir Sheets of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

2021 John F. Kennedy Moon Landing Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 John F. Kennedy Profiles of Courage Awards Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Jungle Book Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Justice League Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Kate Duchess of Cambridge Playing Sports Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Lady and the Tramp Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Little Mermaid Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Maroon 5 Rock Band Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Military Aviation Avro Lancaster Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 9, 2021.

2021 Military Ships Aircraft Carriers Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Military Ships Sinking of the Bismarck Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Mulan Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Mushrooms Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 Olympic Games in Japan in 2021 Stadiums Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.

2021 Orchids and Butterflies Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Orchids and Mushrooms Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Pearl Harbor Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Pearl Harbor Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.

2021 Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.

2021 Peter Rabbit History by Beatrix Potter Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.

2021 Popeye the Sailor Souvenir Sheet of 4

Note the top counterfeit with "CTO" cancels. CTO versions of real stamps are bold namely to advertise the country of origin. Since these are all
fake counterfeit illegal stamps made by a con of the worst kind, they use faint cancels to hide the fact that they are forgeries of a cancel supposedly
from Madagascar. Not only could the country get these ghouls convicted of producing and distributing counterfeit stamps but they could get them for using
a false instrument to cancel them.
2021 Presidents of the United States Souvenir Sheets of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 21, 2021.

2021 Prince Harry and Megan in the United States Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Prince Philip Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.
Noting the same subject and style is used on two Chad souvenir sheets for 2021. These criminals will use the same topic and style and simply change
the country name to "spread them out". Another "lazy" tactic they use. Also noting these are simply made to take advantage of the death of the prince
for profits from people's emotions. The criminals use current tragic topics to make quick money usually putting out these counterfeit stamps within a
month or two of the tragic event. Always be wary of stamps like these, especially if the event happened very close to the appearance of them. Very few
times has a genuine stamp been made in such a short timeframe of tragic events. Genuine stamp production takes months if not years to be processed.
Counterfeit illegal stamps are made within weeks because they are designed, and cheaply printed in a criminals back room! Avoid!

2021 Prince William Playing Sports Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Queen Elizabeth Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.
Here is an example with fake CTO cancel. All of these counterfeits made by this producer are offered this way. If they cannot rip you off with
their high priced counterfeit mint perforated or imperforate stamps, they will gladly sell you their "lower priced" fake CTO version. Perforated
versions they are asking around $12.00 for and imperforates they want $16.00 for. Fake CTO versions they ask for around $4.00. None are even worth 4 cents!

2021 Queen Rock Band Freddie Mercury Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Queen Rock Band Freddie Mercury (different) Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Rolling Stones Charles Robert Watts Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 Roswell Area 51 Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 Rupert Comic Strip Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.

2021 Sherlock Holmes Elementary Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.

2021 Ships Fridtjof Nansen Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 9, 2021.
On this fake counterfeit the name is spelled "Fudtjof". Another blunder by the counterfeiter.

2021 Snoopy Charlie Brown Cartoons Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Soccer Stadiums in Europe Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of August 10, 2021.

2021 Space Astronaut Alan Shepard Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of December 22, 2021.

2021 Space Chinese Tianwen Mission to Mars Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.

2021 Space Pilot Apollo 11 Michael Collins Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.
The dummy again cannot even spell the name right. Spelled "Colins".

2021 Stadiums in Qatar Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Stars on Motorcycles Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Star Trek Lower Decks Cartoon Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Steam Ships Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.

2021 Submarines Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Tall Ships Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.

2021 The Beatles 60th Anniversary of Ringo Star Joining the Band Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of June 5, 2021.

2021 The Beatles Survivors Paul and Ringo Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 The Flash Marvel Comics Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 The Incredible Hulk TV Series Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 The Lucy Show I Love Lucy Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Tiger Woods Golf Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of March 27, 2021.

2021 Tom and Jerry Cartoon Souvenir Sheet of 4
NEW ADDITION as of May 2, 2021.

2021 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of August 10, 2021.

2021 Tom Cruise Mission Impossible Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of November 16, 2021.

2021 Victoria Cross 165th Anniversary Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Winnie the Pooh Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of October 15, 2021.
Misspelled "Winne the Pooh" by the inarticulate lazy producer.

2021 World Police and Firefighters Games Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

2021 Zeppelins Hindenberg Games Souvenir Sheet of 6
NEW ADDITION as of September 18, 2021.

Illegal Stamps in the name of Madagascar Being Disbursed by
Не настоящие Незаконньӏе
Штампьӏ по Филателистический салон
а также
For 2021 sets in the name of Madagascar I have found that this criminal has only produced one far.
2021 Paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2021 Paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky in Souvenir Sheet of 2

2021 Paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky in Souvenir Sheets of 1

Because someone with authority has not taken down these illegal stamp producers and sellers yet, new 2021 counterfeits are now on the market in the name of Madagascar. As
you can see these people will continue until legal action and complete removal from the venues they use to distribute them on is done.
In 2022 the British producer continues to massively produce counterfeits in the name of Madagascar. Also a new freak enters with a new style suspected of being produced
by Topnimarka, the Russian counterfeiters, even taking advantage of the War in Ukraine! Beware!
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
The WNS System
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2021 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collecting real stamps is fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 22-Jul-2022 07:07 AM