2004 and 2005
Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Kyrgyzstan Dating 2004 and 2005
You can view what was stated in the circulars on page one.
To find out what stamps are real and legitimate for Kyrgyzstan you can visit their own postal administration website. On the site
they have kindly presented every stamp issue from 1992 to present day. Sadly the site no longer exists as of 2023. But I am happy to let you
know you can still view it on the Internet Archives Wayback Machine! When you get there the links to all the issues that were released from
1992-2019 are in the links at the bottom of the page. Here is the Wayback Machine link.
The Kyrgyz Republic State Enterprise Kyrgyz Stamp
Visit the UPU WNS website.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be very helpful. You will see the illegal stamps differ greatly from genuine issues.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Kyrgyzstan
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It is upgraded as of 2023 and shows counterfeits that may be missing here.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Kyrgyzstan
I have found the Catalog to be very helpful as well.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Kyrgyzstan
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you they are something
other than illegal stamps. Catalogs like Michel and Yvert appear to have been influenced by the sellers of illegal stamps getting some listed
in their catalogs. Sorry to say but they are betraying the honor and trust of the stamp collecting community by allowing these criminals
to influence them.
Here we go!
When I created these pages in 2018, a lot of information has been discovered since then. I found better images for some of the illegal stamps
and found more of them as well. Links to the online catalogs for references are added as well as new notes. Hopefully this new information
will help even more collectors and dealers to become aware and spread the word on this scourge on our hobby.
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates and on fake First Day covers.
Most times now (2018) the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. In some cases the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions.
Sellers that call these "private", "locals", "Cinderella's", "unauthorized" are deceiving you. They are illegal stamps produced by a stamp dealer
that is bent on ripping you off! Some sellers state "we offer them because they are on the market". Well how about you use a different dealer
because that seller is "on the market"? If the stamp societies, auction sites and all other venues kicked these sellers off of their sites
then they would have to comply or lose their ability to sell anything.
The following images are free for the use of all to use to alert the public to them. If anyone wants to make a public list of users on eBay, Delcampe
and elsewhere who are selling these issues....fine by me since the UPU, PWMO and others appear to have given up or have not been updated in years.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You have and will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
In 2004 production of illegal stamps for Kyrgyzstan continued with a slight increase in size. Several larger sets were created.
This first group of illegal stamps depict birds and fauna (animals)in similar style.
2004 Birds of Australia Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of African Forests 1 Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of African Forests 2 Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Amazonian Forests Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of American Desserts Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of American Forests Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Asian Steppes Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Australia 1 Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six
There must be a part 2 but I could not find it.

2004 Fauna of Australian Steppes Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of European Forests Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Forests of Canada Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Mountains of Asia Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Mountains of North America Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of the Antarctic Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Rocky Desserts of Africa Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Jungles of Asia 1 and 2 Illegal Stamp Sheetlets of Six

2004 Fauna of Savanna 1 Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Savanna 2 Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of the Alps Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of the Andes Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of the Arctic Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Tundra Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Prairies of North America Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Fauna of Swamps of North America Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Marine Life of the Oceanian 1 Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2004 Marine Life of the Oceanian 2 Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

That is a huge set when you put them all together yes?!
This is a prime example of what certain stamp agencies are doing today. Making huge sets and overproducing them to sell only to topical collectors.
Now since the dogs topic seems to have been selling well in the past years the illegal stamp producer decided to make a huge set of those as well!
Here we go!
2004 Dogs Westie Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine
Again the illegal stamp producer uses the Rotary International logo illegally.

2004 Dogs Lhasa Apso Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Whippet Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Shar Pei Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Chow Chow Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs American Staffordshire Terrier Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Retriever Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Japanese Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs English Bulldog Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Great Dane Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Dachshund Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Dogo Argentino Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Jack Russell Terrier Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Dogs Yorkshire Terrier Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

Another huge set! So the producers decided it is cheaper and easier just to make a few huge sets instead of a variety of topics. Still they did produced a lesser sized set. The cats.
2004 Cats British Shorthair Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Cats Russian Blue Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

2004 Cats Turkish Angora Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Nine

That was it for 2004! In 2005 there was one more "flurry" of illegal stamps made for Kyrgyzstan and then as suddenly as they appeared...they disappeared.
In 2005 commonly used styles matching styles used by unscrupulous stamp agencies today were produced. The one producer of illegal stamps persisted in 2005.
That producer and his associates should be obvious but has evaded any type of persecution to this day even though the style and topics of the
stamps he has produced under "legitimate" contracts are exactly the same as the illegal stamps that he has had produced for many countries. I guess in some
weird sense you could say for this person....crime does pay....
2005 Albert Einstein Modes of Transportation Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six
Again illegal usage of the Rotary International logo.

2005 Jules Verne Lighthouses Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2005 Jules Verne with Motorcycle Fire Truck Train Car and Concorde Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2005 Butterflies and Orchids Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six
Here we have illegal usage again of the scouts logo. My take is that these clubs and societies rejected the producers requests to use their logos
and because these criminals have petty little egos and think they can act above any laws they meticulously apply the logos on their fake junk stamps
to spite the rejections. In reality, as a human being....they are rejects to the world in all regards and will in time be nothing but a bad memory to collectors.

2005 Cats Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2005 Dogs Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2005 Owls Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Six

2005 Fire Engines Illegal Stamp Sheetlets of Six

2005 Pope John Paul II Illegal Stamp Sheetlets of Six
I wonder if the illegal stamp producer thinks he will be saved by creating all these fake stamps of the pope?
In his belief system, whatever it might be, that is definitely not going to happen......

2005 Pope John Paul II Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of One

After 2005 production of the illegal stamps for Kyrgyzstan appears to have stopped. At least....for now.
There is one more item. The producer overprinted the Yuri Gagarin souvenir sheet with an overprint dating it to 2006. The overprint reads:
"45th ANNIVERSARY of the FIRST Travel of Human into Space Yuri Gagarin 1961-2006"
2006 Yuri Gagarin 2000 Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of Six Overprinted
Overprinted in Silver or Gold Metallic Ink.

This is the end of the study at present for Illegal Stamps for Kyrgyzstan. It shows us the same producers of these illegal issues are producing
illegal stamps in the name of many countries. It continues to this day and nobody has yet come forward to stop the producers and the distributors.
References taken from:
U.P.U. Circulars
Scott Stamp Catalog
The Kyrgyz Republic State Enterprise Kyrgyz Stamp Website
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2018 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 10-Jan-2024 05:28 AM