Information and Reference of illegal stamps dating 2017 for the Comoro Islands

Although there are many discrepancies within all of the following sites, for the most part,
to find out what stamps are real and legitimate for the Comoros Islands:
You can visit the UPU WNS website and look at the Comoros section. Sadly, we see a huge gap between 2007 to 2019 caused by the damage caused by Stamperija.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be very helpful.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Comoros
Some of the illegal stamps are shown in their Cinderella section and noted as such. Nothing compared to what follows on my site.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Comoros
I have also found the Stampworld online catalog to be very useful as well.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Comoro Islands
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. Do not listen to these dealers trying to convince you they are something
other than counterfeit illegal stamps.
Here we go!
In 2017 the Comoro Islands did not issue any stamps. Therefore any stamp in the name of the Comoro Islands dating 2017 is a
In 2017 Topnimarka doubles production by producing 82 counterfeit sets of illegal stamps in the name of the Comoro Islands. At the same time this
criminal produces what appears to be six counterfeit sets completely different from the styles sold on his website. These six sets (there may be more)
are sold by associated criminal counterfeit selling online stamp dealers. I have acquired snapshots of their sales on eBay, Delcampe and Hipstamps so there
can be no denial that they indeed are the exclusive sellers of these particular sets as of November 2021. Those sellers are:
spectre-stamps on Hipstamps.
We have dealt with this ghoul in the past and seen his accounts removed for selling numerous counterfeits on eBay and Delcampe.
After a few attempts to continue selling them under different user names he created and having those accounts shut down he gave up until he moved to
the corrupt stamp auction venue Hipstamps in June of 2020 who knowingly allows criminal dealers to massively offer and sell counterfeit illegal stamps on their auction venue.
He has since been using another account on eBay as the user spectre-of-stamps which we are keeping a watchful eye on should he attempt his charade again. His sales
on Hipstamps show you what he really is and thus not a dealer to be trusted by any means.
mapka on Delcampe and Hipstamps. mapka666 on eBay.
This one has become extremely powerful in sales over the years and sells massively legal and illegal stamps with impunity. Presently as of 2021 selling the Spoutnik-1
counterfeit set on Hipstamps, He has made massive sales of it on Delcampe and eBay in the past. I also have proof of sales of the counterfeit Russian Literature set
as well, so this guy is also directly associated with Topnimarka as well. Figure it out, dealer who sells illegal stamps residing in Russia, counterfeit producer
residing in Russia. Not going to get together? These are just a couple counterfeits this dealer sells or has sold. He has sold tons of illegal stamps past and present
and should have been shut down long ago before getting so "big". Yet another dealer not to be trusted by any means.
polarpost on Delcampe.
This one has sold many counterfeits in the past and is at present selling the Spoutnik-1 counterfeit souvenir sheets individually on Delcampe as I write this
in November 2021. I have spotted numerous counterfeits in this guys sales past and present and it is why he has been on the illegal stamp sellers list for a long time.
They never change. Not to be trusted.
When you search for any stamps for Comoros, Comoro or Comores and the year 2017 on any stamp venue, unless the sale specifies a 2017 catalog or a letter mailed in 2017,
and they are "stamps" dating 2017 in the name of the Comoro from the sale and the seller selling them!
First I will show these six sets that were produced by Topnimarka and not sold on their counterfeit websites. Then the 82 sets sold on their website.
This again shows why the UPU and the victimized countries like the Comoro Islands need to come together and take these people all down.
2017 Comoro Islands Battle of Stalingrad Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2017 Comoro Islands Marie Curie Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2017 Comoro Islands October Revolution in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2017 Comoro Islands Russian Literature Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2017 Comoro Islands Space Spoutnik-1 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

2017 Comoro Islands Valentina Tereshkova Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4 and 1

No more appear to have been made after the six sets were produced.
In 2015 the Russian based dealers who I believe are also the producers appeared. The company is called located in Moscow Russia.
They have created a new website called as well in 2019. Everything they are selling is fake and counterfeit stamps.
They are mass producing counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of many countries. The "styles" unique to themselves,
these people are producing and selling counterfeit stamps at a massive rate dating to current times.
The Russian based company has produced the following counterfeit illegal stamps dating 2017 in the name of the Comoro Islands. They are not commonly seen
on the main stamp market because we are fighting for you to keep them off the main market. Should this company be allowed to run accounts
on the main stamp venues like eBay and Delcampe, you will see a new flood of illegal stamps worse than ever seen before. This company is consistently
trying to create new accounts on the venues to move them into the main stream market. Should you see them on sites like eBay and Delcampe, you can
report them to me and I can assure you that they will not be there long!
I have discovered that this company is producing counterfeit stamps in later years and back dating them. For the Comoro Islands
this is the case for a number sets dating 2017. He has produced 82 different sets dating 2017 of which 9 sets were made after 2017 and back
dated and could add more at any time. Several more sets I found that are not offered on the Topnimarka website as well! Avoid them all!
Illegal Stamps in the name of the Comoro Islands Dating 2017 Being Disbursed by
КоморсҞие Острова
Не настоящие Незаконньӏе
Штампьӏ по Филателистический салон
а также
2017 Comoro Islands Borge Ousland Polar Expedition Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Borge Ousland Polar Expedition Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Borge Ousland Polar Expedition Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Bridges of Kiev Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Bridges of Kiev Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Bridges of Kiev Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Bridges of St. Petersburg Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Bridges of St. Petersburg Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Bridges of St. Petersburg Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Christmas Paintings Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Christmas Paintings Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Christmas Paintings Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Civil War in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Civil War in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Civil War in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Cuban Missile Crisis Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Cuban Missile Crisis Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Cuban Missile Crisis Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Dinosaurs (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Dmitry Shostakovich Composer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Dmitry Shostakovich Composer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Dmitry Shostakovich Composer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Dogs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Dogs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Dogs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Easter Paintings Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Easter Paintings Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Easter Paintings Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Easter Paintings (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.

2017 Comoro Islands Easter Paintings (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Easter Paintings (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Elephants Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Elephants Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Elephants Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Ferrari Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.

2017 Comoro Islands Ferrari Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Ferrari Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 5

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Sweden Team Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Sweden Team Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Sweden Team Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Valery Voronin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Valery Voronin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Valery Voronin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Football Stadiums Anzhi Arena Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.
The 3500FC value single stamp souvenir sheet was displayed twice on both the Topnimarka site and in his eBay sale thus no image of the missing souvenir sheet.

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Football Stadiums Anzhi Arena Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands FIFA World Cup Soccer in Russia in 2018 Football Stadiums Anzhi Arena Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Figure Skating Canadian Team Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Figure Skating Canadian Team Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Figure Skating Canadian Team Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Football Clubs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Football Clubs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Football Clubs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Gwen Stefani Singer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.

2017 Comoro Islands Gwen Stefani Singer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Gwen Stefani Singer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Hockey Players Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Hockey Players Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Hockey Players Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Hockey Players Toronto Maple Leafs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Hockey Players Toronto Maple Leafs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Hockey Players Toronto Maple Leafs Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Japanese Trains Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Japanese Trains Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Japanese Trains Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands John F. Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands John F. Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands John F. Kennedy Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands John F. Kennedy and Apollo 11 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands John F. Kennedy and Apollo 11 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands John F. Kennedy and Apollo 11 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Joseph Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Joseph Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Joseph Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Lenin and Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Lenin and Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Lenin and Stalin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Lenin and Stalin (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Lenin and Stalin (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Lenin and Stalin (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Lighthouses Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.

2017 Comoro Islands Lighthouses Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Lighthouses Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Lighthouses and Sailing Ships Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.

2017 Comoro Islands Lighthouses and Sailing Ships Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Lighthouses and Sailing Ships Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Lions World Wildlife Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Lions World Wildlife Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Lions World Wildlife Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Locomotives Collection Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Locomotives Collection Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Locomotives Collection Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Marco Polo Great Seafarers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Marco Polo Great Seafarers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Marco Polo Great Seafarers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Maria Callas Soprano Singer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Maria Callas Soprano Singer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Maria Callas Soprano Singer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Military Aviation Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Military Aviation Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Military Aviation Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Military Parachutes Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Military Parachutes Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Military Parachutes Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1
The 3000FC value single stamp souvenir sheet was displayed twice on the Topnimarka site thus no image of the missing 650FC souvenir sheet.

2017 Comoro Islands Minerals Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Minerals Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Minerals Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Mountains and Volcanoes Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.

2017 Comoro Islands Mountains and Volcanoes Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Mountains and Volcanoes Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Mushrooms Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.

2017 Comoro Islands Mushrooms Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Mushrooms Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

The ghoul really got into the Napoleon thing in this year.
2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different b) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different b) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte (different b) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte Italian Campaign Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte Italian Campaign Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Napoleon Bonaparte Italian Campaign Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Nicholas II Tsar of Russia (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands October Revolution in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands October Revolution in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands October Revolution in Russia Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Champions in Rio in 2016 Michael Phelps Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Champions in Rio in 2016 Michael Phelps Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Champions in Rio in 2016 Michael Phelps Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Committee Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2019 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2019.
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Committee Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Committee Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in PyeongChang in 2018 (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Archery Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.
I found these counterfeit illegal stamps were being sold by Topnimarka as user kir30kirill on eBay in early 2020 before the user was kicked off for selling counterfeits.

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Archery Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Archery Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Diving Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Diving Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Diving Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Fencing Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Fencing Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Games in Rio in 2016 Fencing Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Movement Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set is listed on the topnimarka website as a 2016 set in error.

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Movement Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Olympic Movement Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Albrecht Durer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Albrecht Durer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Albrecht Durer (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 5

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Albrecht Durer (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Giovanni Bellini Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Giovanni Bellini Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Giovanni Bellini Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Grekov Mitrofan Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 5

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Grekov Mitrofan Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Grekov Mitrofan Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 5

2017 Comoro Islands Paintings by Peter Paul Rubens (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Vittore Carpaccio Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Vittore Carpaccio Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Painting by Vittore Carpaccio Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Parachute Mountain Skiing Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 5

2017 Comoro Islands Parachute Mountain Skiing Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1
For whatever reason, one of the 650FC values is not offered on the topnimarka site.

2017 Comoro Islands Pierre de Coubertin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.

2017 Comoro Islands Pierre de Coubertin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Pierre de Coubertin Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Railway Bridges (different a) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Sailing Ships Peter the Great Navy Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Sailing Ships Peter the Great Navy Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Sailing Ships Peter the Great Navy Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Skydivers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Skydivers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Skydivers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands The Beatles Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.

2017 Comoro Islands The Beatles Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands The Beatles Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands The Beatles (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
This counterfeit set was created in 2018 and back dated 2017. It was never on the market until 2018.

2017 Comoro Islands The Beatles (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands The Beatles (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Tupolev Aircraft Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4
Noting the incompetence of illegal stamp producers once again when it comes to blatant spelling errors. The ones behind the production of
counterfeit illegal stamps are almost always non English speaking or very poor English speaking criminals. Yet they target English speaking
collectors in the language inscribed on their inferior "stamps" and the western topics they portray on them. Here again not only do we
see the incompetent creation of a set of counterfeits with a major error of spelling "aircraft" as "aircaft", but also the greedy and stingy way the
dealer continues to try to sell them. This is portrayed in numerous cases shown with productions of counterfeit stamps made by the "British"
producer who is actually from Argentina and is an exceptionally lousy speaker of the English language noted on everything from emails to his own
bogus websites he has made in the past. Yet he and his little mafia group (some do speak very good English) of illegal stamp selling dealers
continue to this day to push them onto the market out of total greed in not selling them because they look so stupid and not willing to destroy
them and make a corrected version of them.

2017 Comoro Islands Tupolev Aircraft Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Tupolev Aircraft Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Tupolev Aircraft (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Tupolev Aircraft (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Tupolev Aircraft (different) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Aviation Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 5

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Aviation Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Tanks Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Tanks Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 2

2017 Comoro Islands World War II Tanks Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1

This one page again shows you the massive extent these criminals have gone to produce counterfeit stamps in the name of this one country. It is the same for many countries.
Until the UPU and the member countries including this one take actions to permanently ban production of them and take legal actions against these criminals in their
countries of residence, be it Russia or the United Kingdom or elsewhere, you can expect more criminals like this to appear in the future and wreak more havoc on the
stamp market as a whole.
In 2018 Topnimarka continues production of counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of the Comoro Islands at an even higher rate by producing 90 more sets!
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2021 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Collecting real stamps is fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 23-Nov-2021 05:55 AM