2005 through 2007
Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Chad

The following images are of illegal stamps produced for Chad. Please remember that the producers of these illegals are not only greedy,
they are crude and sometimes disgusting which is the nature of these people.
To verify what stamps are real and legitimate for Chad from 2003 forward, visit the UPU WNS website and look at the Chad section.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
I have found the Colnect online catalog to be helpful although there are "conflicts" between what is listed there and what is listed on the Stampworld catalog.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Chad
Check out their Illegal Stamp section as well. It is upgraded as of 2023 and shows counterfeits that may be missing here.
The Colnect Online Catalog for Chad Illegal Stamps
I have found the Catalog to be helpful as well although as stated above there are "conflicts" between what is listed there and what is on the Colnect catalog.
Namely listing certain years of the abusive Impressor S.A. issues. I have given more details on this on certain pages.
The Stampworld Online Catalog for Chad
Or use a respectable catalog like Scott or Stanley Gibbons. I have found that Michel and Yvert list many of the Impressor S.A. issues whereas
Scott and SG do not. Namely because of no evidence of postal usage. You can obviously see the similarity of the Impressor S.A. issues using the same topics
as the illegal stamps. They have been massively produced in all kinds of forms from souvenir sheets, deluxe sheets to gold foil stamps. Certain recent
years are being almost exclusively sold by a German dealer who consistently puts in his titles "OFFICIAL ISSUE" as if there is something wrong with them.
Which there is.....
THEY ARE ABUSIVE STAMPS made only to sell to collectors produced in excess of postal needs and as stated above, showing no evidence of postal usage.
You will find the styles and designs of the following illegal stamps completely different.
Here we go!
The following pages will show you how the producer worked in unison with the abusive stamp agent Impressor S.A., slowing down during the years the agent was authorized to print
stamps by Chad, and ramping up again during the years they were not. The evidence is the stamps and the illegal stamps themselves.
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates and as color proof sets as well. Many fake First Day Covers exist as well.
Most times now (2020) the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. Many times the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions and experts like myself.
Sellers that call these "private", "locals", "Cinderella's", "unauthorized" are deceiving you. They are counterfeit illegal stamps produced by a stamp dealer
that is bent on ripping you off! Some sellers state "we offer them because they are on the market". Well how about you use a different dealer
because that seller is "on the market"? If the stamp societies, auction sites and all other venues kicked these sellers off of their sites
then they would have to comply or lose their ability to sell anything.
The following images are free for the use of all to use to alert the public to them. If anyone wants to make a public list of users on eBay, Delcampe
and elsewhere who are selling these issues....fine by me since the UPU, PWMO and others appear to have given up or have not been updated in years.
In 2005 a complete halt to production of Impressor S.A. stamps happened. Tunisie Post retained the contract in this year.
In 2005 according to the WNS system, Chad issued 9 stamps. As you can see Chad has returned to a more conservative stamp issuing entity.
Chad 2005 Traditional Hairstyles and Hairdressing for Women Scott 982-985
Issued March 8, 2005 Printer is Imprimerie Poste Tunisie
Shown on both the Colnect and Stampworld online Catalogs.

Chad 2005 Toumai - Ancestor of the Hominids Scott 986-989
Issued July 19, 2005 Printer is Imprimerie Poste Tunisie
Shown on both the Colnect and Stampworld online Catalogs.

Chad 2005 Toumai - Ancestor of the Hominids Souvenir Sheet Scott 990
Issued July 19, 2005 Printer is Imprimerie Poste Tunisie
Shown on both the Colnect and Stampworld online Catalogs.

For whatever reason the counterfeit illegal stamp producer stopped in this year as well for the most part. Should any other than the following be discovered they will be posted.
In 2005 two notorious "stamp agents" by the name of George Katz and Juan Carlos Marino Montero enacted a plot to produce a massive slew of EUROPA stamps
celebrating the 50th Anniversary. Even though Michel Catalog lists them as if real, the following evidence defines these to be counterfeit illegal stamps.
It is well known that corrupt individuals outside and within Michel had influence in getting these counterfeits listed there.
2005 2006 EUROPA 50th Anniversary Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Sheet of 8 Plus Label
Michel Catalog No. 2510-2517

In my research into the problem, past online evidence shows that Mr. Montero was never authorized by the Chad postal authorities. The "contract" he supposedly held
was bogus because nobody had a "contract" with Chad in 2005 nor 2006 except the Tunisie Post!
Here is a snapshot of part of an article written by the owner of Marino Montero International on the Mozambique EUROPA issue. You can view a full reconstructed
page of this article with my notes added tearing it apart by visiting the new Mozambique 2004 page.

Here is a full denouncement of the Chad, Saint Thomas and Prince Islands and Mozambique EUROPA issues written by Mr. Lou Guadagno who was vice president
of the ATA and president of the SOSCC at the time. Here is a snapshot.

I note most present day sellers of these 2005 2006 EUROPA illegal stamps are not using any catalog numbers.
I note that there are only specific sellers offering them on the online venues in mass. On eBay it is matthijs_philatelie located in Belgium and bestphila01 located in the Netherlands.
On Delcampe it was stampshome located in the Netherlands. Recently in 2021 it was spectre-of-stamps who is spectre-stamps who was kicked off for selling counterfeits. This ghoul
is a plague on the market. Why are these users "exclusive" in mass selling these illegal stamps? On Hipstamp it is Bentley1Stamp and artstamps (aka
Isabeldelatour aka Juan Montero). Now tell me this. Why are these two on Hipstamp the only ones selling the four coutries 2005 2006 EUROPA counterfeits in mass? Then again just look
at everything these two are selling and note that both are major illegal stamp dealers, period! Both accounts were permanently kicked off Delcampe for selling counterfeits.
Because these are obviously illegal stamps don't buy them! They are not included on any references by Europa organizations unless they note they are not real.
The WNS system does not list them.
Scott Catalog does not list them.
Stanley Gibbons does not list them.
Neither Colnect nor the Stampworld online catalogs list them.
The designs and “style” of the sheets is exactly the same as many illegal stamps produced by the British counterfeit producer. You see, George Katz did not "approach"
Montero. It is the other way around. Proven by a document he so kindly provided on the bogus website. That document can be viewed on the Saint Thomas
and Prince Islands 2005 page in the section on the counterfeit EUROPA stamps which shows Katz giving Montero permission to use a EUROPA logo.
Montero was running Mayfair International Limited who printed the counterfeits. Read the 2005 Saint
Thomas and Prince Islands illegal stamp page which I presented much later than this page for the evidence showing this. Then you can understand how Montero
"knows" the exact number of what was printed. It is most certain that if this Katz did print and overproduce them, he would not let anyone know how many,
especially Montero!
Now, to set the "year of issue" straight. Fake First Day Covers exist. It is 2005 falling right in line with the production happening in 2004 for all the countries involved.
2005 2006 EUROPA 50th Anniversary Counterfeit Illegal Stamps on Fake First Day Covers

Therefore, unless someone comes up with hard evidence proving the validity of the 2005-6 Chad EUROPA stamps, they are deemed counterfeit illegal stamps.
This puts them in the status of sellers breaking online venue stamp policies by listing them and gives full right for the online venues to remove their sales.
Already millions have been sold and continue to be sold by these few rotten "dealers".
From 2006 to 2010 there is nothing listed as officially issued by Chad. On eBay only the above mentioned EUROPA issue as a 2006 issue is being massively sold by certain dealers.
On Delcampe there is nothing listed under the year 2006 past nor present. One dealer selling the EUROPA sheets under 2005.
It is therefore understood that any stamp in the name of Chad dating 2006 is a COUNTERFEIT ILLEGAL STAMP!
The following are counterfeit illegal stamps produced by the British producer. Show proof that any are not and this reference can be "adjusted".
As far as it goes I could only find this one sheet being sold.
2006 WWF 45th Anniversary Animals Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Sheet of 8 Plus Label
Note the illegal usage of the WWF logo. This one being solely offered on eBay by the user lbphilatel. Of course it is being massively sold on Hipstamp again by
Montero and "crew".

In 2007 it is noted again that no stamps were issued by Chad. Neither eBay nor Delcampe list anything in the year 2007 for Chad past nor present.
It is therefore understood that any stamp in the name of Chad dating 2007 is a COUNTERFEIT ILLEGAL STAMP!
The following are counterfeit illegal stamps produced by the British producer. Show proof that any are not and this reference can be "adjusted".
As far as it goes I could only find this one set being sold past and present. Again, same clown dealers.
2007 Space Sputnik 50th Anniversary Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Souvenir Sheet of 4

2007 Space Sputnik 50th Anniversary Counterfeit Illegal Stamps in Deluxe Souvenir Sheets of 1

In 2008 everything changed. The illegal stamp nightmare really begins.....
View Next Page here!
References taken from:
WNS System
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2020 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 12-Feb-2022 09:17 AM