Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Cabinda

In researching the counterfeit illegal stamps of Angola, I found that numerous illegal stamps were overprinted CABINDA. This caused me to go into
a deep dive research into what these counterfeits were and in turn, I discovered a massive fraud enacted by one man in consortium with the British
producer and his associates. This page will reveal who that person is and establish the permanent status of the "stamps" produced in the name of
Cabinda as counterfeit illegal stamps.
First, a little history of Cabinda.
The Republic of Cabinda was an unrecognized state located in what is presently Angola's Cabinda Province. The Front for the Liberation of the State of
Cabinda-Exercito de Cabinda (FLEC) claims sovereignty from Angola and proclaimed the Republic of Cabinda as an independent country in 1975. The government
of this (internationally not recognized) entity operates in exile, with offices located in Paris, France, and Pointe Noire, Congo-Brazzaville.
Cabinda is still controlled by Angola to this day and uses Angola stamps. The only official Stamps for Cabinda were issued for the Cabinda Province as
Portuguese Congo from 1894 to 1920. The following will prove to you why all Cabinda "stamps" are indeed illegally produced with full intent to
deceive and rip off collectors.
The charade that started the whole production of these illegal stamps in the name of Cabinda was started by a con by the name of Rui Alexandre Pires
Costa Galvao Gabirro. This clown for years had been impersonating as a leader of Freemasons and organized many bogus organizations in the guise of being
Freemason organizations which were proven not to be anything but scams to obtain money for his personal use. His actions have been totally exposed and
denounced by numerous articles and proof presented by numerous people of authority. I found the connections fascinating in the below linked 23 page article.
In the article it explains how this criminal "invented" the Cabinda's Government in Exile website in 2001 at which time he used the alias name "Mangova N'Goya".
Everything he ran out of an apartment in Dover in the UK. He claimed he was a Diplomatic Representative, an ambassador and His Highness the Duke of Cabinda.
I note that the clown also called himself Governor of the Cabinda National Bank and the Director of the Cabinda National Philatelic Bureau when he went
on the Stampboards forum asking where he could get stamps printed in England.
It is a mystery in regards to the first batches of stamps overprinted Cabinda. The first being cheap 1957 low value Angola Traditional Costumes stamps
overprinted "CABINDA". They were never offered on the fake website. They were made in 2000 at the same time (probably earlier) as the tons of
Russian cheap stamps and others that were overprinted illegally in the name of many Russian territories and provinces.
Then it appears that in 2002 Clive Feigenbaum had a number of proven illegal Angola souvenir sheets dating 2000 overprinted in the name of Cabinda. It was
at this time the same overprint was applied to the 2001 Millennium 2000 Space souvenir sheet sold exclusively by Espace Lollini. The Colnect catalog has
them all listed as "issued" in 2000 except for the Millennium souvenir sheet which is listed as a 2002 "issue". The source of the determination of this
year is unknown. It is not until 2012 that this Gabirro suddenly posts on the fake website that the Lollini Millennium sheet and an example of one of the
Angola 2000 illegal souvenir sheets with Cabinda overprints are fake! None of the illegal sheets dating 2000 were ever offered for sale on the website.
In the year 2006 we can see Gabirro had "hooked up" with Clive Feigenbaum who gleefully had the known Angola counterfeit illegal stamps made in 1999
overprinted in similar fashion. Those being the Fauna, Mushrooms and Birds sets. I have verified them being sold on Gabirro's bogus website starting in
December 2006. They are the very first fully produced "stamps" this con offered for sale. To this day many are still being offered by distributors
of illegal stamps directly tied with the Feigenbaum's and the British producer.
In my deep research into the origins of the illegal stamps in the name of Cabinda, I found this thread on the Stampboards forum where this clown suddenly
appeared in February 2011 asking where in England could he find a printer to print stamps for him! Here is a link to that thread.
Who Prints Republic of Cabinda Stamps?
As you can see the one who started it is none other than Gabirro using the name Mangova Nogyo. The illegal stamps he most certainly had made after finding
this "printer" are the numerous souvenir sheets supposedly made between 2010 and 2012. So now, I have a problem with their listings in the Colnect catalog.
You can see in the Stampboards thread that it was started in 2011. This tells us that the "stamps" were not produced until at least that time. Yet, the Colnect
catalog lists a number of them as being made in 2010. You cannot define when these counterfeits were made because none have the year inscribed on them.
This clown just stated on his bogus website that they were 2010 issues and the poster of them on Colnect went by that claim.
I will prove the 2010 and 2011 sheets were actually made in 2012. I believe the "printer" of them is none other than the British producer.
In 2011 three sets of illegal stamp souvenir sheets were produced by the British producer. One on the topic of Yuri Gagarin, another on the topic of British
Birds of Prey and another on the topic of Butterflies. They were never offered on the Cabinda website.
It is portrayed that another batch of sheetlets of the 2010 style were made in 2011 on the Cabinda website.
This clowns stamp and coin sections of the website went down at the end of 2018 and the website itself disappeared in early 2019. It is obvious now, where before
it was not to some, this whole setup was a scam. There is no "Federation of Free States in Africa". It was all a scheme to get people to donate to this clown and
buy his fake stamps and coins under the pretense that they were all real and he was helping some non-existent "victims" in plight. Sorry, all the money went into
his pocket and his alone.
Yet another sad story which hopefully builds your awareness that these vultures are out there creating fake stamps and going to extensive lengths to deceive
anybody they can into ripping off their money. You need to always do in depth research before putting your money into something you will regret
in the future. These illegal stamps are now in the collections and hidden away in dealers stocks ready to inflict more damage to those who are not aware. Avoid
them and the dealers who sell them as if real. Following are images by "claimed" year of what is out there in the name of Cabinda.
There are no catalog listings for any of the following stamps inscribed or overprinted Cabinda. The Colnect catalog lists the following as "Cinderella" stamps and verifies all
are illegally produced as well.
The Colnect Online Catalog Illegal Stamp Section for Cabinda
The first illegal stamps for Cabinda were made by the British producer who took the low values of the 1957 Angola Traditional Costumes issues which can be
bought for pennies and placing a crude "CABINDA" overprint on them. Most certainly they were sold at high costs.
2000 Cabinda Angola 1957 Traditional Costumes Stamps with Illegal Overprint

Then the British producer overprinted the following verified Angola illegal stamp souvenir sheets.
2000 Cabinda Angola 2000 Art Legacy of the Past Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6 Overprinted

2000 Cabinda Angola 2000 Birds of Prey with Scouts Logo Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9 Overprinted
This illegal stamp sheet was displayed as a "FAKE" being sold by member389845 on Delcampe on the website starting in 2012.

2000 Cabinda Angola 2000 Butterflies with Scouts Logo and Baden Powell Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9 Overprinted

2000 Cabinda Angola 2000 Dogs of the World with Scouts Logo Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9 Overprinted in Black
Note the overprints are in black.

2000 Cabinda Angola 2000 Dogs of the World with Scouts Logo Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Set of 9 Overprinted in Red
Some sellers are breaking the stamps from the souvenir sheets to evade detection. Note the lower overprints are red.

2000 Cabinda Angola 2000 Legends of the 20th Century Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6 Overprinted
This illegal stamp sheet was displayed as a "FAKE" being sold by ESPACE LOLLINI on the website starting in 2013.

2000 Cabinda Angola 2000 Wild Cats with Scouts Logo Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 9 Overprinted
This one is a counterfeit souvenir sheet on the topic of Space made for the criminal counterfeit selling dealer Lollini. Only that corrupt
site sells it. It is stated to be a 2002 "issue". The Angola counterfeit sheet itself is claimed to be a 2001 "issue" among a ton of
other same style and topic counterfeit sheets the Espace Lollini website is offering.
The Espace Lollini website is yet another primary example as to why you really need to do research. More than half of what the con site offers there
are verified illegal stamps. Of course, that dealer says nothing about their status and sells them along with many fake First Day Covers as if they
are real. Avoid all "catalogs" by this "company" as they all list counterfeit illegal stamps as if they are real.
2002 Cabinda Angola 2001 Space Millennium 2000 Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 4 Overprinted
What is really funny about this counterfeit souvenir sheet is that in 2011 the fake selling website has a whole spiel on
how this souvenir sheet is a fake being sold by Espace Lollini!
This is because it was made for Lollini and not for Gabirro.
A fake calling a fake a fake!
It is at the end of 2006 that Gabirro "hooked up" with Feigenbaum who is said to have the 1999 Angola counterfeit illegal stamp series overprinted.
This being the Angola 1999 Flora and Fauna sets. Each were originally produced in sheetlets of 9. All are verified as illegal in the Angola section
on the Colnect catalog. I wish to clarify a confusion I noticed with classification of the denomination on the counterfeit stamps. Because the overprints
read "CAF" some think the denominations are Central African Franc. The "CAF" actually stands for "Currency Adjustment Factor" as the fake overprints imply.
2006 Cabinda Angola 1999 Flora and Fauna Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Set of 12 Overprinted

Here are examples of fake covers. What is St. Kitts doing canceling Cabinda stamps? What is the Dominica doing? St. George's? As a receiving
cancel they would be possibly legitimate in that they got through the mail. But as a sending cancel, they certainly are not legitimate at all!
2006 Cabinda Angola 1999 Flora and Fauna Counterfeit Illegal Stamps Overprinted on Fake Covers

Finally, Here is a snapshot of this Gabirro's sale of these counterfeit illegal stamps back in 2011 as noted in the Stampboards forum thread. Trying
to con people into thinking they are some sort of official issue which they were and never will be. I have a lot more snapshots of the site.
Snapshot of Sale of Counterfeit Angola Overprinted Stamps in 2011

The following counterfeit illegal stamps are stated to be Cinderella stamps on Colnect. As stated above they are illegal stamps as they use a real
name of a state controlled by Angola which uses Angola stamps for postage as well as having a denomination on them. It is obvious they were created
with intent to rip off unknowing collectors who do not know how postage and postal systems work. There was and is no Cabinda Philatelic Society and
therefore there is no issuing entity except for one con intent on ripping you off! That is this Gabirro fraudster.
The dating of the following being 2010 is only stated by this same con, Gabirro on his fake website. The thread on the Stampboards forum I linked above
proves the stamps were never made until at least 2012 through his own blunder of looking for a printer to print stamps for Cabinda. Obviously
the clown, like apparently most illegal stamp peddling clowns are not savvy to the fact that what they do online, in most cases, stays online.
Due to the fact this con was selling the earlier Angola counterfeits overprinted as shown in the same Stampboards thread in 2011, it stands to reason
he connected with the "printer" of those overprinted sheets (stated to be done by Clive Feigenbaum) who in turn had the following printed as well.
In viewing the website via the Wayback Machine, I found the proof that the stated 2010 illegal stamp issues was a complete lie. One has to go back to the
origins to see it. In 2012 the first captures were of a new website the fraudster created called This site which the criminal linked to
from the site was dedicated to "stamp" sales. The link to stamp sales in 2011 which was used by the Stampboards members in the thread, linked
to an internal page of the website which was offering the Feigenbaum overprinted illegal stamps at that time. The change in 2012 removed the original linked
internal page, and made it an external link to the new website.
Originally in 2012 the new website only had the first ten Cabinda sheetlets shown below. At that time (which is the proof) he states under each one
they are 2011 issues. Later as the Wayback Machine captures show the front page is changed to where now, he has a table with links to Cabinda 2010, 2011 and
2012 issues plus a "dead link" for 2013 issues! Then when you go to the 2010 link, the same 10 sheetlets (Sailing ships) are now stated to be 2010 issues!
This proves complete lies and deceit.
From what I can see viewing this clowns history, all of the counterfeit sheetlets were made in 2012. Yes, including the 2011 "issues". This is
because the claimed 2010 issues were all never offered for sale until 2012 of which at that time they were claimed to be 2011 issues! The subsequent
issues were never offered on the site until 2014 at which time the claimed to be 2011 "issues" were changed to be 2010 "issues" and new
sheets were added claiming to be 2011 "issues".
At that time (2014) all those other "free state" issues for the fake "Africa Federation of Free States", "Asia Federation of Free States", "America Federation
of Free States" and "European Federation of new Emerging States in Europe" appeared. All having the same year range 2010 to 2013. This is the proof
that none existed before 2012 and that the whole thing was a scam!
Anyone can follow this themselves by doing the same research that I have done with the Wayback Machine. The proof is plain as day and cannot be refuted.
I place them in the order that was on the criminals own website (in 2014) and include his descriptions. All of them should be avoided and shunned.
2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Barque 4 Masted Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Schooner 3 Masted Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Full Rigged Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Dutch Pink Boat Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Norwegian Jaegt Boat Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Dhow Boat Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Venetian Fishing Boat Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Coble Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Topsail Schooner Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2010 Cabinda Sailing Ships Schooner Two Masted Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

In 2011 the British producer creates three sets of counterfeit illegal stamps in the name of Cabinda. They are inscribed "Republica de Cabinda".
These three sets and pieces from them are being sold by numerous sellers on eBay, Delcampe and the corrupt Hipstamp. The following list shows
you sellers of these counterfeit illegal stamps. Included are some of the sellers of the earlier overprint counterfeits as well as of April 2022:
Sellers on eBay
cricketstamps located in India
stamp4all located in Belarus The major seller. A real rat. located in Germany
teufelsschwester2000 located in Germany
Sellers on Delcampe
jit located in India
Sold in the past on Delcampe
katrinhebs located in Germany
member389845 located in Israel (account closed...good riddance!)
spstamps located in Greece
teoca located in Romania
gerlago25 located in Belgium (account closed...good riddance!)
Isabeldelatour1949 located in the UK (Juan Montero account closed...and a special good riddance!)
On Hipstamp
rogerpo99 located in the UK (Avion Stamps)
Newshop2012 located in Spain
member389845 located in Israel
Bentley1Stamp located in the UK
artstamps located in the UK. Alias Isabeldelatour who is Juan Montero the rat who was kicked from Delcampe.
We see once again, virtually the same people as shown time and time again throughout the study, distributing counterfeits. A couple listed
here just made it to the illegal stamp sellers lists. Newer accounts made probably by sellers who were removed in the past for selling counterfeits.
Of course it is the same "group" as usual in regards to the corrupted Hipstamp site. Avoid!
First, I will present the proven British producers sets and then I will present the Gabirro counterfeits which again, I must state, were probably
produced by the British producer as well. In the thread you see the comment made by this "Mangova Nogyo" saying "We are looking for a place to print
our first stamps. Main reason is that it seems that other unscrupulous individuals are cashing in and making fake stamps under false pretenses." The
following are those "fake stamps" he references. You must understand that all of this is designed in deception by this one person. There is no "we".
Earlier, when questioned on the Angola Flora and Fauna illegal stamps overprinted, the con stated "Those are not our stamps, they are the Stamps made
for UNITA which have been used as Emergency Stamps for Cabinda." So, right there he is trying to claim them as legitimate stamps. This due to him
selling them on his bogus website. In theory, as is the case with many illegal stamps produced by the British producer, the con who will have
exclusive selling rights of specific illegal stamps, agrees to "distance" himself from the British producer. This is why the following three sets were
not offered on the bogus website and are fully distributed only by the British producer and his consortium of illegal stamp peddling
distributors. Whereas the "exclusive" sales of the "new issues" in the name of Cabinda are made on the bogus website and are not sold by the
British producer and his little stamp mafia.
Another interesting point of the thread is the avatar used by this con Gabirro. It is of a "version" of one of the counterfeit stamps claimed to be made
in 2012. It is a photoshop image not of the actual "stamp", but of a "pre-design" of the future made illegal stamp. The denomination changed and
the counterfeit stamp "simplified" on the actual produced illegal stamp. The member aethelwulf unknowingly uncovered this fact in his comment on what
was being sold on the bogus website at the time of the thread which were the Angola illegal stamps with overprints.
2011 Cabinda British Birds of Prey Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 6
These illegal stamp sheets were displayed as a "FAKE" being sold by member389845 on Delcampe and Stamp4All on eBay on the website starting in 2013.
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

2011 Cabinda Butterflies Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 3

2011 Cabinda Butterflies Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1
These illegal stamp sheets were displayed as a "FAKE" being sold by 1cheshire on eBay on the website starting in 2013.
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Sheet 5

Sheet 6

Sheet 7

2011 Cabinda Space Yuri Gagarin Paintings Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheets of 1
Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 4

Sheet 5

Sheet 6

Sheet 7

Sheet 8

Sheet 9

Sheet 10

Sheet 11

Sheet 12

Now the Gabirro counterfeit illegal stamps claimed to be 2011 "issues" which is proven to be a lie. I again list them in the order
that was on the criminals own website and include his descriptions.
2011 Cabinda Sailing Ships Ywal Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6

2011 Cabinda Sailing Ships Bawley Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6

2011 Cabinda Tropical Fish Threadfin Butterfly Fish Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2011 Cabinda Tropical Fish Pterois Volitans Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2011 Cabinda Tropical Fish Teuthis Nigrofuscus Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2011 Cabinda Tropical Fish Red Triggerfish Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2011 Cabinda Aviation Bristol Bulldog Biplane (RED) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2011 Cabinda Aviation Bristol Bulldog Biplane (BLUE) Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2011 Cabinda African Dancer Intore Dancers Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 10

2011 Cabinda Sailing Ships Brigantine Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

Following are the counterfeit stamp sheetlets claimed to be made in 2012. I again list them in the order
that was on the criminals own website and include his descriptions.
2012 Cabinda Coat of Arms Shield Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Kakongo Kingdom Flag Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Coffee and Cacao Plantation Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 6

2012 Cabinda Animals Squirrel Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Map of Africa Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Duck Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Duck in Flight Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Lion Head Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Navy Ship Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

2012 Cabinda Anchor Counterfeit Illegal Stamp Souvenir Sheet of 8

There are no more illegal stamps in the name of Cabinda that were made after this. I note that several of them are inscribed "Cabinda Free State".
Indeed, because there is obviously no place by that particular name, one might consider them to be Cinderella stamps. The deception that surrounds
the majority of the counterfeit issues and the way they have been portrayed by the creator of this scam, it places those few that have that inscription
in the same category as the rest. Counterfeit illegal stamps produced to deceive collectors into thinking the stamps are real and valid.
This one page shows you the extent a criminal with intent to rip off money from collectors will go to enable it. From creating fake websites to creating
false documents to creating illegal stamps. This Gabirro is really a small fry player in the realm of the illegal stamp trade. The ones behind the production
and distribution of this material gladly took this criminals money to produce it. Most certainly, he did not profit greatly from it as the site in the end
was a complete failure. Otherwise it would still exist. It is agreed that all the stamps and coins this clown had made are fake with no historical nor
philatelic value at all.
This page instills for collectors the need for research before investing in anything offered from websites that prey on people who are not savvy
to the deception. Websites that boast the loudest that they are the biggest or best and are giving you a chance that sounds too good to be true
in regards to spending your money, must be researched further. Some may be telling the truth, but I have found that many are far from it. In these
modern times, there are now many scammers out there doing this than ever before. The buyer must beware and be aware of this.
References taken from:
Major Stamp Catalogs
Internet Research
All Content Copyright © 2022 Golowe's Collector Stamps, All Rights Reserved
Real collector stamps are fun!
UPDATED LAST ON: 07-Dec-2024 09:23 PM