Information and Reference of illegal stamps for Afghanistan according to U.P.U. Circular 2 and 177
You can view circular 2 in PDF form by clicking on this link.
UPU Circular Number 2
You can view circular 177 in PDF form by clicking on this link.
UPU Circular Number 177
To find out what stamps are real and legitimate for Afghanistan visit the UPU WNS website.
The Universal Postal Union WNS website
The Afghan Postal Authority reconstituted in 2002. In 2004 only ten stamps were officially issued. They were:
2004 World Tuberculosis Day Official Stamps Issued March 23

2004 Oath by President Hamid Karzai Official Stamps Issued October 7

2004 First Direct Presidential Election in Afghanistan Official Stamps Issued October 9

2004 Presidential Inauguration Official Stamp Souvenir Sheet Issued December 7

Here we go!
All imaged illegal stamps are for the year 2004.
Many of the following illegal stamps can be found as imperforates and on fake First Day covers.
Most times now (2018) the souvenir sheet sets and sheetlet sets are sold individually. In some cases the stamps have been removed from the sheetlets
and souvenir sheets. All of these "tactics" are used to avoid detection by UPU circular descriptions.
If you have purchased any of these stamps from a dealer or if that dealer offers them, you should avoid that dealer! You will
only be supporting illegal stamp makers who are only ripping you off.
2004 (Illegal Stamps)
From this point on all illegal stamps imaged are based on the WNS Stamp system. If they are not listed there....they are illegal stamps!
Apparently a huge slowdown happened with the production of illegal stamps for Afghanistan in 2004. I could only find three sets being sold.
2004 Fauna Himalayan Musk Deer (WWF) Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Sixteen
This set is being extensively offered on both eBay and Delcampe. There is a reason why they are not listed in Scott Catalog nor on the
WNS website. The are illegal stamps!

2004 Fauna Himalayan Musk Deer (WWF) Illegal Stamp First Day Cover Set
Another example of how far these criminals will go to make you think these stamps are authentic. Bogus First Day covers.
Numerous bogus WWF and EUROPA sets for many countries now exist.

2004 Fauna Himalayan Musk Deer (WWF) Illegal Stamp Deluxe Sheet Set
Also bogus.

2004 World Cup Soccer Illegal Stamp Set

2005 (Official Stamps)
In 2005 Afghanistan Post only issued one stamp. At the same time the illegal stamp producers only made one set for that year.
2005 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Afghanistan and China Official Stamp Issued January 20
There is a souvenir sheet with a 150AFS stamp on it that is not listed on the WNS website. Either it is a rejected issue or an illegal stamp copy.

2005 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Afghanistan and China Stamp Souvenir Sheet of One Issued January 20?

2005 (Illegal Stamps)
2005 50th Anniversary of the First Stamp (EUROPA) Illegal Stamp Sheetlet of Eight Plus Label
These illegal stamps have and are being offered on eBay and Delcampe by illegal stamp dealers massively. They have been sold in strips of five showing they were printed in sheets
as well as these sheetlets. Both perforated and imperforate. The illegal stamp producers went "all out" on this set. These same producers made similar illegal stamp sets on the
EUROPA topic for Saint Thomas and Prince Islands, Chad and Mozambique. Please visit those sections to see them.

2005 50th Anniversary of the First Stamp (EUROPA) Illegal Stamp Sheetlets of Four

2006 (Official Stamps)
In 2006 Afghanistan Post issued fifteen stamp issues. Apparently the illegal stamp producers made no illegal stamps for Afghanistan that year.
2006 Working Towards a Mine Free Afghanistan Official Stamps Issued April 4

2006 87th Anniversary of Independence Official Stamp Issued August 19

2006 Literacy World Day Official Stamp Issued September 8

2006 October 9th Post World Day Official Stamps Issued September 9

2006 World Tourism Day Official Stamps Issued September 27

2006 Violence Against Women Official Stamps Issued November 25

2006 Moulana Jalaluddin - M. Balkhi Official Stamps Issued November 26

2006 Moulana Jalaluddin - M. Balkhi Official Stamp Souvenir Sheet Issued November 26

In 2007 production of the illegal stamps for Afghanistan returned.
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References taken from:
U.P.U. Circular No. 2 and 177
Scott Stamp Catalog
WNS Stamp Website
Internet Research
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UPDATED LAST ON: 05-Jun-2018 04:48 PM